Annotatie bij Hof van Justitite van de EU 20 december 2017 (Asociación Profesional Elite Taxi / Uber Systems Spain) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, vol. 2018, num: 40, pp: 5615-5617, 2018

Annotaties, diensten, frontpage, informatiemaatschappij, Informatierecht, interne markt


Article{Dommering2018k, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitite van de EU 20 december 2017 (Asociación Profesional Elite Taxi / Uber Systems Spain)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {1002}, date = {2018-10-02}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, volume = {2018}, number = {40}, pages = {5615-5617}, keywords = {Annotaties, diensten, frontpage, informatiemaatschappij, Informatierecht, interne markt}, }

Naar echt onafhankelijk toezicht external link

Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, vol. 2018, num: 2-3, pp: 86-87, 2018

frontpage, toezichthouders


Article{Eijk2018m, title = {Naar echt onafhankelijk toezicht}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, doi = { 10.5553/TvT/187987052018009002009}, year = {1002}, date = {2018-10-02}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Toezicht}, volume = {2018}, number = {2-3}, pages = {86-87}, keywords = {frontpage, toezichthouders}, }

Protecting traditional cultural expressions – copyright tensions and human rights opportunities? external link

Critical Indigenous Rights Studies, Routledge, 0928, pp: 108-133, ISBN: 9781138729339


The protection of traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) is not a straightforward issue. At first sight, characteristics of TCEs and their protection suggest similarity to copyright works. However, TCE protection should not be viewed as simply an (isolated) intellectual property issue. Rather, the protection of TCEs is part of a broader (political) context and struggle for rights. The chapter focuses on showing the complexity of the interrelation between copyright and indigenous peoples’ rights. It argues that a cultural and indigenous rights perspective could help address tensions deriving from differing worldviews, the application of dominant, existing legal frameworks and diverging understandings of protecting creativity and works of culture.

Copyright, crossing legal boundaries, cultural rights, frontpage, indigenous rights, Intellectual property, protection issues, TCEs, traditional cultural expressions, UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, WIPO


Chapter{Breemen2018f, title = {Protecting traditional cultural expressions – copyright tensions and human rights opportunities?}, author = {Breemen, J.}, url = {}, year = {0928}, date = {2018-09-28}, abstract = {The protection of traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) is not a straightforward issue. At first sight, characteristics of TCEs and their protection suggest similarity to copyright works. However, TCE protection should not be viewed as simply an (isolated) intellectual property issue. Rather, the protection of TCEs is part of a broader (political) context and struggle for rights. The chapter focuses on showing the complexity of the interrelation between copyright and indigenous peoples’ rights. It argues that a cultural and indigenous rights perspective could help address tensions deriving from differing worldviews, the application of dominant, existing legal frameworks and diverging understandings of protecting creativity and works of culture.}, keywords = {Copyright, crossing legal boundaries, cultural rights, frontpage, indigenous rights, Intellectual property, protection issues, TCEs, traditional cultural expressions, UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, WIPO}, }

Before the Singularity: Copyright and the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence external link

González Otero, B., & Quintais, J.
Kluwer Copyright Blog, vol. 2018, 2018

ai, Copyright, frontpage


Article{Otero2018, title = {Before the Singularity: Copyright and the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence}, author = {González Otero, B., and Quintais, J.}, url = {}, year = {0927}, date = {2018-09-27}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, keywords = {ai, Copyright, frontpage}, }

Blockchain and smart contracts: the missing link in copyright licensing? external link

International Journal of Law and Information Technology, vol. 2018, num: 4, pp: 311-336, 2018


This article offers a normative analysis of key blockchain technology concepts from the perspective of copyright law. Some features of blockchain technologies—scarcity, trust, transparency, decentralized public records and smart contracts—seem to make this technology compatible with the fundamentals of copyright. Authors can publish works on blockchain creating a quasi-immutable record of initial ownership, and encode ‘smart’ contracts to license the use of works. Remuneration may happen on online distribution platforms where the smart contracts reside. In theory, such an automated setup allows for the private ordering of copyright. Blockchain technology, like Digital Rights Management 20 years ago, is thus presented as an opportunity to reduce market friction, and increase both licensing efficiency and the autonomy of creators. Yet, some of the old problems remain. The article examines the differences between new, smart-contract-based private ordering regime and the fundamental components of copyright law, such as exceptions and limitations, the doctrine of exhaustion, restrictions on formalities, the public domain and fair remuneration.

blockchain, Copyright, frontpage, Licensing, smart contracts


Article{Bodó2018d, title = {Blockchain and smart contracts: the missing link in copyright licensing?}, author = {Bodó, B. and Gervais, D.J. and Quintais, J.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0927}, date = {2018-09-27}, journal = {International Journal of Law and Information Technology}, volume = {2018}, number = {4}, pages = {311-336}, abstract = {This article offers a normative analysis of key blockchain technology concepts from the perspective of copyright law. Some features of blockchain technologies—scarcity, trust, transparency, decentralized public records and smart contracts—seem to make this technology compatible with the fundamentals of copyright. Authors can publish works on blockchain creating a quasi-immutable record of initial ownership, and encode ‘smart’ contracts to license the use of works. Remuneration may happen on online distribution platforms where the smart contracts reside. In theory, such an automated setup allows for the private ordering of copyright. Blockchain technology, like Digital Rights Management 20 years ago, is thus presented as an opportunity to reduce market friction, and increase both licensing efficiency and the autonomy of creators. Yet, some of the old problems remain. The article examines the differences between new, smart-contract-based private ordering regime and the fundamental components of copyright law, such as exceptions and limitations, the doctrine of exhaustion, restrictions on formalities, the public domain and fair remuneration.}, keywords = {blockchain, Copyright, frontpage, Licensing, smart contracts}, }

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation: What It Is And What It Means external link

Information & Communications Technology Law, vol. 2019, 2019


This article introduces U.S. lawyers and academics to the normative foundations, attributes, and strategic approach to regulating personal data advanced by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). We explain the genesis of the GDPR, which is best understood as an extension and refinement of existing requirements imposed by the 1995 Data Protection Directive; describe the GDPR’s approach and provisions; and make predictions about the GDPR’s short and medium-term implications. The GDPR is the most consequential regulatory development in information policy in a generation. The GDPR brings personal data into a detailed and protective regulatory regime, which will influence personal data usage worldwide. Understood properly, the GDPR encourages firms to develop information governance frameworks, to in-house data use, and to keep humans in the loop in decision making. Companies with direct relationships with consumers have strategic advantages under the GDPR, compared to third party advertising firms on the internet. To reach these objectives, the GDPR uses big sticks, structural elements that make proving violations easier, but only a few carrots. The GDPR will complicate and restrain some information-intensive business models. But the GDPR will also enable approaches previously impossible under less-protective approaches.

Consumer Privacy, Data protection, European Union, frontpage, General Data Protection Regulation, Privacy


Article{Hoofnagle2018, title = {The European Union General Data Protection Regulation: What It Is And What It Means}, author = {Hoofnagle, C.J. and van der Sloot, B. and Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.}, url = {}, year = {0212}, date = {2019-02-12}, journal = {Information & Communications Technology Law}, volume = {2019}, pages = {}, abstract = {This article introduces U.S. lawyers and academics to the normative foundations, attributes, and strategic approach to regulating personal data advanced by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). We explain the genesis of the GDPR, which is best understood as an extension and refinement of existing requirements imposed by the 1995 Data Protection Directive; describe the GDPR’s approach and provisions; and make predictions about the GDPR’s short and medium-term implications. The GDPR is the most consequential regulatory development in information policy in a generation. The GDPR brings personal data into a detailed and protective regulatory regime, which will influence personal data usage worldwide. Understood properly, the GDPR encourages firms to develop information governance frameworks, to in-house data use, and to keep humans in the loop in decision making. Companies with direct relationships with consumers have strategic advantages under the GDPR, compared to third party advertising firms on the internet. To reach these objectives, the GDPR uses big sticks, structural elements that make proving violations easier, but only a few carrots. The GDPR will complicate and restrain some information-intensive business models. But the GDPR will also enable approaches previously impossible under less-protective approaches.}, keywords = {Consumer Privacy, Data protection, European Union, frontpage, General Data Protection Regulation, Privacy}, }

‘Quel dommage, cher fromage’ or how the AG said “no” to copyright protection for works of taste external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2018

Auteursrecht, frontpage


Article{Coche2018f, title = {‘Quel dommage, cher fromage’ or how the AG said “no” to copyright protection for works of taste}, author = {Coche, E.}, url = {}, year = {0921}, date = {2018-09-21}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage}, }

De sluipende unificatie van het auteursrecht in Europa external link

Berichten Industriële Eigendom (BIE), vol. 2018, num: 4, pp: 157-161, 2018


Nu de harmonisatie van de auteursrechtwetgeving in Europa bijna is afgerond, wint het idee van daadwerkelijke eenmaking van het auteursrecht in de Europese Unie terrein. In een mededeling over het EU-auteursrechtbeleid heeft de Europese Commissie de invoering van een unitair auteursrecht, dat voor de nationale auteurswetten van de lidstaten in de plaats zou moeten komen, als ‘langetermijnvisie’ vastgelegd. Desalniettemin lijkt formele unificatie in de vorm van een Auteursrechtverordening nog ver weg. Ondertussen maken de Europese wetgever en het Hof van Justitie stap voor stap een einde aan de territorialiteit van het auteursrecht, waardoor een eengemaakt Europees auteursrecht langzaam maar gestaag toch dichterbij komt. In dit artikel wordt dit proces van sluipende unificatie van het auteursrecht geschetst.

Auteursrecht, Europe, frontpage, territorialiteit, unificatie


Article{Hugenholtz2018f, title = {De sluipende unificatie van het auteursrecht in Europa}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0921}, date = {2018-09-21}, journal = {Berichten Industriële Eigendom (BIE)}, volume = {2018}, number = {4}, pages = {157-161}, abstract = {Nu de harmonisatie van de auteursrechtwetgeving in Europa bijna is afgerond, wint het idee van daadwerkelijke eenmaking van het auteursrecht in de Europese Unie terrein. In een mededeling over het EU-auteursrechtbeleid heeft de Europese Commissie de invoering van een unitair auteursrecht, dat voor de nationale auteurswetten van de lidstaten in de plaats zou moeten komen, als ‘langetermijnvisie’ vastgelegd. Desalniettemin lijkt formele unificatie in de vorm van een Auteursrechtverordening nog ver weg. Ondertussen maken de Europese wetgever en het Hof van Justitie stap voor stap een einde aan de territorialiteit van het auteursrecht, waardoor een eengemaakt Europees auteursrecht langzaam maar gestaag toch dichterbij komt. In dit artikel wordt dit proces van sluipende unificatie van het auteursrecht geschetst.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Europe, frontpage, territorialiteit, unificatie}, }

Media Law in Ireland external link

0918, ISBN: 9789403500232

frontpage, Ierland, Mediarecht


Book{McGonagle2018f, title = {Media Law in Ireland}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0918}, date = {2018-09-18}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, keywords = {frontpage, Ierland, Mediarecht}, }

Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 4 mei 2018 (TMG Landelijke Media / De Staat der Nederlanden) external link

AMI, vol. 2018, num: 4, pp: 160-162, 2018

Annotaties, Auteursrecht, Databankenrecht, databankenrichtlijn, frontpage, schadevergoedingen


Article{Hins2018c, title = {Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 4 mei 2018 (TMG Landelijke Media / De Staat der Nederlanden)}, author = {Hins, A.}, url = {}, year = {0918}, date = {2018-09-18}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2018}, number = {4}, pages = {160-162}, keywords = {Annotaties, Auteursrecht, Databankenrecht, databankenrichtlijn, frontpage, schadevergoedingen}, }