Burgers tegen Plasterk: het Nederlandse staartje van de Snowden-saga external link

Ars Aequi, num: 4, pp: 287-293., 2015


De Snowden-onthullingen haalden niet alleen wereldwijd de media en het parlementair debat. Ze leidden zelfs tot een Nederlandse rechtszaak over communicatieprivacy. Een principiële rechtszaak over burgerrechtenactivisme, surveillance en politieke intrige, met een verrassende, maar ook teleurstellende uitkomst. Dit moet je weten.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {Burgers tegen Plasterk: het Nederlandse staartje van de Snowden-saga}, author = {van Daalen, O.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/1535.pdf}, year = {0417}, date = {2015-04-17}, journal = {Ars Aequi}, number = {4}, abstract = {De Snowden-onthullingen haalden niet alleen wereldwijd de media en het parlementair debat. Ze leidden zelfs tot een Nederlandse rechtszaak over communicatieprivacy. Een principiële rechtszaak over burgerrechtenactivisme, surveillance en politieke intrige, met een verrassende, maar ook teleurstellende uitkomst. Dit moet je weten.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

Political Advertising Bans and Freedom of Expression external link

Greek Public Law Journal, pp: 226-228, 2015


In Animal Defenders International v UK, the 17-judge Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the UK’s ban on political advertising on television, as applied to an animal rights organisation, did not violate freedom of expression. The Court divided nine votes to eight, with the majority opinion abandoning the Court’s previous ‘strict scrutiny’ review, and laying down a new doctrine for reviewing political advertising bans. This article, first, examines the role the composition of the Grand Chamber played in the outcome of the case. Second, questions the basis of the new doctrine of review. And third, criticises the majority’s treatment of precedent.

Broadcasting law, European Convention on Human Rights, Freedom of expression, Grondrechten, Parliamentary deference, Political advertising, Political speech, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{nokey, title = {Political Advertising Bans and Freedom of Expression}, author = {Fahy, R.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/1534.pdf}, year = {0414}, date = {2015-04-14}, journal = {Greek Public Law Journal}, abstract = {In Animal Defenders International v UK, the 17-judge Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the UK’s ban on political advertising on television, as applied to an animal rights organisation, did not violate freedom of expression. The Court divided nine votes to eight, with the majority opinion abandoning the Court’s previous ‘strict scrutiny’ review, and laying down a new doctrine for reviewing political advertising bans. This article, first, examines the role the composition of the Grand Chamber played in the outcome of the case. Second, questions the basis of the new doctrine of review. And third, criticises the majority’s treatment of precedent.}, keywords = {Broadcasting law, European Convention on Human Rights, Freedom of expression, Grondrechten, Parliamentary deference, Political advertising, Political speech, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Tien privacytrends van 2014 external link

Mediaforum, num: 2, pp: 50-54., 2015


Het privacyrecht is inmiddels een serieus specialisme met jaarlijks tientallen beschikkingen, vonnissen en richtsnoeren. Een overzicht daarvan is nuttig, maar kan je daarin ook bredere ontwikkelingen ontdekken? Het afgelopen jaar in tien privacytrends.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {Tien privacytrends van 2014}, author = {van Daalen, O.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/1533.pdf}, year = {0401}, date = {2015-04-01}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {2}, abstract = {Het privacyrecht is inmiddels een serieus specialisme met jaarlijks tientallen beschikkingen, vonnissen en richtsnoeren. Een overzicht daarvan is nuttig, maar kan je daarin ook bredere ontwikkelingen ontdekken? Het afgelopen jaar in tien privacytrends.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

Venture into the future of privacy external link

ELSA Synergy Magazine, num: 57, pp: 28-31., 2015


At the time of writing I am at the Computer Privacy and Data Protection Conference, for insiders just CPDP 2015, one of several mega-events with more than 1,000 participants from governments, European Union (EU) institutions, corporations, civil society and privacy advocates, and plenty of lawyers and academics just like me. This is emblematic of the transformation privacy and data protection have undergone from a somewhat dull area of law to a very visible cutting-edge legal expertise.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {Venture into the future of privacy}, author = {Irion, K.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/1526.pdf}, year = {0326}, date = {2015-03-26}, journal = {ELSA Synergy Magazine}, number = {57}, abstract = {At the time of writing I am at the Computer Privacy and Data Protection Conference, for insiders just CPDP 2015, one of several mega-events with more than 1,000 participants from governments, European Union (EU) institutions, corporations, civil society and privacy advocates, and plenty of lawyers and academics just like me. This is emblematic of the transformation privacy and data protection have undergone from a somewhat dull area of law to a very visible cutting-edge legal expertise.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

Bijdrage aan Rondetafelgesprek inzake dataretentie 29 januari 2015, Vaste commissie voor Veiligheid en Justitie external link

Grondrechten, Privacy


Presentation{nokey, title = {Bijdrage aan Rondetafelgesprek inzake dataretentie 29 januari 2015, Vaste commissie voor Veiligheid en Justitie}, author = {van Eijk, N. and Dommering, E.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/1490.pdf}, year = {0203}, date = {2015-02-03}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }