Kunst en belediging: sleutelroman en karikatuur external link

Mediaforum, num: 1, pp: 2-11., 2016


Personen kunnen ernstig 'beledigd' zijn, wanneer ze zichzelf in een karikatuur of in een sleutelroman herkennen. Het is dan de vraag in hoeverre het artistieke karakter van de publicatie relevant is. Deze bijdrage tracht die vraag te beantwoorden door een onderzoek naar de jurisprudentie van het EHRM, van de Duitse rechter en van de Nederlandse rechter.



Article{nokey, title = {Kunst en belediging: sleutelroman en karikatuur}, author = {Nieuwenhuis, A.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/1757.pdf}, year = {0401}, date = {2016-04-01}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {1}, abstract = {Personen kunnen ernstig 'beledigd' zijn, wanneer ze zichzelf in een karikatuur of in een sleutelroman herkennen. Het is dan de vraag in hoeverre het artistieke karakter van de publicatie relevant is. Deze bijdrage tracht die vraag te beantwoorden door een onderzoek naar de jurisprudentie van het EHRM, van de Duitse rechter en van de Nederlandse rechter.}, keywords = {Grondrechten}, }

Onno Hoes vs. PowNed: ook een burgemeester heeft recht op privacy external link


Grondrechten, Privacy


Other{nokey, title = {Onno Hoes vs. PowNed: ook een burgemeester heeft recht op privacy}, author = {Hins, A.}, url = {http://jnmblog.nl/articles/onno-hoes-vs.-powned-ook-een-burgemeester-heeft-recht-op-privacy}, year = {0820}, date = {2015-08-20}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

Profiling the European Citizen in the Internet of Things: How Will the General Data Protection Regulation Apply to this Form of Personal Data Processing, and How Should It? external link


Data protection, Directive 95/46/EC, General Data Protection Regulation, Grondrechten, Internet of Things, Privacy, profiling


Other{nokey, title = {Profiling the European Citizen in the Internet of Things: How Will the General Data Protection Regulation Apply to this Form of Personal Data Processing, and How Should It?}, author = {Eskens, S.}, url = {http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2752010}, year = {0329}, date = {2016-03-29}, keywords = {Data protection, Directive 95/46/EC, General Data Protection Regulation, Grondrechten, Internet of Things, Privacy, profiling}, }

Smart TV and data protection – Introduction external link


The structure of this study is built around the following questions:
- What is smart TV?
- How does smart TV compare with other forms of audiovisual media?
- What regulatory frameworks govern smart TV?
- What guidance can be found in selected country-specific case studies?
- What are the dangers associated with the collection, storage and processing of private user information by commercial parties?
- How are relevant regulatory frameworks likely to evolve? Samsung have warned owners of their smart TVs that the system’s voice recognition could actually be recording and sharing their private conversations. This “bad buzz” comes at a time when Brussels is in the process of adopting new legislation – the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - aimed at protecting us from abuse and misuse of our private data and consumer behaviour big data collected by smart equipment such as television sets. The European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, is keeping track of these developments and has published this IRIS Special report entitled "Smart TV and data protection".

This is a joint publication by the Observatory and partner institution, the Dutch Institute for Information Law (IViR in Amsterdam). It inspired an expert workshop organised in Strasbourg December 2015, which looked at “the grey areas between media regulation and data protection”.

frontpage, Grondrechten, Privacy


Report{nokey, title = {Smart TV and data protection – Introduction}, author = {van Eijk, N. and Irion, K. and McGonagle, T.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/1742.pdf}, year = {0310}, date = {2016-03-10}, abstract = {The structure of this study is built around the following questions: - What is smart TV? - How does smart TV compare with other forms of audiovisual media? - What regulatory frameworks govern smart TV? - What guidance can be found in selected country-specific case studies? - What are the dangers associated with the collection, storage and processing of private user information by commercial parties? - How are relevant regulatory frameworks likely to evolve? Samsung have warned owners of their smart TVs that the system’s voice recognition could actually be recording and sharing their private conversations. This “bad buzz” comes at a time when Brussels is in the process of adopting new legislation – the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - aimed at protecting us from abuse and misuse of our private data and consumer behaviour big data collected by smart equipment such as television sets. The European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, is keeping track of these developments and has published this IRIS Special report entitled "Smart TV and data protection". This is a joint publication by the Observatory and partner institution, the Dutch Institute for Information Law (IViR in Amsterdam). It inspired an expert workshop organised in Strasbourg December 2015, which looked at “the grey areas between media regulation and data protection”.}, keywords = {frontpage, Grondrechten, Privacy}, }