Reality tv, nieuwe kost voor de privacybescherming en het portretrecht external link

NJB, num: 10, pp: 341-346., 1998


Reality tv is een nieuw soort van televisieprogramma's. Slachtoffers van deze wijze van televisiemaken komen ongewild op de buis en voelen zich aangetast in hun persoonlijke levenssfeer. Andere slachtoffers geven toestemming tot uitzending van de opnamen maar krijgen daar later spijt van. Hoe reageert de rechtspraak op deze nieuwe problemen van privacybescherming en portretrecht? Hoe beoordeelt de rechter het werken met verborgen camera en hoe overvaljournalistiek? De rechter moet varen tussen de Scylla en de Charibdis van twee grondrechten, de vrijheid van de media en het recht op bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {Reality tv, nieuwe kost voor de privacybescherming en het portretrecht}, author = {Schuijt, G.}, url = {}, year = {0318}, date = {1998-03-18}, journal = {NJB}, number = {10}, abstract = {Reality tv is een nieuw soort van televisieprogramma's. Slachtoffers van deze wijze van televisiemaken komen ongewild op de buis en voelen zich aangetast in hun persoonlijke levenssfeer. Andere slachtoffers geven toestemming tot uitzending van de opnamen maar krijgen daar later spijt van. Hoe reageert de rechtspraak op deze nieuwe problemen van privacybescherming en portretrecht? Hoe beoordeelt de rechter het werken met verborgen camera en hoe overvaljournalistiek? De rechter moet varen tussen de Scylla en de Charibdis van twee grondrechten, de vrijheid van de media en het recht op bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 2 mei 2003 (Storms en SBS / Niessen en IPA) external link

Mediaforum, num: 6, pp: 211-215., 2003


De Hoge Raad acht geen grond aan te nemen dat het in artikel 7 Grondwet neergelegde verbod van censuur - het voorafgaande toezicht op een voorgenomen uiting - in de weg zou staan aan de bevoegdheid van de rechter met het oog op een effectieve rechtsbescherming een uiting die jegens een ander onrechtmatig is, te verbieden. Wel moet deze beperking getoetst worden aan artikel 10 lid 2 EVRM. De noodzakelijkheid van deze beperking in een democratische samenleving kan worden vastgesteld indien met voldoende mate van nauwkeurigheid vaststaat wat de inhoud van het desbetreffende programma-onderdeel is.



Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 2 mei 2003 (Storms en SBS / Niessen en IPA)}, author = {Schuijt, G.}, url = {}, year = {0725}, date = {2003-07-25}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {6}, abstract = {De Hoge Raad acht geen grond aan te nemen dat het in artikel 7 Grondwet neergelegde verbod van censuur - het voorafgaande toezicht op een voorgenomen uiting - in de weg zou staan aan de bevoegdheid van de rechter met het oog op een effectieve rechtsbescherming een uiting die jegens een ander onrechtmatig is, te verbieden. Wel moet deze beperking getoetst worden aan artikel 10 lid 2 EVRM. De noodzakelijkheid van deze beperking in een democratische samenleving kan worden vastgesteld indien met voldoende mate van nauwkeurigheid vaststaat wat de inhoud van het desbetreffende programma-onderdeel is.}, keywords = {Grondrechten}, }

Laat de klok maar luiden. En andere korte stukken over vrijheid van meningsuiting external link

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Book{nokey, title = {Laat de klok maar luiden. En andere korte stukken over vrijheid van meningsuiting}, author = {Schuijt, G.}, url = {}, year = {0622}, date = {2004-06-22}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Safe Harbor 2.0 gedoemd te mislukken external link


Grondrechten, Privacy


Other{nokey, title = {Safe Harbor 2.0 gedoemd te mislukken}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {}, year = {1105}, date = {2015-11-05}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

The development of freedom of expression and information within the UN: leaps and bounds or fits and starts? external link


This chapter tells the story of how the rights to freedom of expression and information have been shaped by the United Nations’ (UN) institutional dynamics over the years. It gives an account of how the growth of the rights to freedom of expression and information has been both stimulated and stymied by different factors in the particular institutional context of the UN. It traces the broad contours of the two rights by connecting the largest conceptual, normative, historical and institutional dots.<br /> The chapter opens with a brief exploration of the contiguous nature of the rights to freedom of expression and information. This necessarily involves reflection on the instrumental role that the media and new communications technologies can play in the realization of both rights in practice. The remainder of the chapter has an overtly institutional focus. Its next three substantive sections correspond to three broad – roughly chronological, but occasionally overlapping - phases in the development of freedom of expression and information at the UN. Each period is denoted by its key features or aspirations: trail-blazing, consolidation and expansion, and the quest for coherence and consistency. Various thematic challenges have presented themselves during these periods, a number of which are woven into the chapter’s narrative. Finally, after offering some substantive conclusions, the chapter will explain the objectives and structure of the book as a whole.

Freedom of expression, frontpages, Grondrechten, UN, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Chapter{McGonagle2015, title = {The development of freedom of expression and information within the UN: leaps and bounds or fits and starts?}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, year = {0605}, date = {2015-06-05}, abstract = {This chapter tells the story of how the rights to freedom of expression and information have been shaped by the United Nations’ (UN) institutional dynamics over the years. It gives an account of how the growth of the rights to freedom of expression and information has been both stimulated and stymied by different factors in the particular institutional context of the UN. It traces the broad contours of the two rights by connecting the largest conceptual, normative, historical and institutional dots.<br /> The chapter opens with a brief exploration of the contiguous nature of the rights to freedom of expression and information. This necessarily involves reflection on the instrumental role that the media and new communications technologies can play in the realization of both rights in practice. The remainder of the chapter has an overtly institutional focus. Its next three substantive sections correspond to three broad – roughly chronological, but occasionally overlapping - phases in the development of freedom of expression and information at the UN. Each period is denoted by its key features or aspirations: trail-blazing, consolidation and expansion, and the quest for coherence and consistency. Various thematic challenges have presented themselves during these periods, a number of which are woven into the chapter’s narrative. Finally, after offering some substantive conclusions, the chapter will explain the objectives and structure of the book as a whole.}, keywords = {Freedom of expression, frontpages, Grondrechten, UN, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Cloud services made in Europe after Snowden and Schrems external link


Grondrechten, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {Cloud services made in Europe after Snowden and Schrems}, author = {Irion, K.}, url = {}, year = {1027}, date = {2015-10-27}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

Positive obligations concerning freedom of expression: mere potential or real power? external link

1023, pp: 9-35.


This chapter examines how the European Court of Human Rights has identified and developed a range of positive State obligations to secure the right to freedom of expression.  It first briefly examines the theoretical and normative bases for the positive obligations doctrine and then traces its hesitant development in the case-law of the Court. Next, it shows how the Court has slowly become more comfortable with the doctrine and more confident when applying it to cases involving freedom of expression, culminating in its <em>Dink v. Turkey</em> judgment. The driving argument of the chapter is that the positive obligations doctrine has enormous potential for strengthening the right to freedom of expression and that the Court must now tease out its implications in concrete cases in a very scrupulous way, if the doctrine’s full potential is to be realised.

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Chapter{McGonagle2015, title = {Positive obligations concerning freedom of expression: mere potential or real power?}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {1023}, date = {2015-10-23}, abstract = {This chapter examines how the European Court of Human Rights has identified and developed a range of positive State obligations to secure the right to freedom of expression.  It first briefly examines the theoretical and normative bases for the positive obligations doctrine and then traces its hesitant development in the case-law of the Court. Next, it shows how the Court has slowly become more comfortable with the doctrine and more confident when applying it to cases involving freedom of expression, culminating in its <em>Dink v. Turkey</em> judgment. The driving argument of the chapter is that the positive obligations doctrine has enormous potential for strengthening the right to freedom of expression and that the Court must now tease out its implications in concrete cases in a very scrupulous way, if the doctrine’s full potential is to be realised.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }