Hoofdstuk ‘Mediawet’ external link

Kroes, Q. & Hins, A.
pp: 501-537, 2009


Artikelsgewijs commentaar voor de rechtspraktijk.



Other{nokey, title = {Hoofdstuk ‘Mediawet’}, author = {Kroes, Q. and Hins, A.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/1157.pdf}, year = {0113}, date = {2009-01-13}, abstract = {Artikelsgewijs commentaar voor de rechtspraktijk.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

De journalistieke exceptie en de bescherming van persoonsgegevens: laveren tussen twee grondrechten external link

Mediaforum, num: 4, pp: 98-104, 2014


Artikel 9 van de EU-richtlijn bescherming persoonsgegevens bevat een uitzondering voor journalistieke verwerkingen. Kunnen alleen professionele journalisten hier een beroep op doen? Of iedereen die een boodschap aan het publiek heeft?



Article{nokey, title = {De journalistieke exceptie en de bescherming van persoonsgegevens: laveren tussen twee grondrechten}, author = {Hins, A.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Mediaforum_2013_4.pdf}, year = {0116}, date = {2014-01-16}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {4}, abstract = {Artikel 9 van de EU-richtlijn bescherming persoonsgegevens bevat een uitzondering voor journalistieke verwerkingen. Kunnen alleen professionele journalisten hier een beroep op doen? Of iedereen die een boodschap aan het publiek heeft?}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights external link

Cabrera Blázquez, F., Voorhoof, D. & McGonagle, T.
European Audiovisual Observatory, 1219, Series: IRIS Themes, pp: 403


This e-book provides valuable insights into the European Court of Human Rights' case-law on freedom of expression and media and journalistic freedoms. It summarises over 200 judgments or decisions by the Court and provides hyperlinks to the full text of each of the summarised judgments or decisions (via HUDOC, the Court's online case-law database).<br /> For an optimal navigational experience, one should download the e-book and read the technical tips on p. 3.



Book{nokey, title = {Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists: Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights}, author = {Cabrera Blázquez, F. and Voorhoof, D. and McGonagle, T.}, url = {http://www.obs.coe.int/documents/205595/2667238/IRIS+Themes+III+%28final+9+December+2013%29.pdf/2e748bd5-7108-4ea7-baa6-59332f885418}, year = {1219}, date = {2013-12-19}, abstract = {This e-book provides valuable insights into the European Court of Human Rights\' case-law on freedom of expression and media and journalistic freedoms. It summarises over 200 judgments or decisions by the Court and provides hyperlinks to the full text of each of the summarised judgments or decisions (via HUDOC, the Court\'s online case-law database).<br /> For an optimal navigational experience, one should download the e-book and read the technical tips on p. 3.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

The Independence of the Media and Its Regulatory Agencies: Shedding New Light on Formal and Actual Independence Against the National Context external link

Schulz, W., Valcke, P. & Irion, K.
Intellect, 0107, Series: European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), pp: 390


Media independence is vital for democracies, and so is the independence of the regulatory bodies governing it. The Independence of the Media and its Regulatory Agencies explores the complex relationship between media governance and independence of media regulatory authorities within Europe, which form part of the wider framework in which media’s independence may flourish or fade. Based on research in more than forty countries, the contributions analyse the independence of regulators and draw links between social, financial, and legal frameworks. The contributing authors offer theoretical perspectives that combine law and public policy; review research methods; and offer a set of case studies that explore how the national socio-political context influences local institutions. As a whole, the book offers an accessible and relevant account of research into regulatory independence as applied to the audiovisual media sector in Europe.



Book{nokey, title = {The Independence of the Media and Its Regulatory Agencies: Shedding New Light on Formal and Actual Independence Against the National Context}, author = {Schulz, W. and Valcke, P. and Irion, K.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/1140.pdf}, year = {0107}, date = {2014-01-07}, abstract = {Media independence is vital for democracies, and so is the independence of the regulatory bodies governing it. The Independence of the Media and its Regulatory Agencies explores the complex relationship between media governance and independence of media regulatory authorities within Europe, which form part of the wider framework in which media’s independence may flourish or fade. Based on research in more than forty countries, the contributions analyse the independence of regulators and draw links between social, financial, and legal frameworks. The contributing authors offer theoretical perspectives that combine law and public policy; review research methods; and offer a set of case studies that explore how the national socio-political context influences local institutions. As a whole, the book offers an accessible and relevant account of research into regulatory independence as applied to the audiovisual media sector in Europe.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }