Regulating minority-language use in broadcasting: international law and the Dutch national experience external link

Mediaforum, num: 5, pp: 155-160, 2004



Article{nokey, title = {Regulating minority-language use in broadcasting: international law and the Dutch national experience}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0527}, date = {2004-05-27}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {5}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Comments on the report on ‘Access of national minorities to the media: new challenges’ external link


Het rapport 'Access of national minorities to the media: new challenges', is opgesteld door Prof. Tom Moring en op dit rapport zijn, naast bovenstaand commentaar, ook comments geleverd door Dr. Karol Jakubowicz.



Other{nokey, title = {Comments on the report on ‘Access of national minorities to the media: new challenges’}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {1206}, date = {2006-12-06}, abstract = {Het rapport 'Access of national minorities to the media: new challenges', is opgesteld door Prof. Tom Moring en op dit rapport zijn, naast bovenstaand commentaar, ook comments geleverd door Dr. Karol Jakubowicz.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Safeguarding Human Dignity in the European Audiovisual Sector external link

IRIS Plus, vol. 2007, num: 6, 2007


Een van de belangrijkste doelstellingen van internationale mensenrechten is het beschermen van de menselijke waardigheid. Het begrip "menselijke waardigheid" is echter een heel ruim begrip. In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de geldende Europese normen inzake het beschermen van de menselijke waardigheid in de audiovisuele sector.



Article{McGonagle2007, title = {Safeguarding Human Dignity in the European Audiovisual Sector}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0628}, date = {2007-06-28}, journal = {IRIS Plus}, volume = {2007}, number = {6}, pages = {}, abstract = {Een van de belangrijkste doelstellingen van internationale mensenrechten is het beschermen van de menselijke waardigheid. Het begrip "menselijke waardigheid" is echter een heel ruim begrip. In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de geldende Europese normen inzake het beschermen van de menselijke waardigheid in de audiovisuele sector.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

European-level measures for promoting cultural diversity in broadcasting: quixotic tilting in a new technological era? external link

Yearbook of Communication Law, vol. 2007, pp: 119-136, 2008


In dit artikel worden diverse Europese normen ten behoeve van het bevorderen van culturele diversiteit in de omroepsector kritisch geëvalueerd.



Other{nokey, title = {European-level measures for promoting cultural diversity in broadcasting: quixotic tilting in a new technological era?}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0305}, date = {2008-03-05}, journal = {Yearbook of Communication Law}, volume = {2007}, pages = {119-136}, abstract = {In dit artikel worden diverse Europese normen ten behoeve van het bevorderen van culturele diversiteit in de omroepsector kritisch geëvalueerd.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

The Quota Quandary: An Assessment of Articles 4-6 of the Television without Frontiers Directive external link

pp: 187-212, 2008



Other{nokey, title = {The Quota Quandary: An Assessment of Articles 4-6 of the Television without Frontiers Directive}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0718}, date = {2008-07-18}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

The Promotion of Cultural Diversity via New Media Technologies: An Introduction to the Challenges of Operationalisation external link

IRIS Plus, vol. 2008, num: 6, 2008


In dit artikel wordt het begrip, "culturele diversiteit", uitgelegd en de belangrijke rol van nieuwe media bij het bevorderen van culturele diversiteit onderzocht.



Article{McGonagle2008, title = {The Promotion of Cultural Diversity via New Media Technologies: An Introduction to the Challenges of Operationalisation}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0718}, date = {2008-07-18}, journal = {IRIS Plus}, volume = {2008}, number = {6}, pages = {}, abstract = {In dit artikel wordt het begrip, "culturele diversiteit", uitgelegd en de belangrijke rol van nieuwe media bij het bevorderen van culturele diversiteit onderzocht.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Promoting cultural diversity in the Irish broadcasting sector: an assessment of international standards and best practices with a view to their operationalisation in an Irish context external link


This study provides a panorama of international and European legal standards concerning the promotion of cultural diversity. It prises open the notion of cultural diversity, as understood in international legal standards and clarifies the extent to which those standards are relevant for law- and policy-making in respect of the Irish broadcasting sector. Taking technological, societal and legislative dynamics into account, as well as relevant policy initiatives at the European and international levels and in other countries, the study concludes with a call for the creation of a forum for high-level, inclusive and engaged discussion of the policy goal of promoting cultural diversity within the Irish (broadcast) media sector. A number of supplementary recommendations flesh out specific focuses and details of this central recommendation with a view to ensuring that it would be suitably tailored to, and of practical relevance for, the Irish broadcasting sector.



Report{nokey, title = {Promoting cultural diversity in the Irish broadcasting sector: an assessment of international standards and best practices with a view to their operationalisation in an Irish context}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0806}, date = {2010-08-06}, abstract = {This study provides a panorama of international and European legal standards concerning the promotion of cultural diversity. It prises open the notion of cultural diversity, as understood in international legal standards and clarifies the extent to which those standards are relevant for law- and policy-making in respect of the Irish broadcasting sector. Taking technological, societal and legislative dynamics into account, as well as relevant policy initiatives at the European and international levels and in other countries, the study concludes with a call for the creation of a forum for high-level, inclusive and engaged discussion of the policy goal of promoting cultural diversity within the Irish (broadcast) media sector. A number of supplementary recommendations flesh out specific focuses and details of this central recommendation with a view to ensuring that it would be suitably tailored to, and of practical relevance for, the Irish broadcasting sector.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

De publieke omroep en de creatieve sector external link

Scavenius, E., Janssen, K. & Poort, J.

Mediarecht, Omroeprecht


Report{nokey, title = {De publieke omroep en de creatieve sector}, author = {Scavenius, E. and Janssen, K. and Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0726}, date = {2011-07-26}, keywords = {Mediarecht, Omroeprecht}, }

The Digital Dividend: Opportunities and Obstacles external link

McGonagle, T. & Korteweg, D.A.
IRIS Plus, vol. 2010, num: 6, 2011


The lead article in this IRIS plus sets out to trace the main lines of relevant law and policy debates about the digital dividend at the European level. It identifies the key issues at stake and critically analyses how the Council of Europe and European Union are engaging with the same. Other international standards and debates on other international platforms are examined too. The article concludes with a distillation of continuing and expected opportunities and challenges relating to the digital dividend.



Article{McGonagle2011, title = {The Digital Dividend: Opportunities and Obstacles}, author = {McGonagle, T. and Korteweg, D.A.}, url = {}, year = {0127}, date = {2011-01-27}, journal = {IRIS Plus}, volume = {2010}, number = {6}, pages = {}, abstract = {The lead article in this IRIS plus sets out to trace the main lines of relevant law and policy debates about the digital dividend at the European level. It identifies the key issues at stake and critically analyses how the Council of Europe and European Union are engaging with the same. Other international standards and debates on other international platforms are examined too. The article concludes with a distillation of continuing and expected opportunities and challenges relating to the digital dividend.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Media Literacy: No Longer the Shrinking Violet of European Audiovisual Media Regulation? external link

IRIS Plus, vol. 2011, num: 3, pp: 7-27., 2011


The lead article in this IRIS plus provides a critical analysis of how the European audiovisual regulatory and policy framework seeks to promote media literacy. It examines pertinent definitional issues and explores the main rationales for the promotion of media literacy as a regulatory and policy goal, paying particular attention to the specific interests of selected target groups and stake-holders. It then considers the extent to which those definitions, rationales and interests are reflected in relevant regulatory and policy instruments adopted by the European Union and the Council of Europe. The article concludes with a tentative prognosis for the future promotion of media literacy as a regulatory and policy goal for the European audiovisual sector.



Article{McGonagle2011, title = {Media Literacy: No Longer the Shrinking Violet of European Audiovisual Media Regulation?}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0809}, date = {2011-08-09}, journal = {IRIS Plus}, volume = {2011}, number = {3}, pages = {7-27.}, abstract = {The lead article in this IRIS plus provides a critical analysis of how the European audiovisual regulatory and policy framework seeks to promote media literacy. It examines pertinent definitional issues and explores the main rationales for the promotion of media literacy as a regulatory and policy goal, paying particular attention to the specific interests of selected target groups and stake-holders. It then considers the extent to which those definitions, rationales and interests are reflected in relevant regulatory and policy instruments adopted by the European Union and the Council of Europe. The article concludes with a tentative prognosis for the future promotion of media literacy as a regulatory and policy goal for the European audiovisual sector.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }