Overzicht van de bemoeiingen van het Staatsbedrijf der P.T.T. met den radio-omroep in Nederland van het begin af tot Mei 1940 external link

Enserinck, P.A.

Mediarecht, Omroeprecht, ptt, radio


Book{Enserinck1945, title = {Overzicht van de bemoeiingen van het Staatsbedrijf der P.T.T. met den radio-omroep in Nederland van het begin af tot Mei 1940}, author = {Enserinck, P.A.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Overzicht-van-de-bemoeiingen-van-het-Staatsbedrijf-der-PTT-met-den-radio-omroep_Enserinck.pdf}, year = {0101}, date = {1945-01-01}, keywords = {Mediarecht, Omroeprecht, ptt, radio}, }

De vrijheid en de verantwoordelijkheid van de pers: Een onderzoek naar de betekenis van de raad voor de journalistiek in het kader van de informatievrijheid external link

Meij, J.M. de

informatievrijheid, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, Persrecht, raad voor de journalistiek


Book{Meij1975, title = {De vrijheid en de verantwoordelijkheid van de pers: Een onderzoek naar de betekenis van de raad voor de journalistiek in het kader van de informatievrijheid}, author = {Meij, J.M. de}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/De-vrijheid-en-de-verantwoordelijkheid-van-de-pers-De-Meij.pdf}, year = {0618}, date = {1975-06-18}, keywords = {informatievrijheid, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, Persrecht, raad voor de journalistiek}, }

Omroepvrijheid & overheidsbemoeienis: een vergelijkende studie naar de Nederlandse, Franse en Europese regels met betrekking tot toegangscriteria en programmavoorschriften voor de omroep external link

Europe, frankrijk, Mediarecht, nederland, omroepvrijheid, overheidsbemoeienis


Book{vanEijk1992, title = {Omroepvrijheid & overheidsbemoeienis: een vergelijkende studie naar de Nederlandse, Franse en Europese regels met betrekking tot toegangscriteria en programmavoorschriften voor de omroep}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Omroepvrijheid-overheidsbemoeienis.pdf}, year = {1030}, date = {1992-10-30}, keywords = {Europe, frankrijk, Mediarecht, nederland, omroepvrijheid, overheidsbemoeienis}, }

Infographic: ‘The Council of Europe and the safety of journalists’ external link


The infographic, ‘The Council of Europe and the safety of journalists’, visualizes and condenses the detailed information in Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 to member States on the protection of journalism and the safety of journalists and other media actors. The infographic also signposts, and hyperlinks to, the Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other valuable Council of Europe resources, including the European Court of Human Rights’ three judgments to date which cite the Recommendation.

Council of Europe, Journalistiek, Mediarecht


Article{McGonagle2019g, title = {Infographic: ‘The Council of Europe and the safety of journalists’}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/CM-Rec20164-Infographic.pdf}, year = {0807}, date = {2019-08-07}, abstract = {The infographic, ‘The Council of Europe and the safety of journalists’, visualizes and condenses the detailed information in Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 to member States on the protection of journalism and the safety of journalists and other media actors. The infographic also signposts, and hyperlinks to, the Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other valuable Council of Europe resources, including the European Court of Human Rights’ three judgments to date which cite the Recommendation.}, keywords = {Council of Europe, Journalistiek, Mediarecht}, }

Samen voor het publiek belang. Evaluatierapport NPO 2013 t/m 2017 external link

Oudeman, M., Albrecht, Y., Bockxmeer, H. van, Dibbits, T., Helberger, N., Kasem, I., Vanseveren, W. & Vermeir, L.


In september 2018 is, in opdracht van de raad van toezicht, de evaluatiecommissie Nederlandse Publieke Omroep gestart met haar evaluatie van de prestaties van de NPO in de periode 2013 t/m 2017, inclusief de beantwoording van de vraag naar de slagvaardigheid van de NPO. De evaluatieperiode beslaat dus een periode vóór de wetswijziging van 2016 en een periode erna, waarin sprake was van aangescherpte rollen en bevoegdheden voor de raad van bestuur en de raad van toezicht van de NPO. Dit rapport is de weerslag van onze bevindingen. Daarnaast heeft de commissie een aantal aanbevelingen toegevoegd waarmee zij een bijdrage hoopt te leveren aan de NPO in de toekomst.

evaluatie, frontpage, Mediarecht, npo, publieke omroep


Report{Oudeman2019, title = {Samen voor het publiek belang. Evaluatierapport NPO 2013 t/m 2017}, author = {Oudeman, M. and Albrecht, Y. and Bockxmeer, H. van and Dibbits, T. and Helberger, N. and Kasem, I. and Vanseveren, W. and Vermeir, L.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/evaluatie_rapport-visitatiecommissie_npo.pdf}, year = {0628}, date = {2019-06-28}, abstract = {In september 2018 is, in opdracht van de raad van toezicht, de evaluatiecommissie Nederlandse Publieke Omroep gestart met haar evaluatie van de prestaties van de NPO in de periode 2013 t/m 2017, inclusief de beantwoording van de vraag naar de slagvaardigheid van de NPO. De evaluatieperiode beslaat dus een periode vóór de wetswijziging van 2016 en een periode erna, waarin sprake was van aangescherpte rollen en bevoegdheden voor de raad van bestuur en de raad van toezicht van de NPO. Dit rapport is de weerslag van onze bevindingen. Daarnaast heeft de commissie een aantal aanbevelingen toegevoegd waarmee zij een bijdrage hoopt te leveren aan de NPO in de toekomst.}, keywords = {evaluatie, frontpage, Mediarecht, npo, publieke omroep}, }

On the Democratic Role of News Recommenders external link

Digital Journalism, vol. 7, num: 8, pp: 993-1012, 2019


Are algorithmic news recommenders a threat to the democratic role of the media? Or are they an opportunity, and, if so, how would news recommenders need to be designed to advance values and goals that we consider essential in a democratic society? These are central questions in the ongoing academic and policy debate about the likely implications of data analytics and machine learning for the democratic role of the media and the shift from traditional mass-media modes of distribution towards more personalised news and platforms Building on democratic theory and the growing body of literature about the digital turn in journalism, this article offers a conceptual framework for assessing the threats and opportunities around the democratic role of news recommenders, and develops a typology of different ‘democratic recommenders’.

AI public sphere, algorithmic news recommenders, democratic role of the media, democratic theories, diversity, frontpage, Mediarecht


Article{Helberger2019b, title = {On the Democratic Role of News Recommenders}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21670811.2019.1623700}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2019.1623700}, year = {0628}, date = {2019-06-28}, journal = {Digital Journalism}, volume = {7}, number = {8}, pages = {993-1012}, abstract = {Are algorithmic news recommenders a threat to the democratic role of the media? Or are they an opportunity, and, if so, how would news recommenders need to be designed to advance values and goals that we consider essential in a democratic society? These are central questions in the ongoing academic and policy debate about the likely implications of data analytics and machine learning for the democratic role of the media and the shift from traditional mass-media modes of distribution towards more personalised news and platforms Building on democratic theory and the growing body of literature about the digital turn in journalism, this article offers a conceptual framework for assessing the threats and opportunities around the democratic role of news recommenders, and develops a typology of different ‘democratic recommenders’.}, keywords = {AI public sphere, algorithmic news recommenders, democratic role of the media, democratic theories, diversity, frontpage, Mediarecht}, }

Filter bubbles in the Netherlands external link

Möller, J., Helberger, N. & Makhortykh, M.


The introduction of algorithmic filtering and artificial intel­ligence in news dissemination has fundamentally changed the way news is consumed and distributed. While there is a clear benefit to the user, by making relevant stories accessi­ble and therefore providing a way forward to manage the information overload, many have expressed concerns that it also leads to atomized societies where citizens are locked in filter bubbles. In this report we set out to answer the ques­tion: Do filter bubbles exist in the Netherlands?

filter bubbles, frontpage, Mediarecht, nederland


Report{Möller2019b, title = {Filter bubbles in the Netherlands}, author = {Möller, J. and Helberger, N. and Makhortykh, M.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Filter-bubbles-in-the-Netherlands.pdf}, year = {0628}, date = {2019-06-28}, abstract = {The introduction of algorithmic filtering and artificial intel­ligence in news dissemination has fundamentally changed the way news is consumed and distributed. While there is a clear benefit to the user, by making relevant stories accessi­ble and therefore providing a way forward to manage the information overload, many have expressed concerns that it also leads to atomized societies where citizens are locked in filter bubbles. In this report we set out to answer the ques­tion: Do filter bubbles exist in the Netherlands?}, keywords = {filter bubbles, frontpage, Mediarecht, nederland}, }

Selling News to Audiences – A Qualitative Inquiry into the Emerging Logics of Algorithmic News Personalization in European Quality News Media external link

Digital Journalism, vol. 7, num: 8, pp: 1054-1075, 2019


How do news organizations design and implement algorithmically personalized news services? We conducted 16 in-depth interviews with professionals working in European public service broadcasting and commercial quality news media to answer this question. The news business is undergoing rapid transformations regarding how news production is financed, how news is produced and delivered to audiences and how citizens consume news. In all of these changes algorithmic recommender systems play a role. We focus on news organizations’ own personalized news services, and analyze how they define the role of personalization in contributing to the financial success of the organization, in reaching and retaining audiences, and in fulfilling their editorial mission. We interviewed editors, journalists, technologists and business intelligence and publishing professionals to gain a structural understanding of the often conflicting goals of personalization. We found that rather than focusing on increasing short-term user engagement, European quality news media try to use news personalization to increase long-term audience loyalty. In distinction to the “platform logic of personalization”, which uses personalization to produce engagement and sell audiences to advertisers, they have developed a “news logic of personalization”, which uses personalization to sell news to audiences.

algorithmic news recommenders, business models, European news media, frontpage, interviews, Mediarecht, personalization


Article{Bodó2019d, title = {Selling News to Audiences – A Qualitative Inquiry into the Emerging Logics of Algorithmic News Personalization in European Quality News Media}, author = {Bodó, B.}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2019.1624185}, year = {0620}, date = {2019-06-20}, journal = {Digital Journalism}, volume = {7}, number = {8}, pages = {1054-1075}, abstract = {How do news organizations design and implement algorithmically personalized news services? We conducted 16 in-depth interviews with professionals working in European public service broadcasting and commercial quality news media to answer this question. The news business is undergoing rapid transformations regarding how news production is financed, how news is produced and delivered to audiences and how citizens consume news. In all of these changes algorithmic recommender systems play a role. We focus on news organizations’ own personalized news services, and analyze how they define the role of personalization in contributing to the financial success of the organization, in reaching and retaining audiences, and in fulfilling their editorial mission. We interviewed editors, journalists, technologists and business intelligence and publishing professionals to gain a structural understanding of the often conflicting goals of personalization. We found that rather than focusing on increasing short-term user engagement, European quality news media try to use news personalization to increase long-term audience loyalty. In distinction to the “platform logic of personalization”, which uses personalization to produce engagement and sell audiences to advertisers, they have developed a “news logic of personalization”, which uses personalization to sell news to audiences.}, keywords = {algorithmic news recommenders, business models, European news media, frontpage, interviews, Mediarecht, personalization}, }

Germany proposes Europe’s first diversity rules for social media platforms external link

LSE Media Policy Project Blog, vol. 2019, 2019

frontpage, Mediarecht, Online platforms, Regulering, Social media


Article{Helberger2019, title = {Germany proposes Europe’s first diversity rules for social media platforms}, author = {Helberger, N. and Leerssen, P. and Drunen, M. van}, url = {https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/mediapolicyproject/2019/05/29/germany-proposes-europes-first-diversity-rules-for-social-media-platforms/}, year = {0606}, date = {2019-06-06}, journal = {LSE Media Policy Project Blog}, volume = {2019}, pages = {}, keywords = {frontpage, Mediarecht, Online platforms, Regulering, Social media}, }

Filterbubbels in Nederland external link

Möller, J., Helberger, N. & Makhortykh, M.


The introduction of algorithmic filtering and artificial intel­ligence in news dissemination has fundamentally changed the way news is consumed and distributed. While there is a clear benefit to the user, by making relevant stories accessi­ble and therefore providing a way forward to manage the information overload, many have expressed concerns that it also leads to atomized societies where citizens are locked in filter bubbles. In this report we set out to answer the ques­tion: Do filter bubbles exist in the Netherlands?

filter bubbles, frontpage, Mediarecht, nederland, nieuws


Report{Möller2019, title = {Filterbubbels in Nederland}, author = {Möller, J. and Helberger, N. and Makhortykh, M.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Filterbubbels-in-Nederland.pdf}, year = {0520}, date = {2019-05-20}, abstract = {The introduction of algorithmic filtering and artificial intel­ligence in news dissemination has fundamentally changed the way news is consumed and distributed. While there is a clear benefit to the user, by making relevant stories accessi­ble and therefore providing a way forward to manage the information overload, many have expressed concerns that it also leads to atomized societies where citizens are locked in filter bubbles. In this report we set out to answer the ques­tion: Do filter bubbles exist in the Netherlands?}, keywords = {filter bubbles, frontpage, Mediarecht, nederland, nieuws}, }