Het is allemaal fake external link

Mediaforum, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 165, 2019

desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht


Article{Altes2019, title = {Het is allemaal fake}, author = {Korthals Altes, W.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Opinie_Mediaforum_2018_6.pdf}, year = {0110}, date = {2019-01-10}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {165}, keywords = {desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht}, }

Interested in diversity: The role of user attitudes, algorithmic feedback loops, and policy in news personalization external link

Digital Journalism, vol. 7, num: 2, pp: 206-229, 2019


Using survey evidence from the Netherlands, we explore the factors that influence news readers’ attitudes toward news personalization. We show that the value of personalization depends on commonly overlooked factors, such as concerns about a shared news sphere, and the diversity of recommendations. However, these expectations are not universal. Younger, less educated users are more exposed to personalized news and show little concern about diverse news recommendations. Quality news organizations that pursue reader loyalty and trust are incentivized to implement personalization algorithms that aim for diversity and high quality recommendations. However, some users are in danger of being left out of this positive feedback loop. We make specific policy suggestions regarding how to solve that issue.

frontpage, Mediarecht, news, personalization, survey, the netherlands, user attitudes


Article{Bodó2019, title = {Interested in diversity: The role of user attitudes, algorithmic feedback loops, and policy in news personalization}, author = {Bodó, B. and Helberger, N. and Eskens, S. and Möller, J.}, url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21670811.2018.1521292}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2018.1521292}, year = {0108}, date = {2019-01-08}, journal = {Digital Journalism}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {206-229}, abstract = {Using survey evidence from the Netherlands, we explore the factors that influence news readers’ attitudes toward news personalization. We show that the value of personalization depends on commonly overlooked factors, such as concerns about a shared news sphere, and the diversity of recommendations. However, these expectations are not universal. Younger, less educated users are more exposed to personalized news and show little concern about diverse news recommendations. Quality news organizations that pursue reader loyalty and trust are incentivized to implement personalization algorithms that aim for diversity and high quality recommendations. However, some users are in danger of being left out of this positive feedback loop. We make specific policy suggestions regarding how to solve that issue.}, keywords = {frontpage, Mediarecht, news, personalization, survey, the netherlands, user attitudes}, }

De Raad van Europa en online desinformatie: laveren tussen zorgen en zorgplichten? external link

Mediaforum, vol. 2018, num: 6, pp: 180-184, 2018


Na alle hype rondom ‘fake news’, lijkt het gebruik van de term nu een behoorlijke terugslag te krijgen. Waar ‘fake news’ in 2016 en 2017 in rap tempo tot een buzz word was uitgegroeid, lijkt het inmiddels een vies woord te zijn geworden. Het heeft een militante connotatie gekregen en wordt in toenemende mate gebruikt om kritische journalisten en media te beschuldigen van het verspreiden van valse berichten, en daarmee hun werk en reputatie te ondermijnen. Daarom wordt steeds vaker de term desinformatie gebruikt als vervanger van ‘fake news’. Dit artikel staat stil bij deze terminologische verschuiving en legt uit waarom het van belang is afstand te nemen van de term ‘fake news’. Vervolgens wordt de angst voor schadelijke gevolgen van ‘fake news’ of desinformatie met de nodige nuchterheid geanalyseerd. Is er reden voor zorg en zo ja, welke juridische, politieke en praktische maatregelen heeft de Raad van Europa tot haar beschikking om (online) desinformatie tegen te gaan? Verder wordt ook onderzocht of, en in hoeverre, deze maatregelen hun grondslag vinden in de (negatieve en) positieve verplichtingen van Verdragspartijen bij het EVRM. Het artikel sluit af met een conclusie en enkele aanbevelingen voor het ontmantelen en het terugdringen van online desinformatie.

desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht, raad van europa, zorgplichten


Article{McGonagle2018g, title = {De Raad van Europa en online desinformatie: laveren tussen zorgen en zorgplichten?}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Mediaforum_2018_6.pdf}, year = {1218}, date = {2018-12-18}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2018}, number = {6}, pages = {180-184}, abstract = {Na alle hype rondom ‘fake news’, lijkt het gebruik van de term nu een behoorlijke terugslag te krijgen. Waar ‘fake news’ in 2016 en 2017 in rap tempo tot een buzz word was uitgegroeid, lijkt het inmiddels een vies woord te zijn geworden. Het heeft een militante connotatie gekregen en wordt in toenemende mate gebruikt om kritische journalisten en media te beschuldigen van het verspreiden van valse berichten, en daarmee hun werk en reputatie te ondermijnen. Daarom wordt steeds vaker de term desinformatie gebruikt als vervanger van ‘fake news’. Dit artikel staat stil bij deze terminologische verschuiving en legt uit waarom het van belang is afstand te nemen van de term ‘fake news’. Vervolgens wordt de angst voor schadelijke gevolgen van ‘fake news’ of desinformatie met de nodige nuchterheid geanalyseerd. Is er reden voor zorg en zo ja, welke juridische, politieke en praktische maatregelen heeft de Raad van Europa tot haar beschikking om (online) desinformatie tegen te gaan? Verder wordt ook onderzocht of, en in hoeverre, deze maatregelen hun grondslag vinden in de (negatieve en) positieve verplichtingen van Verdragspartijen bij het EVRM. Het artikel sluit af met een conclusie en enkele aanbevelingen voor het ontmantelen en het terugdringen van online desinformatie.}, keywords = {desinformatie, Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht, raad van europa, zorgplichten}, }

Media reporting: facts, nothing but facts? external link

Alén-Savikko, A., Apa, E., Bassini, M., Cabrera Blázquez, F.J., Cunningham, I., Etteldorf, C., Granchet, A., Klimkiewicz, B., Fahy, R., Polák, J., Prosser, T., Richter, A. & Rodriguez, N.


Separating the facts from the fiction in today’s media is becoming mission impossible. In the era of the #fakenews hashtag, the internet, and the media in general, are concerned by the emergence of fiction which is sometimes much stranger than truth! So what rules and initiatives exist in Europe to help ensure the accuracy and objectivity of news and current affairs reporting? How far can the European and the various national legislators go to protect us from dubious reporting or at least ensure that codes of good conduct exist?

Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht


Report{Alén-Savikko2018, title = {Media reporting: facts, nothing but facts?}, author = {Alén-Savikko, A. and Apa, E. and Bassini, M. and Cabrera Blázquez, F.J. and Cunningham, I. and Etteldorf, C. and Granchet, A. and Klimkiewicz, B. and Fahy, R. and Polák, J. and Prosser, T. and Richter, A. and Rodriguez, N.}, url = {https://rm.coe.int/media-reporting-facts-nothing-but-facts/16808e3cda}, year = {1024}, date = {2018-10-24}, abstract = {Separating the facts from the fiction in today’s media is becoming mission impossible. In the era of the #fakenews hashtag, the internet, and the media in general, are concerned by the emergence of fiction which is sometimes much stranger than truth! So what rules and initiatives exist in Europe to help ensure the accuracy and objectivity of news and current affairs reporting? How far can the European and the various national legislators go to protect us from dubious reporting or at least ensure that codes of good conduct exist?}, keywords = {Fake news, frontpage, Mediarecht}, }

My Friends, Editors, Algorithms, and I: Examining audience attitudes to news selection external link

Thurman, N., Möller, J., Helberger, N. & Trilling, D.
Digital Journalism, vol. 2018, 2018


Prompted by the ongoing development of content personalization by social networks and mainstream news brands, and recent debates about balancing algorithmic and editorial selection, this study explores what audiences think about news selection mechanisms and why. Analysing data from a 26-country survey (N = 53,314), we report the extent to which audiences believe story selection by editors and story selection by algorithms are good ways to get news online and, using multi-level models, explore the relationships that exist between individuals’ characteristics and those beliefs. The results show that, collectively, audiences believe algorithmic selection guided by a user’s past consumption behaviour is a better way to get news than editorial curation. There are, however, significant variations in these beliefs at the individual level. Age, trust in news, concerns about privacy, mobile news access, paying for news, and six other variables had effects. Our results are partly in line with current general theory on algorithmic appreciation, but diverge in our findings on the relative appreciation of algorithms and experts, and in how the appreciation of algorithms can differ according to the data that drive them. We believe this divergence is partly due to our study’s focus on news, showing algorithmic appreciation has context-specific characteristics.

algoritmes, curation, filtering, frontpage, gatekeeping, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, personalization, recommender systems, user tracking


Article{Thurman2018, title = {My Friends, Editors, Algorithms, and I: Examining audience attitudes to news selection}, author = {Thurman, N. and Möller, J. and Helberger, N. and Trilling, D.}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1080/21670811.2018.1493936}, year = {1019}, date = {2018-10-19}, journal = {Digital Journalism}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, abstract = {Prompted by the ongoing development of content personalization by social networks and mainstream news brands, and recent debates about balancing algorithmic and editorial selection, this study explores what audiences think about news selection mechanisms and why. Analysing data from a 26-country survey (N = 53,314), we report the extent to which audiences believe story selection by editors and story selection by algorithms are good ways to get news online and, using multi-level models, explore the relationships that exist between individuals’ characteristics and those beliefs. The results show that, collectively, audiences believe algorithmic selection guided by a user’s past consumption behaviour is a better way to get news than editorial curation. There are, however, significant variations in these beliefs at the individual level. Age, trust in news, concerns about privacy, mobile news access, paying for news, and six other variables had effects. Our results are partly in line with current general theory on algorithmic appreciation, but diverge in our findings on the relative appreciation of algorithms and experts, and in how the appreciation of algorithms can differ according to the data that drive them. We believe this divergence is partly due to our study’s focus on news, showing algorithmic appreciation has context-specific characteristics.}, keywords = {algoritmes, curation, filtering, frontpage, gatekeeping, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, personalization, recommender systems, user tracking}, }

Draconische Europese censuurwetten geen oplossing voor onwenselijke informatie online external link

Het Financieele Dagblad, vol. 2018, 2018

censuur, frontpage, Mediarecht


Article{Arnbak2018l, title = {Draconische Europese censuurwetten geen oplossing voor onwenselijke informatie online}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {https://axelarnbak.nl/2018/10/04/53e-fd-column-draconische-europese-censuurwetten-geen-oplossing-voor-onwenselijke-informatie-online/}, year = {1004}, date = {2018-10-04}, journal = {Het Financieele Dagblad}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, keywords = {censuur, frontpage, Mediarecht}, }

Kroniek Mediarecht external link

KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi, vol. 147, pp: 8630-8631, 2018

artistieke uitingsvrijheid, bescherming journalisten, Mediarecht, nepnieuws, Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten (Wiv), wiv


Article{Breemen2018c, title = {Kroniek Mediarecht}, author = {Breemen, V.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/AA_147_mediarecht.pdf}, year = {0601}, date = {2018-06-01}, journal = {KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi}, volume = {147}, pages = {8630-8631}, keywords = {artistieke uitingsvrijheid, bescherming journalisten, Mediarecht, nepnieuws, Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten (Wiv), wiv}, }

Media Law in Ireland external link

0918, ISBN: 9789403500232

frontpage, Ierland, Mediarecht


Book{McGonagle2018f, title = {Media Law in Ireland}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {http://www.kluwerlawonline.com/toc.php?area=&mode=bypub&level=6&values=Looseleafs~~IEL+Media+Law~National+Monographs~Ireland}, year = {0918}, date = {2018-09-18}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, keywords = {frontpage, Ierland, Mediarecht}, }

Het bannen van Alex Jones is een hypocriete actie van sociale media external link

Trouw, 2018

frontpage, Mediarecht, opinie, sociale media


Article{Harambam2018, title = {Het bannen van Alex Jones is een hypocriete actie van sociale media}, author = {Harambam, J.}, url = {https://www.trouw.nl/opinie/het-bannen-van-alex-jones-is-een-hypocriete-actie-van-sociale-media~a05269b0/}, year = {0818}, date = {2018-08-18}, journal = {Trouw}, keywords = {frontpage, Mediarecht, opinie, sociale media}, }

Europe’s Internet Policies: The Challenge of Maintaining an Open Internet external link

Möller, C. & McGonagle, T.
0823, pp: 153-183, ISBN: 9781783208869

beleid, Europe, Internet, Mediarecht, Technologie en recht


Chapter{Möller2018c, title = {Europe’s Internet Policies: The Challenge of Maintaining an Open Internet}, author = {Möller, C. and McGonagle, T.}, year = {0823}, date = {2018-08-23}, keywords = {beleid, Europe, Internet, Mediarecht, Technologie en recht}, }