When public values and user-centricity in e-government collide – A systematic review download

Weigl, L., Roth, T., Amard, A. & Zavolokina, L.
Government Information Quarterly, vol. 41, iss. : 3, num: 101956, 2024


User-centricity in e-government is a double-edged sword. While it helps governments design digital services tailored to the needs of citizens, it may also increase the burden on users and deepen the digital divide. From an institutional perspective, these fundamental conflicts are inevitable. To better understand the role and effect of user-centricity in e-government, this paper analyses academic literature on user-centricity and public values. The analysis leads to three main insights: First, there is a conflict in citizen representation that may result from the normative dominance of decision-makers. Second, we identify an accountability conflict that can prevent usercentric innovation from thriving in a highly institutionalized environment. Third, we identify a pluralism conflict that emerges from a clash between the reality of a diverse society and the assumed homogeneity of actors. The need to address these conflicts increases with rapid technological innovation, such as distributed ledger tech nologies, artificial intelligence, and trust infrastructures. These technologies put the user at the center stage and permeate aspects of social life beyond government. In response to these insights, we outline suggestions for further research and practice.

Informatierecht, Overheidsinformatie


Article{nokey, title = {When public values and user-centricity in e-government collide – A systematic review}, author = {Weigl, L. and Roth, T. and Amard, A. and Zavolokina, L.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/nl/publicaties/when-public-values-and-user-centricity-in-e-government-collide-a-systematic-review/giq_2024/}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.giq.2024.101956}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-09-03}, journal = {Government Information Quarterly}, volume = {41}, issue = {3}, number = {101956}, pages = {}, abstract = {User-centricity in e-government is a double-edged sword. While it helps governments design digital services tailored to the needs of citizens, it may also increase the burden on users and deepen the digital divide. From an institutional perspective, these fundamental conflicts are inevitable. To better understand the role and effect of user-centricity in e-government, this paper analyses academic literature on user-centricity and public values. The analysis leads to three main insights: First, there is a conflict in citizen representation that may result from the normative dominance of decision-makers. Second, we identify an accountability conflict that can prevent usercentric innovation from thriving in a highly institutionalized environment. Third, we identify a pluralism conflict that emerges from a clash between the reality of a diverse society and the assumed homogeneity of actors. The need to address these conflicts increases with rapid technological innovation, such as distributed ledger tech nologies, artificial intelligence, and trust infrastructures. These technologies put the user at the center stage and permeate aspects of social life beyond government. In response to these insights, we outline suggestions for further research and practice.}, keywords = {Informatierecht, Overheidsinformatie}, }

Naar een algemeen transparantiebeginsel? : Bespreking van het preadvies van A.W.G.J. Buijze voor de VAR 2022 external link

Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht, iss. : 5, num: 141, pp: 265-271, 2022

frontpage, openbaarheid, Overheidsinformatie, Privacy, transparantie


Article{nokey, title = {Naar een algemeen transparantiebeginsel? : Bespreking van het preadvies van A.W.G.J. Buijze voor de VAR 2022}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/ntb_2022_5_141/}, year = {0607}, date = {2022-06-07}, journal = {Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht}, issue = {5}, number = {141}, keywords = {frontpage, openbaarheid, Overheidsinformatie, Privacy, transparantie}, }

Kamelen, tijgers en de Wet Open Overheid external link

De Hofvijver, vol. 11, 2021


Opinie naar aanleiding van de aanvaarding door de Eerste Kamer op 5 oktober 2021 van twee wetsvoorstellen die hebben geleid tot de Wet open overheid.

Overheidsinformatie, wet open overheid


Article{nokey, title = {Kamelen, tijgers en de Wet Open Overheid}, author = {Hins, A.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Kamelen-tijgers-en-de-Wet-Open-Overheid.pdf}, year = {1025}, date = {2021-10-25}, journal = {De Hofvijver}, volume = {11}, pages = {}, abstract = {Opinie naar aanleiding van de aanvaarding door de Eerste Kamer op 5 oktober 2021 van twee wetsvoorstellen die hebben geleid tot de Wet open overheid.}, keywords = {Overheidsinformatie, wet open overheid}, }

Schriftelijke inbreng Rondetafelgesprek wijziging Handelsregisterwet external link

Databankenrecht, frontpage, handelsregisterwet, hergebruik, Open Data, Overheidsinformatie


Report{vanEechoud2019d, title = {Schriftelijke inbreng Rondetafelgesprek wijziging Handelsregisterwet}, author = {van Eechoud, M.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/paper_t.b.v._hoorzitting_rondetafelgesprek_Handelsregisterwet_d.d._11_april_2019.pdf}, year = {0412}, date = {2019-04-12}, keywords = {Databankenrecht, frontpage, handelsregisterwet, hergebruik, Open Data, Overheidsinformatie}, }

Wetsvoorstel open overheid nadert eindstreep external link

Mediaforum, vol. 2019, num: 1, pp: 1, 2019

frontpage, open overheid, Overheidsinformatie, wet openbaarheid van bestuur


Article{vanEechoud2019c, title = {Wetsvoorstel open overheid nadert eindstreep}, author = {van Eechoud, M.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Mediaforum_2019_1.pdf}, year = {0329}, date = {2019-03-29}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2019}, number = {1}, pages = {1}, keywords = {frontpage, open overheid, Overheidsinformatie, wet openbaarheid van bestuur}, }

Annotatie bij Afd. bestuursrechtspraak Raad van State 25 oktober 2017 (Minister van Veiligheid en Justitie / NOS e.a.) external link

Mediaforum, vol. 2018, num: 1, pp: 22-23, 2018

Annotaties, Art. 10 EVRM, frontpage, Overheidsinformatie, wet openbaarheid van bestuur


Article{Hins2018, title = {Annotatie bij Afd. bestuursrechtspraak Raad van State 25 oktober 2017 (Minister van Veiligheid en Justitie / NOS e.a.)}, author = {Hins, A.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Annotatie_MF_1_2018.pdf}, year = {0322}, date = {2018-03-22}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2018}, number = {1}, pages = {22-23}, keywords = {Annotaties, Art. 10 EVRM, frontpage, Overheidsinformatie, wet openbaarheid van bestuur}, }

Standards for Independent Oversight: The European Perspective external link

Bulk Collection: Systematic Government Access to Private-Sector Data, 0914, pp: 381-393


There are many ways to approach the question of government access to private-sector data. Much of the recent public debate has focused on access in the context of national security and traditional law enforcement, with respect to both targeted and untargeted access to data collected and processed by third parties. As more and more data is collected and stored by the private sector (“big data”), the amount of data that can be retrieved by governments is steadily increasing. A new “third domain” has emerged, where data is used for social security and tax surveillance and other types of non- traditional law enforcement. The Digital Rights Ireland case is the point of departure of this chapter. Next, two recent judgments by national courts are described, in which national data retention rules were tested against the ruling in the Digital Rights Ireland case and the necessity of independent oversight was discussed in further detail. This chapter draws from a recent study by the Institute for Information Law (IViR) to formulate standards for independent oversight. These standards are based on a broader analysis of the relevant jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice— including the Digital Rights Ireland case— and of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). The analysis is also based on selected studies, reports, resolutions, and recommendations.

frontpage, onafhankelijkheid, Overheidsinformatie, standaardisering, veiligheidsdiensten


Chapter{vanEijk2017b, title = {Standards for Independent Oversight: The European Perspective}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Standards_for_Independent_Oversight.pdf}, year = {0914}, date = {2017-09-14}, abstract = {There are many ways to approach the question of government access to private-sector data. Much of the recent public debate has focused on access in the context of national security and traditional law enforcement, with respect to both targeted and untargeted access to data collected and processed by third parties. As more and more data is collected and stored by the private sector (“big data”), the amount of data that can be retrieved by governments is steadily increasing. A new “third domain” has emerged, where data is used for social security and tax surveillance and other types of non- traditional law enforcement. The Digital Rights Ireland case is the point of departure of this chapter. Next, two recent judgments by national courts are described, in which national data retention rules were tested against the ruling in the Digital Rights Ireland case and the necessity of independent oversight was discussed in further detail. This chapter draws from a recent study by the Institute for Information Law (IViR) to formulate standards for independent oversight. These standards are based on a broader analysis of the relevant jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice— including the Digital Rights Ireland case— and of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). The analysis is also based on selected studies, reports, resolutions, and recommendations.}, keywords = {frontpage, onafhankelijkheid, Overheidsinformatie, standaardisering, veiligheidsdiensten}, }

Van openbaarheid naar hergebruik van overheidsinformatie: Of een vaarwel aan het sociaal contract external link

NJB, num: 36, pp: 2537-2543., 2015


Al decennia kent Nederland wetgeving op het gebied van de openbaarheid van informatie. Deze regels hebben ten doel overheidsmacht transparant en democratische controle mogelijk te maken. Onlangs is nieuwe regelgeving aangenomen door de Eerste Kamer. De Wet hergebruik overheidsinformatie ziet tevens op openbaarheid van overheidsinformatie, maar kent een fundamenteel ander doel dan voorgaande wetgeving. Niet de democratie of de controle op de macht staat centraal, maar de commerciële exploitatie van overheidsinformatie door private ondernemingen. Dit brengt met zich dat de wetgeving een fundamenteel ander karakter krijgt, dat de overheid gegevens over burgers aan derden geeft zonder te weten waarvoor deze worden gebruikt en dat het sociaal contract tussen overheid en burger onder druk komt te staan.



Article{nokey, title = {Van openbaarheid naar hergebruik van overheidsinformatie: Of een vaarwel aan het sociaal contract}, author = {van der Sloot, B.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/1699.pdf}, year = {1215}, date = {2015-12-15}, journal = {NJB}, number = {36}, abstract = {Al decennia kent Nederland wetgeving op het gebied van de openbaarheid van informatie. Deze regels hebben ten doel overheidsmacht transparant en democratische controle mogelijk te maken. Onlangs is nieuwe regelgeving aangenomen door de Eerste Kamer. De Wet hergebruik overheidsinformatie ziet tevens op openbaarheid van overheidsinformatie, maar kent een fundamenteel ander doel dan voorgaande wetgeving. Niet de democratie of de controle op de macht staat centraal, maar de commerciële exploitatie van overheidsinformatie door private ondernemingen. Dit brengt met zich dat de wetgeving een fundamenteel ander karakter krijgt, dat de overheid gegevens over burgers aan derden geeft zonder te weten waarvoor deze worden gebruikt en dat het sociaal contract tussen overheid en burger onder druk komt te staan.}, keywords = {Overheidsinformatie}, }

Van Open Barend Biesheuvel tot Worldwide Wallage external link

NJB, num: 2, pp: 75-78., 2002


De Commissie-Wallage is revolutionair bezig geweest in haar rapport over de toekomst van de overheidscommunicatie. De overheid zou een proactief communicatiebeleid met betrekking tot niet aanvaard beleid moeten aanmoedigen in ‘de slag om het publieke vertrouwen’. Gevreesd moet worden dat een dergelijk voorlichtingsbeleid op zijn best verzandt in politiek gekrakeel en op zijn slechtst in ordinaire propaganda. Maar de commissie deed ook een aantal verstandige voorstellen…



Article{nokey, title = {Van Open Barend Biesheuvel tot Worldwide Wallage}, author = {Schuijt, G.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/1673.pdf}, year = {0113}, date = {2002-01-13}, journal = {NJB}, number = {2}, abstract = {De Commissie-Wallage is revolutionair bezig geweest in haar rapport over de toekomst van de overheidscommunicatie. De overheid zou een proactief communicatiebeleid met betrekking tot niet aanvaard beleid moeten aanmoedigen in ‘de slag om het publieke vertrouwen’. Gevreesd moet worden dat een dergelijk voorlichtingsbeleid op zijn best verzandt in politiek gekrakeel en op zijn slechtst in ordinaire propaganda. Maar de commissie deed ook een aantal verstandige voorstellen…}, keywords = {Overheidsinformatie}, }

Making Access to Government Data Work external link

Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, num: 2, 2015


The EU Directive on Re-use of Public Sector Information of 2013 (the PSI Directive) is a key instrument for open data policies at all levels of government in Member States. It sets out a general framework for the conditions governing the right to re-use information resources held by public sector bodies. It includes provisions on non-discrimination, transparent licensing and the like. However, what the PSI Directive does not do is give businesses, civil society or citizens an actual claim to access. Access is of course a prerequisite to (re)use. It is largely a matter for individual Member States to regulate what information is in the public record. This article explores what the options for the EC are to promote alignment of rights to information and re-use policy. It also flags a number of important data protection problems that have not been given serious enough consideration, but have the potential to paralyze open data policies.

Access to Government Information, Data protection, Directive 2003/98/EC, Freedom of information, Open Data, Overheidsinformatie, Re-use of Public Sector Information


Article{nokey, title = {Making Access to Government Data Work}, author = {van Eechoud, M.}, url = {https://journals.muni.cz/mujlt/article/view/3717}, year = {1021}, date = {2015-10-21}, journal = {Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology}, number = {2}, abstract = {The EU Directive on Re-use of Public Sector Information of 2013 (the PSI Directive) is a key instrument for open data policies at all levels of government in Member States. It sets out a general framework for the conditions governing the right to re-use information resources held by public sector bodies. It includes provisions on non-discrimination, transparent licensing and the like. However, what the PSI Directive does not do is give businesses, civil society or citizens an actual claim to access. Access is of course a prerequisite to (re)use. It is largely a matter for individual Member States to regulate what information is in the public record. This article explores what the options for the EC are to promote alignment of rights to information and re-use policy. It also flags a number of important data protection problems that have not been given serious enough consideration, but have the potential to paralyze open data policies.}, keywords = {Access to Government Information, Data protection, Directive 2003/98/EC, Freedom of information, Open Data, Overheidsinformatie, Re-use of Public Sector Information}, }