Justitie toegang geven tot versleutelde chatberichten is geen goed idee external link

Trouw, 2019

frontpage, Privacy


Article{vanDaalen2019b, title = {Justitie toegang geven tot versleutelde chatberichten is geen goed idee}, author = {van Daalen, O.}, url = {https://www.trouw.nl/opinie/justitie-toegang-geven-tot-versleutelde-chatberichten-is-geen-goed-idee~bd398447/}, year = {1108}, date = {2019-11-08}, journal = {Trouw}, keywords = {frontpage, Privacy}, }

Annotatie bij Rb. Noord-Holland 23 mei 2019 external link

Computerrecht, vol. 2019, num: 4, pp: 267-273, 2019


De rechtbank bakent de omvang van het inzagerecht af in overeenstemming met eerdere jurisprudentie, waarmee zij verwerkingsverantwoordelijke handvatten biedt voor die gevallen waarin zij zich geconfronteerd ziet met inzageverzoeken.

Annotaties, Art. 15 AVG, frontpage, gegevensbescherming, Privacy


Article{Mil2019c, title = {Annotatie bij Rb. Noord-Holland 23 mei 2019}, author = {Mil, J. van}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Annotatie_CR_2019_4.pdf}, year = {0919}, date = {2019-09-19}, journal = {Computerrecht}, volume = {2019}, number = {4}, pages = {267-273}, abstract = {De rechtbank bakent de omvang van het inzagerecht af in overeenstemming met eerdere jurisprudentie, waarmee zij verwerkingsverantwoordelijke handvatten biedt voor die gevallen waarin zij zich geconfronteerd ziet met inzageverzoeken.}, keywords = {Annotaties, Art. 15 AVG, frontpage, gegevensbescherming, Privacy}, }

Brief of EU Data Protection and Privacy Scholars as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent external link

Brkan, M., Castets-Renard, C., Cole, M.D., Dommering, E., Forgo, N., Korff, D., Kosta, E., Ligeti, K., Mariottini, C.M., Metille, S., Mitrou, L., Pollicino, O., Pretschner, A., Robinson, G., Ryngaert, C., Spindler, G., Valcke, P., Van Calster, G., van Eijk, N., Weber, R. & Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.

amicus brief, Data protection, Privacy


Article{Brkan2018, title = {Brief of EU Data Protection and Privacy Scholars as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent}, author = {Brkan, M. and Castets-Renard, C. and Cole, M.D. and Dommering, E. and Forgo, N. and Korff, D. and Kosta, E. and Ligeti, K. and Mariottini, C.M. and Metille, S. and Mitrou, L. and Pollicino, O. and Pretschner, A. and Robinson, G. and Ryngaert, C. and Spindler, G. and Valcke, P. and Van Calster, G. and van Eijk, N. and Weber, R. and Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/amicusbrief_2018.pdf}, year = {0118}, date = {2018-01-18}, keywords = {amicus brief, Data protection, Privacy}, }

Het prinsesje op de erwt en de tovenaarsleerling external link

Privacy & Informatie, vol. 22, num: 3, pp: 89-90, 2019

cookies, frontpage, Persoonsgegevens, Privacy, reclame, websites


Article{Kabel2019c, title = {Het prinsesje op de erwt en de tovenaarsleerling}, author = {Kabel, J.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/PI_2019_3.pdf}, year = {0730}, date = {2019-07-30}, journal = {Privacy & Informatie}, volume = {22}, number = {3}, pages = {89-90}, keywords = {cookies, frontpage, Persoonsgegevens, Privacy, reclame, websites}, }

Prijsdiscriminatie, privacy en publieke opinie external link

Ars Aequi, vol. 2019, pp: 580-590, 2019


Webwinkels zijn technisch in staat om elke consument een andere prijs aan te bieden: online prijsdiscriminatie. Dit artikel bespreekt twee enquêtes over dergelijke praktijken die zijn gehouden onder de Nederlandse bevolking en onderzoekt de implicaties van de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) voor online prijsdiscriminatie.

AVG, frontpage, online prijsdiscriminatie, Privacy


Article{Poort2019c, title = {Prijsdiscriminatie, privacy en publieke opinie}, author = {Poort, J. and Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.}, url = {https://arsaequi.nl/product/prijsdiscriminatie-privacy-en-publieke-opinie/}, year = {0704}, date = {2019-07-04}, journal = {Ars Aequi}, volume = {2019}, pages = {580-590}, abstract = {Webwinkels zijn technisch in staat om elke consument een andere prijs aan te bieden: online prijsdiscriminatie. Dit artikel bespreekt twee enquêtes over dergelijke praktijken die zijn gehouden onder de Nederlandse bevolking en onderzoekt de implicaties van de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) voor online prijsdiscriminatie.}, keywords = {AVG, frontpage, online prijsdiscriminatie, Privacy}, }

International cooperation by (European) security and intelligence services: reviewing the creation of a joint database in light of data protection guarantees external link

Ryngaert, C.M.J. & van Eijk, N.
International Data Privacy Law, vol. 2019, num: 1, pp: 61-73, 2019

Data protection, frontpage, Privacy, veiligheidsdiensten


Article{Ryngaert2019, title = {International cooperation by (European) security and intelligence services: reviewing the creation of a joint database in light of data protection guarantees}, author = {Ryngaert, C.M.J. and van Eijk, N.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/IDPL_2019_1.pdf}, doi = {https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1093/idpl/ipz001}, year = {0409}, date = {2019-04-09}, journal = {International Data Privacy Law}, volume = {2019}, number = {1}, pages = {61-73}, keywords = {Data protection, frontpage, Privacy, veiligheidsdiensten}, }

Annotatie bij EHRM 28 juni 2018 (M.L. en W.W. / Duitsland) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, vol. 2019, num: 12, pp: 1624-1626, 2019

archieven, AVG, frontpage, journalistieke exceptie, Mediarecht, Privacy, recht op vergetelheid


Article{Dommering2019, title = {Annotatie bij EHRM 28 juni 2018 (M.L. en W.W. / Duitsland)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Annotatie_NJ_2019_97.pdf}, year = {0329}, date = {2019-03-29}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, volume = {2019}, number = {12}, pages = {1624-1626}, keywords = {archieven, AVG, frontpage, journalistieke exceptie, Mediarecht, Privacy, recht op vergetelheid}, }

Online politieke microtargeting: Een zegen of een vloek voor de democratie? external link

Zuiderveen Borgesius, F., Möller, J., Dobber, T., Kruikemeier, S., Irion, K., Stapel, S., Fahy, R., Bodó, B. & Vreese, C.H. de
Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB), vol. 2019, num: 10, pp: 528-669, 2019


Voor online politieke microtargeting wordt het online-gedrag van mensen in kaart gebracht en worden de verzamelde gegevens gebruikt om mensen gerichte politieke advertenties te tonen. Microtargeting is vanuit de VS komen overwaaien naar Europa en heeft voor- en nadelen voor de democratie. Microtargeting kan politieke partijen helpen om mensen effectief te bereiken en kan politieke betrokkenheid stimuleren. Maar microtargeting kan ook een bedreiging vormen voor de democratie. Zo kan een politieke partij zich verschillend voordoen aan verschillende mensen. Bovendien bedreigt het verzamelen van persoonsgegevens onze privacy. Dit artikel brengt de beloftes en bedreigingen van microtargeting voor de democratie in kaart en schetst mogelijkheden voor beleidsmakers om het gebruik van microtargeting te reguleren.

advertenties, democratie, frontpage, microtargeting, Persoonsgegevens, politiek, Privacy


Article{Borgesius2019b, title = {Online politieke microtargeting: Een zegen of een vloek voor de democratie?}, author = {Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. and Möller, J. and Dobber, T. and Kruikemeier, S. and Irion, K. and Stapel, S. and Fahy, R. and Bodó, B. and Vreese, C.H. de}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/NJB_2019.pdf}, year = {0319}, date = {2019-03-19}, journal = {Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB)}, volume = {2019}, number = {10}, pages = {528-669}, abstract = {Voor online politieke microtargeting wordt het online-gedrag van mensen in kaart gebracht en worden de verzamelde gegevens gebruikt om mensen gerichte politieke advertenties te tonen. Microtargeting is vanuit de VS komen overwaaien naar Europa en heeft voor- en nadelen voor de democratie. Microtargeting kan politieke partijen helpen om mensen effectief te bereiken en kan politieke betrokkenheid stimuleren. Maar microtargeting kan ook een bedreiging vormen voor de democratie. Zo kan een politieke partij zich verschillend voordoen aan verschillende mensen. Bovendien bedreigt het verzamelen van persoonsgegevens onze privacy. Dit artikel brengt de beloftes en bedreigingen van microtargeting voor de democratie in kaart en schetst mogelijkheden voor beleidsmakers om het gebruik van microtargeting te reguleren.}, keywords = {advertenties, democratie, frontpage, microtargeting, Persoonsgegevens, politiek, Privacy}, }

Mobile Privacy and Business-to-Platform Dependencies: An Analysis of SEC Disclosures external link

Journal of Business & Technology Law , vol. 14, num: 1, 2019


This Article systematically examines the dependence of mobile apps on mobile platforms for the collection and use of personal information through an analysis of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings of mobile app companies. The Article uses these disclosures to find systematic evidence of how app business models are shaped by the governance of user data by mobile platforms, in order to reflect on the role of platforms in privacy regulation more generally. The analysis of SEC filings documented in the Article produces new and unique insights into the data practices and data-related aspects of the business models of popular mobile apps and shows the value of SEC filings for privacy law and policy research more generally. The discussion of SEC filings and privacy builds on regulatory developments in SEC disclosures and cybersecurity of the last decade. The Article also connects to recent regulatory developments in the U.S. and Europe, including the General Data Protection Regulation, the proposals for a new ePrivacy Regulation and a Regulation of fairness in business-to-platform relations.



Article{Fahy2019e, title = {Mobile Privacy and Business-to-Platform Dependencies: An Analysis of SEC Disclosures}, author = {Fahy, R. and van Hoboken, J. and van Eijk, N.}, url = {https://digitalcommons.law.umaryland.edu/jbtl/vol14/iss1/4/}, year = {0206}, date = {2019-02-06}, journal = {Journal of Business & Technology Law }, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {}, abstract = {This Article systematically examines the dependence of mobile apps on mobile platforms for the collection and use of personal information through an analysis of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings of mobile app companies. The Article uses these disclosures to find systematic evidence of how app business models are shaped by the governance of user data by mobile platforms, in order to reflect on the role of platforms in privacy regulation more generally. The analysis of SEC filings documented in the Article produces new and unique insights into the data practices and data-related aspects of the business models of popular mobile apps and shows the value of SEC filings for privacy law and policy research more generally. The discussion of SEC filings and privacy builds on regulatory developments in SEC disclosures and cybersecurity of the last decade. The Article also connects to recent regulatory developments in the U.S. and Europe, including the General Data Protection Regulation, the proposals for a new ePrivacy Regulation and a Regulation of fairness in business-to-platform relations.}, keywords = {Privacy}, }

The Golden Age of Personal Data: How to Regulate an Enabling Fundamental Right? external link

Oostveen, M. & Irion, K.
In: Bakhoum M., Conde Gallego B., Mackenrodt MO., Surblytė-Namavičienė G. (eds) Personal Data in Competition, Consumer Protection and Intellectual Property Law. MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law, vol 28. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1120


New technologies, purposes and applications to process individuals’ personal data are being developed on a massive scale. But we have not only entered the ‘golden age of personal data’ in terms of its exploitation: ours is also the ‘golden age of personal data’ in terms of regulation of its use. Understood as an enabling right, the architecture of EU data protection law is capable of protecting against many of the negative short- and long-term effects of contemporary data processing. Against the backdrop of big data applications, we evaluate how the implementation of privacy and data protection rules protect against the short- and long-term effects of contemporary data processing. We conclude that from the perspective of protecting individual fundamental rights and freedoms, it would be worthwhile to explore alternative (legal) approaches instead of relying on EU data protection law alone to cope with contemporary data processing.

automated decision making, Big data, Data protection, frontpage, General Data Protection Regulation, Privacy, profiling


Chapter{Oostveen2018, title = {The Golden Age of Personal Data: How to Regulate an Enabling Fundamental Right?}, author = {Oostveen, M. and Irion, K.}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-662-57646-5_2}, year = {1120}, date = {2018-11-20}, abstract = {New technologies, purposes and applications to process individuals’ personal data are being developed on a massive scale. But we have not only entered the ‘golden age of personal data’ in terms of its exploitation: ours is also the ‘golden age of personal data’ in terms of regulation of its use. Understood as an enabling right, the architecture of EU data protection law is capable of protecting against many of the negative short- and long-term effects of contemporary data processing. Against the backdrop of big data applications, we evaluate how the implementation of privacy and data protection rules protect against the short- and long-term effects of contemporary data processing. We conclude that from the perspective of protecting individual fundamental rights and freedoms, it would be worthwhile to explore alternative (legal) approaches instead of relying on EU data protection law alone to cope with contemporary data processing.}, keywords = {automated decision making, Big data, Data protection, frontpage, General Data Protection Regulation, Privacy, profiling}, }