ECtHR engages in dangerous "triple pirouette" to find criminal prosecution for media coverage of PKK statements did not violate Article 10 external link

Fahy, R. & Voorhoof, D.
Strasbourg Observers, 2019

Art. 10 EVRM, frontpage, Mediarecht, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Fahy2019c, title = {ECtHR engages in dangerous "triple pirouette" to find criminal prosecution for media coverage of PKK statements did not violate Article 10}, author = {Fahy, R. and Voorhoof, D.}, url = {}, year = {1014}, date = {2019-10-14}, journal = {Strasbourg Observers}, keywords = {Art. 10 EVRM, frontpage, Mediarecht, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Cut Out By The Middle Man: The Free Speech Implications Of Social Network Blocking and Banning In The EU external link

JIPITEC, vol. 6, num: 2, 2015


This article examines social network users’ legal defences against content removal under the EU and ECHR frameworks, and their implications for the effective exercise of free speech online. A review of the Terms of Use and content moderation policies of two major social network services, Facebook and Twitter, shows that end users are unlikely to have a contractual defence against content removal. Under the EU and ECHR frameworks, they may demand the observance of free speech principles in state-issued blocking orders and their implementation by intermediaries, but cannot invoke this ‘fair balance’ test against the voluntary removal decisions by the social network service. Drawing on practical examples, this article explores the threat to free speech created by this lack of accountability: Firstly, a shift from legislative regulation and formal injunctions to public-private collaborations allows state authorities to influence these ostensibly voluntary policies, thereby circumventing constitutional safeguards. Secondly, even absent state interference, the commercial incentives of social media cannot be guaranteed to coincide with democratic ideals. In light of the blurring of public and private functions in the regulation of social media expression, this article calls for the increased accountability of the social media services towards end users regarding the observance of free speech principles.

Banning, Private Censorship, Removal Orders, Social media, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Leerssen2019, title = {Cut Out By The Middle Man: The Free Speech Implications Of Social Network Blocking and Banning In The EU}, author = {Leerssen, P.}, url = {}, year = {1010}, date = {2015-10-10}, journal = {JIPITEC}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {}, abstract = {This article examines social network users’ legal defences against content removal under the EU and ECHR frameworks, and their implications for the effective exercise of free speech online. A review of the Terms of Use and content moderation policies of two major social network services, Facebook and Twitter, shows that end users are unlikely to have a contractual defence against content removal. Under the EU and ECHR frameworks, they may demand the observance of free speech principles in state-issued blocking orders and their implementation by intermediaries, but cannot invoke this ‘fair balance’ test against the voluntary removal decisions by the social network service. Drawing on practical examples, this article explores the threat to free speech created by this lack of accountability: Firstly, a shift from legislative regulation and formal injunctions to public-private collaborations allows state authorities to influence these ostensibly voluntary policies, thereby circumventing constitutional safeguards. Secondly, even absent state interference, the commercial incentives of social media cannot be guaranteed to coincide with democratic ideals. In light of the blurring of public and private functions in the regulation of social media expression, this article calls for the increased accountability of the social media services towards end users regarding the observance of free speech principles.}, keywords = {Banning, Private Censorship, Removal Orders, Social media, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 2 juli 2019 (nr. 349) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, num: 40, pp: 5677, 2019


Het hof kon oordelen dat met de door verdachte opgeplakte poster werd opgeruid tot 'gewelddadig optreden tegen het openbaar gezag' en dat veroordeling niet in strijd is met vrijheid van meningsuiting.

Annotaties, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Dommering2019f, title = {Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 2 juli 2019 (nr. 349)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {1008}, date = {2019-10-08}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, number = {40}, abstract = {Het hof kon oordelen dat met de door verdachte opgeplakte poster werd opgeruid tot \'gewelddadig optreden tegen het openbaar gezag\' en dat veroordeling niet in strijd is met vrijheid van meningsuiting.}, keywords = {Annotaties, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 2 juli 2019 (nr. 348) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, num: 40, pp: 5658-5659, 2019


Ophangen van posters waarin bouwbedrijf in verband wordt gebracht met deportaties door gesloten gezinsvoorziening te bouwen in Detentiecentrum Zeist. Oordeel dat veroordeling ter zake smaadschrift geen strijd oplevert met vrijheid van meningsuiting ontoereikend gemotiveerd.

Annotaties, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Dommering2019e, title = {Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 2 juli 2019 (nr. 348)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {1008}, date = {2019-10-08}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, number = {40}, abstract = {Ophangen van posters waarin bouwbedrijf in verband wordt gebracht met deportaties door gesloten gezinsvoorziening te bouwen in Detentiecentrum Zeist. Oordeel dat veroordeling ter zake smaadschrift geen strijd oplevert met vrijheid van meningsuiting ontoereikend gemotiveerd.}, keywords = {Annotaties, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Conference on Freedom of Expression and Copyright: Luxembourg, 7 November 2019 external link

Jütte, B.J. & Quintais, J.
Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2019

Auteursrecht, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Jütte2019b, title = {Conference on Freedom of Expression and Copyright: Luxembourg, 7 November 2019}, author = {Jütte, B.J. and Quintais, J.}, url = {}, year = {0926}, date = {2019-09-26}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Book review of Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Intermediary Liability and Freedom of Expression in the EU external link

Common Market Law Review, vol. 56, num: 4, pp: 1154-1155, 2019

book reviews, intermediary liability, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Hins2019b, title = {Book review of Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Intermediary Liability and Freedom of Expression in the EU}, author = {Hins, A.}, year = {0822}, date = {2019-08-22}, journal = {Common Market Law Review}, volume = {56}, number = {4}, pages = {1154-1155}, keywords = {book reviews, intermediary liability, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

How Social are New and Social Media for National Minorities? Perspectives from the FCNM external link

European Yearbook of Minority Issues, vol. 16, num: 1, pp: 3-33, 2019


Understanding the transformation of digital communication gives important insights into how new media, including social media, affect the ability of persons belonging to national minorities to exercise their rights to freedom of expression and participation in society. Thus, the new media ecosystem calls for greater attention for minority-related issues. The Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (ACFC) has already observed that the media ecosystem is increasingly used for the expression of intolerance and hostility towards minorities, but that it also provides them with valuable expressive opportunities. This article starts with an analysis of how the advent and growing dominance of social media are causing farreaching changes in how we communicate in the new media ecosystem. The potential and drawbacks of new and social media for national minorities is the next focus. The article then analyses the ACFC’s monitoring work regarding new and social media. The article’s conclusions are supplemented by a set of recommendations that may guide the ACFC’s future monitoring work on relevant issues.

frontpage, minderheden, Social media, technologie, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Kostić2019, title = {How Social are New and Social Media for National Minorities? Perspectives from the FCNM}, author = {Kostić, B. and McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0704}, date = {2019-07-04}, journal = {European Yearbook of Minority Issues}, volume = {16}, number = {1}, pages = {3-33}, abstract = {Understanding the transformation of digital communication gives important insights into how new media, including social media, affect the ability of persons belonging to national minorities to exercise their rights to freedom of expression and participation in society. Thus, the new media ecosystem calls for greater attention for minority-related issues. The Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (ACFC) has already observed that the media ecosystem is increasingly used for the expression of intolerance and hostility towards minorities, but that it also provides them with valuable expressive opportunities. This article starts with an analysis of how the advent and growing dominance of social media are causing farreaching changes in how we communicate in the new media ecosystem. The potential and drawbacks of new and social media for national minorities is the next focus. The article then analyses the ACFC’s monitoring work regarding new and social media. The article’s conclusions are supplemented by a set of recommendations that may guide the ACFC’s future monitoring work on relevant issues.}, keywords = {frontpage, minderheden, Social media, technologie, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 26 juni 2018 external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, num: 25, pp: 3503-3504, 2019

Annotaties, belediging, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Dommering2019c, title = {Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 26 juni 2018}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0620}, date = {2019-06-20}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, number = {25}, keywords = {Annotaties, belediging, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 14 februari 2019 (Buivids) external link

European Human Rights Cases, vol. 2019, num: 5, pp: 253-255, 2019

Annotaties, bescherming persoonsgegevens, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{McGonagle2019f, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 14 februari 2019 (Buivids)}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0510}, date = {2019-05-10}, journal = {European Human Rights Cases}, volume = {2019}, number = {5}, pages = {253-255}, keywords = {Annotaties, bescherming persoonsgegevens, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Annotatie bij EHRM 10 januari 2019 (Khadija Ismayilova / Azerbeidzjan) external link

European Human Rights Cases, vol. 2019, num: 5, pp: 257-260, 2019

Annotaties, chilling effect, EHRM, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{McGonagle2019e, title = {Annotatie bij EHRM 10 januari 2019 (Khadija Ismayilova / Azerbeidzjan)}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0510}, date = {2019-05-10}, journal = {European Human Rights Cases}, volume = {2019}, number = {5}, pages = {257-260}, keywords = {Annotaties, chilling effect, EHRM, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }