McGonagle to coordinate development of new Council of Europe online educational course

Dr. Tarlach McGonagle (IViR) has been invited by the Council of Europe to coordinate an international team of experts tasked with developing an online course on the protection of journalists. The course aims to contribute to human rights education and the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights at the national level. The course… Continue reading McGonagle to coordinate development of new Council of Europe online educational course

VENI-grant for dr. Judith Moeller

Dr. Judith Moeller, researcher at ASCOR and part of the Personalised Communication team received a NWO grant for her proposal “Vocal, Visible and Vaulting? (Dis)connected niche audiences in the age of artificial intelligence.” This project studies the impact of algorithmic filter systems and artificial intelligence on specific segments of the population and niche audiences (fringe… Continue reading VENI-grant for dr. Judith Moeller

VENI-grant for dr. Judith Moeller

Dr. Judith Moeller, researcher at ASCOR and part of the Personalised Communication team received a NWO grant for her proposal “Vocal, Visible and Vaulting? (Dis)connected niche audiences in the age of artificial intelligence.” This project studies the impact of algorithmic filter systems and artificial intelligence on specific segments of the population and niche audiences (fringe… Continue reading VENI-grant for dr. Judith Moeller

Rechtstreeks verbonden: De rechter & de uitingsvrijheid

Op vrijdag 1 november 2019 organiseert de Rechtbank Amsterdam in samenwerking met het Instituut voor Informatierecht en de Vereniging voor Media- en Communicatierecht, een studiemiddag voorafgaand aan de afscheidsreceptie van Willem F. Korthals Altes. Wat mag de rechter zeggen en schrijven?Wat mag je tegen de rechter zeggen en schrijven?Wat mag je over de rechter zeggen… Continue reading Rechtstreeks verbonden: De rechter & de uitingsvrijheid