Sam van Velze winnaar VIE-prijs 2017

Elk jaar reikt de Vereniging voor Intellectuele Eigendom de VIE-prijs uit voor de beste publicatie op het gebied van het  intellectuele eigendom of het ongeoorloofde mededingingsrecht. Dit jaar heeft Sam van Velze de VIE-prijs 2017 gewonnen met haar artikel dat verschenen is in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift AMI: Het ‘nieuw publiek’ criterium hoort niet thuis in het… Continue reading Sam van Velze winnaar VIE-prijs 2017

Smart TVs and Privacy

On March 7, 2017 Wikileaks revealed that US intelligence agencies are able to hijack Smart TVs to eavesdrop on persons. This relates to research done by the Institute for Information Law on smart TV and privacy which is presently not very well protected. Kristina Irion and prof. Natali Helberger have recently published a research article… Continue reading Smart TVs and Privacy

Smart TVs and Privacy

On March 7, 2017 Wikileaks revealed that US intelligence agencies are able to hijack Smart TVs to eavesdrop on persons. This relates to research done by the Institute for Information Law on smart TV and privacy which is presently not very well protected. Kristina Irion and prof. Natali Helberger have recently published a research article… Continue reading Smart TVs and Privacy

CFP: Special issue of the Internet Policy Review on ‘Political micro-targeting’

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The Personalized Communications project invites you to submit papers to the special issue we are editing at the Internet Policy Review on ‘Political micro-targeting’. Data have become corner stones for political campaigning and strategies. Political parties increasingly use data-driven expertise and research to build extensive databases on citizens, voters. These data sets allow politicians to… Continue reading CFP: Special issue of the Internet Policy Review on ‘Political micro-targeting’