Natali Helberger on News Recommendation Systems for Media Apocalypse from Yale Law School

Prof. Natali Helberger was invited by the Information Society Project (ISP) at Yale Law School to contribute in a series of discussions with experts about the current crisis roiling journalism in the United States and what they might do about it. The discussion was about diversity in news recommenders and the government of algorithmic recommendation… Continue reading Natali Helberger on News Recommendation Systems for Media Apocalypse from Yale Law School

Protection and Safety of Journalists: New Council of Europe HELP course available for free online

The new Council of Europe HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) course on Protection and Safety of Journalists is now available on the HELP online platform. Dr. Tarlach McGonagle coordinated the international team of experts that developed the course. The course aims to contribute to human rights education and the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights… Continue reading Protection and Safety of Journalists: New Council of Europe HELP course available for free online

New Project: Legal and societal conditions for Covid-19 technologies

A new research project on technological solutions in a Covid-19 exit strategy, with a particular focus on the legal, ethical and societal conditions, has started in June. The project was commissioned by ZonMW as a so-called ‘urgent research question’ project, and is a combined research effort of researchers from the Digital Transformation Initiative at the… Continue reading New Project: Legal and societal conditions for Covid-19 technologies