Joris de Vries
UvA Profiel
In the role of managing director, Joris supports the implementation of the collaborative research program Public values in the Algorithmic Society (AlgoSoc). This program is ran by an interdisciplinairy team of researchers from Utrecht University, Delft University of Technology, Tilburg University and Erasmus University Rotterdam. Its coordination rests with the UvA. Funded with a 10-year OCW grant, AlgoSoc is rooted in the increasing role of algorithmic decision-systems in public life, thereby focusing on the implications for society and investigating how to make sure that (semi-)automated decisions respect and realise public values and human rights.
Prior to this, he worked as a research grants advisor and senior project manager at the UvA’s Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. In this combined role, he supported the acquisition (pre-award) and implementation (post-award) of new interdisciplinary and collaborative research projects, focusing both on opportunities in national (NWO) and EU-level R&I schemes (H2020, Horizon Europe). Additionally, he set up a faculty-wide collaborative research support infrastructure by co-founding the faculty’s Collaborative Research (CORE) Support Team.