Prof. P. Samuelson

On Saturday 15 June 2002, the title of 'Honorary Professor' was conferred on Professor Pamela Samuelson by the University of Amsterdam.
Pamela Samuelson is the Richard M. Sherman Distinguished Professor of Law and Information at the University of California, Berkeley. She is recognized as a pioneer in digital copyright law, intellectual property, cyberlaw and information policy. Since 1996, she has held a joint appointment at Berkeley Law School and UC Berkeley’s School of Information. Samuelson is a director of the internationally-renowned Berkeley Center for Law & Technology. She is co-founder and chair of the board of Authors Alliance, a nonprofit organization that promotes the public interest in access to knowledge. She also serves on the board of directors of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, as well as on the advisory boards for the Electronic Privacy Information Center, the Center for Democracy & Technology, and Public Knowledge.
In her numerous publications, she has expressed particularly critical views on the strong expansion of copyright in the digital environment. Professor Samuelson is a frequent guest at the Institute for Information Law, where she often participates in international workshops, conferences, or symposia and where she is a regular lecturer on the Institute’s International Copyright Law Summer Course.