Joan-Josep Vallbé

Dr Joan-Josep Vallbé (1976) is Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Joan-Josep is a political scientist with a data-analysis orientation. Between 2005 and 2014 he taught political science at the University of Barcelona. He works with social and computer scientists, sociologists, urban designers, and legal professionals, on how to model, measure, and analyze the patterns of interaction between citizens and variation in their (mainly institutional) environment. Change may occur in micro-level contexts such as problem spaces in choice situations, or in macro-level phenomena such as metropolitan growth or the regulatory environment. His work on institutional indicators underscores the need to obtain reliable measures of institutional performance and adaptation to better explore and analyze the effects of institutional change on citizens.
The book he has recently published is a result of such effort. And so is his current work on the empirical approach to alternative compensation systems(vis-à-vis copyright), and his articles about the measurement of the quality of regulatory environments, and about the effects of metropolitan suburbanization on civic engagement and political orientations.