China’s new cybersecurity law – effective as of 1 June 2017


While China’s new cybersecurity law may appear vague, cumbersome and lacking clarity, one thing is clear and that is that international companies with any operations and/or activities in China should quickly assess if and how they are covered by the new legislation.

China, cybersecurity


Article{tenBrink2017, title = {China’s new cybersecurity law – effective as of 1 June 2017}, author = {Staden ten Brink, R. van and Wang, J. and Veldhoen, D. and Arnbak, A.}, url = {}, year = {0721}, date = {2017-07-21}, journal = {Trade Security Journal}, volume = {2017}, number = {2}, pages = {27-29}, abstract = {While China’s new cybersecurity law may appear vague, cumbersome and lacking clarity, one thing is clear and that is that international companies with any operations and/or activities in China should quickly assess if and how they are covered by the new legislation.}, keywords = {China, cybersecurity}, }