Personal data processing for behavioural targeting: which legal basis? external link

International Data Privacy Law, 2015


Key Points:
The European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights only allows personal data processing if a data controller has a legal basis for the processing.
This paper argues that, in most circumstances, the only available legal basis for the processing of personal data for behavioural targeting is the data subject's unambiguous consent.
Furthermore, the paper argues that the cookie consent requirement from the e-Privacy Directive does not provide a legal basis for the processing of personal data.
Therefore, even if companies could use an opt-out system to comply with the e-Privacy Directive's consent requirement for using a tracking cookie, they would generally have to obtain the data subject's unambiguous consent if they process personal data for behavioural targeting.

behavioural targeting, Grondrechten, Personal data, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {Personal data processing for behavioural targeting: which legal basis?}, author = {Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.}, url = {}, year = {0625}, date = {2015-06-25}, journal = {International Data Privacy Law}, abstract = {Key Points: The European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights only allows personal data processing if a data controller has a legal basis for the processing. This paper argues that, in most circumstances, the only available legal basis for the processing of personal data for behavioural targeting is the data subject's unambiguous consent. Furthermore, the paper argues that the cookie consent requirement from the e-Privacy Directive does not provide a legal basis for the processing of personal data. Therefore, even if companies could use an opt-out system to comply with the e-Privacy Directive's consent requirement for using a tracking cookie, they would generally have to obtain the data subject's unambiguous consent if they process personal data for behavioural targeting.}, keywords = {behavioural targeting, Grondrechten, Personal data, Privacy}, }

ALAI 2015 Conference ‘Renumeration for the Use of Works. Exclusivity vs. Other Approaches, National Report The Netherlands external link

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Report{nokey, title = {ALAI 2015 Conference ‘Renumeration for the Use of Works. Exclusivity vs. Other Approaches, National Report The Netherlands}, author = {Kannekens, E. and Salamanca, O. and van Eechoud, M.}, url = {}, year = {0623}, date = {2015-06-23}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Kruisende wegen: Auteursrecht in het wetsvoorstel Open Overheid external link

AMI, num: 3, pp: 75-83., 2015


Standaardlicenties zoals Creative Commons zijn een belangrijk middel voor overheidsorganen om het (her)gebruik van overheidsinformatie te stimuleren. De uitoefening van het privaatrechtelijke auteurs- en databankenrecht versterkt zo de publiekrechtelijk geregelde openbaarheid van bestuur. Kan dat zo blijven als het initiatiefwetsvoorstel Open Overheid wet wordt? Het voorstel zet de verhouding tussen openbaarheidswetgeving en intellectuele eigendomsrechten op scherp. Dit artikel beziet de voorgenomen wetswijzigingen in het licht van de tweewegenleer, het leerstuk dat bepaalt hoe privaatrechtelijk overheidshandelen mag worden ingezet voor publieke doelen.



Article{nokey, title = {Kruisende wegen: Auteursrecht in het wetsvoorstel Open Overheid}, author = {van Eechoud, M.}, url = {}, year = {0623}, date = {2015-06-23}, journal = {AMI}, number = {3}, abstract = {Standaardlicenties zoals Creative Commons zijn een belangrijk middel voor overheidsorganen om het (her)gebruik van overheidsinformatie te stimuleren. De uitoefening van het privaatrechtelijke auteurs- en databankenrecht versterkt zo de publiekrechtelijk geregelde openbaarheid van bestuur. Kan dat zo blijven als het initiatiefwetsvoorstel Open Overheid wet wordt? Het voorstel zet de verhouding tussen openbaarheidswetgeving en intellectuele eigendomsrechten op scherp. Dit artikel beziet de voorgenomen wetswijzigingen in het licht van de tweewegenleer, het leerstuk dat bepaalt hoe privaatrechtelijk overheidshandelen mag worden ingezet voor publieke doelen.}, keywords = {Overheidsinformatie}, }

Auteursrecht op informatie: Auteursrechtelijke bescherming van feitelijke gegevens en gegevensverzamelingen in Nederland, de Verenigde Staten en West-Duitsland. Een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek external link


Het proefschrift Auteursrecht op informatie is onlangs opnieuw verschenen bij Amsterdam University Press in de Amsterdam Academic Archive serie. In deze serie worden kwalitatief hoogwaardige wetenschappelijke uitgaven die niet meer leverbaar zijn, opnieuw in de handel gebracht.
Auteursrecht op informatie werd voor het eerst gepubliceerd in 1989, zeven jaar voor de aanvaarding van de Europese Databankrichtlijn en tien jaar voordat in Nederland het 'databankenrecht' in werking trad. Het boek bewijst dat databanken en andere gegevensverzamelingen ook zonder de kunstgreep van een sui generis recht juridische bescherming kunnen vinden. Nu het databankenrecht weer ter discussie staat, heeft het boek een nieuwe actualiteit gekregen.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Book{nokey, title = {Auteursrecht op informatie: Auteursrechtelijke bescherming van feitelijke gegevens en gegevensverzamelingen in Nederland, de Verenigde Staten en West-Duitsland. Een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0203}, date = {2006-02-03}, abstract = {Het proefschrift Auteursrecht op informatie is onlangs opnieuw verschenen bij Amsterdam University Press in de Amsterdam Academic Archive serie. In deze serie worden kwalitatief hoogwaardige wetenschappelijke uitgaven die niet meer leverbaar zijn, opnieuw in de handel gebracht. Auteursrecht op informatie werd voor het eerst gepubliceerd in 1989, zeven jaar voor de aanvaarding van de Europese Databankrichtlijn en tien jaar voordat in Nederland het 'databankenrecht' in werking trad. Het boek bewijst dat databanken en andere gegevensverzamelingen ook zonder de kunstgreep van een sui generis recht juridische bescherming kunnen vinden. Nu het databankenrecht weer ter discussie staat, heeft het boek een nieuwe actualiteit gekregen.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

International Copyright. Principles, Law, and Practice, Second Edition external link

Goldstein, P. & Hugenholtz, P.


This book divides into two parts. Part One (Chapters 1 through 5) describes the general principles of international copyright and the structure of the main conventions. Following Chapter 2, which sets out the historic traditions of copyright, Chapter 3 describes the substance and structure of the principal international, regional, and bilateral conventions in the field of copyright and neighboring rights. Chapter 4 discusses the principles of territoriality and national treatment that underlie these conventions and examines the often highly complex issues of private international law: jurisdiction (choice of forum) and conflict of laws (choice of law). Chapter 5 concludes Part One with a discussion of so-called "scope" rules in the international conventions and in national law, which determine the points of attachment that allow foreign authors to enjoy local copyright protection.
Part Two offers a comparative overview of the substantive norms of copyright. Guided by the substantive minima of the main international conventions, this part describes and compares the rules on copyright and neigboring rights found in national laws. Chapter 6 depicts the rules on the subject matter of copyright and neighboring rights, Chapter 7 the rules on authorship and ownership. The terms of protection for copyright and neigboring rights are examined in Chapter 8. Chapter 9 describes the main economic rights protected under copyright and neighboring rights laws, while Chapter 10 focuses on moral rights. Chapter 11 considers limitations and exemptions, and Chapter 12 analyses copyright enforcement remedies and sanctions.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Book{nokey, title = {International Copyright. Principles, Law, and Practice, Second Edition}, author = {Goldstein, P. and Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {1023}, date = {2010-10-23}, abstract = {This book divides into two parts. Part One (Chapters 1 through 5) describes the general principles of international copyright and the structure of the main conventions. Following Chapter 2, which sets out the historic traditions of copyright, Chapter 3 describes the substance and structure of the principal international, regional, and bilateral conventions in the field of copyright and neighboring rights. Chapter 4 discusses the principles of territoriality and national treatment that underlie these conventions and examines the often highly complex issues of private international law: jurisdiction (choice of forum) and conflict of laws (choice of law). Chapter 5 concludes Part One with a discussion of so-called "scope" rules in the international conventions and in national law, which determine the points of attachment that allow foreign authors to enjoy local copyright protection. Part Two offers a comparative overview of the substantive norms of copyright. Guided by the substantive minima of the main international conventions, this part describes and compares the rules on copyright and neigboring rights found in national laws. Chapter 6 depicts the rules on the subject matter of copyright and neighboring rights, Chapter 7 the rules on authorship and ownership. The terms of protection for copyright and neigboring rights are examined in Chapter 8. Chapter 9 describes the main economic rights protected under copyright and neighboring rights laws, while Chapter 10 focuses on moral rights. Chapter 11 considers limitations and exemptions, and Chapter 12 analyses copyright enforcement remedies and sanctions.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Going means trouble and staying makes it double: the value of licensing recorded music online external link

Handke, C.W., Bodó, B. & Vallbé, J.
Journal of Cultural Economics, 2015


This paper discusses whether a copyright compensation system (CCS) for recorded music—endowing private Internet subscribers with the right to download and use works in return for a fee—would be welfare increasing. It reports on the results of a discrete choice experiment conducted with a representative sample of the Dutch population consisting of 4986 participants. Under some conservative assumptions, we find that applied only to recorded music, a mandatory CCS could increase the welfare of rights holders and users in the Netherlands by over €600 million per year (over €35 per capita). This far exceeds current rights holder revenues from the market of recorded music of ca. €144 million per year. A monthly CCS fee of ca. €1.74 as a surcharge on Dutch Internet subscriptions would raise the same amount of revenues to rights holders as the current market for recorded music. With a voluntary CCS, the estimated welfare gains to users and rights holders are even greater for CCS fees below €20 on the user side. A voluntary CCS would also perform better in the long run, as it could retain a greater extent of market coordination. The results of our choice experiment indicate that a well-designed CCS for recorded music would simultaneously make users and rights holders better off. This result holds even if we correct for frequently observed rates of overestimation in contingent valuation studies.

Auteursrecht, collective rights management, compensation systems, Contingent valuation, Copyright, Intellectuele eigendom, Internet, Recorded music


Article{nokey, title = {Going means trouble and staying makes it double: the value of licensing recorded music online}, author = {Handke, C.W. and Bodó, B. and Vallbé, J.}, url = {}, year = {2015}, date = {2015-06-11}, journal = {Journal of Cultural Economics}, abstract = {This paper discusses whether a copyright compensation system (CCS) for recorded music—endowing private Internet subscribers with the right to download and use works in return for a fee—would be welfare increasing. It reports on the results of a discrete choice experiment conducted with a representative sample of the Dutch population consisting of 4986 participants. Under some conservative assumptions, we find that applied only to recorded music, a mandatory CCS could increase the welfare of rights holders and users in the Netherlands by over €600 million per year (over €35 per capita). This far exceeds current rights holder revenues from the market of recorded music of ca. €144 million per year. A monthly CCS fee of ca. €1.74 as a surcharge on Dutch Internet subscriptions would raise the same amount of revenues to rights holders as the current market for recorded music. With a voluntary CCS, the estimated welfare gains to users and rights holders are even greater for CCS fees below €20 on the user side. A voluntary CCS would also perform better in the long run, as it could retain a greater extent of market coordination. The results of our choice experiment indicate that a well-designed CCS for recorded music would simultaneously make users and rights holders better off. This result holds even if we correct for frequently observed rates of overestimation in contingent valuation studies.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, collective rights management, compensation systems, Contingent valuation, Copyright, Intellectuele eigendom, Internet, Recorded music}, }

Joint Copyrights Management by Collecting Societies and Online Platforms: An Economic Analysis external link

Handke, C.W.


This paper discusses the effects of technological change on joint (copy)rights management (JRM). The economic literature discusses JRM as a response to relatively high transaction costs in complex markets for copyright works. Based on a formal analysis, we show that JRM reduces the average transaction costs per transaction and the total number of transactions under a broad range of conditions. Throughout the 20th Century, JRM was mostly conducted by copyrights holder collectives. Recently, private for-profit online platforms are taking on core functions of JRM. Our formal analysis yields two essential results: (1) the efficient scale and scope of JRM will increase as copyright works are increasingly traded via digital ICT networks; (2) a change from collective JRM on behalf of rights holders to commercial intermediation weakens the position of rights holders, and will aggravate problems with the private provision of copyright works with public good attributes.

Auteursrecht, collecting societies, Copyright, copyright collectives, digitization, Intellectuele eigendom, online intermediaries


Article{nokey, title = {Joint Copyrights Management by Collecting Societies and Online Platforms: An Economic Analysis}, author = {Handke and C.W.}, url = {}, year = {0611}, date = {2015-06-11}, abstract = {This paper discusses the effects of technological change on joint (copy)rights management (JRM). The economic literature discusses JRM as a response to relatively high transaction costs in complex markets for copyright works. Based on a formal analysis, we show that JRM reduces the average transaction costs per transaction and the total number of transactions under a broad range of conditions. Throughout the 20th Century, JRM was mostly conducted by copyrights holder collectives. Recently, private for-profit online platforms are taking on core functions of JRM. Our formal analysis yields two essential results: (1) the efficient scale and scope of JRM will increase as copyright works are increasingly traded via digital ICT networks; (2) a change from collective JRM on behalf of rights holders to commercial intermediation weakens the position of rights holders, and will aggravate problems with the private provision of copyright works with public good attributes.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, collecting societies, Copyright, copyright collectives, digitization, Intellectuele eigendom, online intermediaries}, }

Software is ook bij bitcoin altijd politiek external link


bitcoin, politiek, Software, Technologie en recht


Other{nokey, title = {Software is ook bij bitcoin altijd politiek}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {}, year = {0605}, date = {2015-06-05}, keywords = {bitcoin, politiek, Software, Technologie en recht}, }