Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 7 maart 2014 external link

NJ, num: 40, pp: 4816-4818., 2014


Klacht over een column in NJB van een Advocaat-Generaal bij de Hoge Raad, redacteur van NJB, over mensenrechtschendingen in Rusland in verband met de onteigening van het olieconcern Yukos. Deze column zou de onafhankelijkheid van de rechterlijke macht schaden, omdat over deze onteigeningen ten tijde van de column procedures in Nederland liepen. De klacht op grond van artikel 13a RO wordt afgewezen, omdat dit een te vergaande beperking van de vrijheid van meningsuiting van een lid van de rechterlijke macht zou zijn.

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 7 maart 2014}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {1014}, date = {2014-10-14}, journal = {NJ}, number = {40}, abstract = {Klacht over een column in NJB van een Advocaat-Generaal bij de Hoge Raad, redacteur van NJB, over mensenrechtschendingen in Rusland in verband met de onteigening van het olieconcern Yukos. Deze column zou de onafhankelijkheid van de rechterlijke macht schaden, omdat over deze onteigeningen ten tijde van de column procedures in Nederland liepen. De klacht op grond van artikel 13a RO wordt afgewezen, omdat dit een te vergaande beperking van de vrijheid van meningsuiting van een lid van de rechterlijke macht zou zijn.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

‘Ontmoeting en debat’: Bibliotheekwet versus Auteurswet in het digitale domein external link

AMI, num: 5, pp: 139-145., 2014

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {‘Ontmoeting en debat’: Bibliotheekwet versus Auteurswet in het digitale domein}, author = {Breemen, V.}, url = {}, year = {1010}, date = {2014-10-10}, journal = {AMI}, number = {5}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Security Collapse in the HTTPS Market external link

Asghari, H., Eeten, M.J.G. van, Arnbak, A. & van Eijk, N.
Communications of the ACM, vol. 57, num: 10, pp: 47-55., 2014


HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) has evolved into the de facto standard for secure Web browsing. However, widely reported security incidents—such as DigiNotar's breach, Apple's #gotofail, and OpenSSL's Heartbleed—have exposed systemic security vulnerabilities of HTTPS to a global audience. The Edward Snowden revelations—notably around operation BULLRUN, MUSCULAR, and the lesser-known FLYING PIG program to query certificate metadata on a dragnet scale—have driven the point home that HTTPS is both a major target of government hacking and eavesdropping, as well as an effective measure against dragnet content surveillance when Internet traffic traverses global networks. HTTPS, in short, is an absolutely critical but fundamentally flawed cybersecurity technology. To evaluate both legal and technological solutions to augment the security of HTTPS, our article argues that an understanding of the economic incentives of the stakeholders in the HTTPS ecosystem, most notably the CAs, is essential. We outlines the systemic vulnerabilities of HTTPS, maps the thriving market for certificates, and analyzes the suggested regulatory and technological solutions on both sides of the Atlantic. The findings show existing yet surprising market patterns and perverse incentives: not unlike the financial sector, the HTTPS market is full of information asymmetries and negative externalities, as a handful of CAs dominate the market and have become "too big to fail." Unfortunately, proposed E.U. legislation will reinforce systemic vulnerabilities, and the proposed technological solutions that mostly originate in the U.S. are far from being adopted at scale. The systemic vulnerabilities in this crucial technology are likely to persist for years to come.

Technologie en recht


Article{nokey, title = {Security Collapse in the HTTPS Market}, author = {Asghari, H. and Eeten, M.J.G. van and Arnbak, A. and van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {1010}, date = {2014-10-10}, journal = {Communications of the ACM}, volume = {57}, number = {10}, pages = {47-55.}, abstract = {HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) has evolved into the de facto standard for secure Web browsing. However, widely reported security incidents—such as DigiNotar\'s breach, Apple\'s #gotofail, and OpenSSL\'s Heartbleed—have exposed systemic security vulnerabilities of HTTPS to a global audience. The Edward Snowden revelations—notably around operation BULLRUN, MUSCULAR, and the lesser-known FLYING PIG program to query certificate metadata on a dragnet scale—have driven the point home that HTTPS is both a major target of government hacking and eavesdropping, as well as an effective measure against dragnet content surveillance when Internet traffic traverses global networks. HTTPS, in short, is an absolutely critical but fundamentally flawed cybersecurity technology. To evaluate both legal and technological solutions to augment the security of HTTPS, our article argues that an understanding of the economic incentives of the stakeholders in the HTTPS ecosystem, most notably the CAs, is essential. We outlines the systemic vulnerabilities of HTTPS, maps the thriving market for certificates, and analyzes the suggested regulatory and technological solutions on both sides of the Atlantic. The findings show existing yet surprising market patterns and perverse incentives: not unlike the financial sector, the HTTPS market is full of information asymmetries and negative externalities, as a handful of CAs dominate the market and have become "too big to fail." Unfortunately, proposed E.U. legislation will reinforce systemic vulnerabilities, and the proposed technological solutions that mostly originate in the U.S. are far from being adopted at scale. The systemic vulnerabilities in this crucial technology are likely to persist for years to come.}, keywords = {Technologie en recht}, }

Media, users and algorithms: towards a new balance external link


In the digital media environment user attention is scarce and competition for ‘eyeballs’ is fierce. Profiling and targeting users with customized news and advertisements is widely seen as a solution, and part of a larger trend to invest in what the New York Times has called ‘smart new strategies for growing our audience’. The shift from public information intermediary to personal information service creates new dynamics but also new imbalances in the relationship between the media and their users. In my inaugural speech I will state that to restore the balance, the media and regulators in Brussels and The Hague need to develop a vision of how to deal with issues such as media user privacy, editorial integrity and more generally ‘fair algorithmic media practices’."



Book{nokey, title = {Media, users and algorithms: towards a new balance}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {1010}, date = {2014-10-10}, abstract = {In the digital media environment user attention is scarce and competition for ‘eyeballs’ is fierce. Profiling and targeting users with customized news and advertisements is widely seen as a solution, and part of a larger trend to invest in what the New York Times has called ‘smart new strategies for growing our audience’. The shift from public information intermediary to personal information service creates new dynamics but also new imbalances in the relationship between the media and their users. In my inaugural speech I will state that to restore the balance, the media and regulators in Brussels and The Hague need to develop a vision of how to deal with issues such as media user privacy, editorial integrity and more generally ‘fair algorithmic media practices’."}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Het proceskostenrisico in IE-zaken: Een empirisch onderzoek naar toepassing van de indicatietarieven external link

van Gompel, S.
AMI, num: 5, pp: 133-138., 2014


De proceskostenveroordeling in IE-zaken veroorzaakt in de praktijk de nodige onrust, onzekerheid en frustratie. De rechterlijke macht heeft weliswaar indicatietarieven voor IE-zaken opgesteld, maar in de praktijk leggen rechters deze tarieven soms naast zich neer, zonder die beslissing altijd met duidelijke redenen te omkleden. Dit artikel beoogt meer inzicht te geven in de toepassing van de indicatietarieven en het proceskostenrisico in IE-zaken. Daartoe wordt empirisch onderzocht wanneer en op welke manier de indicatietarieven door rechters worden toegepast en om welke redenen deze tarieven in individuele gevallen juist niet worden nagevolgd.

Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Het proceskostenrisico in IE-zaken: Een empirisch onderzoek naar toepassing van de indicatietarieven}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {}, year = {1010}, date = {2014-10-10}, journal = {AMI}, number = {5}, abstract = {De proceskostenveroordeling in IE-zaken veroorzaakt in de praktijk de nodige onrust, onzekerheid en frustratie. De rechterlijke macht heeft weliswaar indicatietarieven voor IE-zaken opgesteld, maar in de praktijk leggen rechters deze tarieven soms naast zich neer, zonder die beslissing altijd met duidelijke redenen te omkleden. Dit artikel beoogt meer inzicht te geven in de toepassing van de indicatietarieven en het proceskostenrisico in IE-zaken. Daartoe wordt empirisch onderzocht wanneer en op welke manier de indicatietarieven door rechters worden toegepast en om welke redenen deze tarieven in individuele gevallen juist niet worden nagevolgd.}, keywords = {Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Setting licence fees for renewing telecommunication spectrum based on an auction external link

Telecommunications Policy, 2014


This paper presents a methodology for setting fees for the renewal or extension of spectrum licences, by using the outcome of an auction for comparable licences but with a different licence period. The methodology is a combination of market and cash flow valuation and consists of two main steps. First, prices for spectrum corresponding to that of the licences to be extended are derived from the auction outcome. Second, the relative value addition of the extension period for the new licensee, compared to the value of the licences auctioned, is derived by using a model for the development of EBITDA for an operator over time. A combination of these two is used to calculate fees that match the opportunity costs of extension. Thus, optimum alignment is achieved with the policy objective of using licence fees only to promote efficient use of spectrum, while avoiding state aid at the same time.



Article{nokey, title = {Setting licence fees for renewing telecommunication spectrum based on an auction}, author = {Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {1003}, date = {2014-10-03}, journal = {Telecommunications Policy}, abstract = {This paper presents a methodology for setting fees for the renewal or extension of spectrum licences, by using the outcome of an auction for comparable licences but with a different licence period. The methodology is a combination of market and cash flow valuation and consists of two main steps. First, prices for spectrum corresponding to that of the licences to be extended are derived from the auction outcome. Second, the relative value addition of the extension period for the new licensee, compared to the value of the licences auctioned, is derived by using a model for the development of EBITDA for an operator over time. A combination of these two is used to calculate fees that match the opportunity costs of extension. Thus, optimum alignment is achieved with the policy objective of using licence fees only to promote efficient use of spectrum, while avoiding state aid at the same time.}, keywords = {Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Elvis is Returning to the Building: Understanding a Decline in Unauthorized File Sharing external link


Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Presentation{nokey, title = {Elvis is Returning to the Building: Understanding a Decline in Unauthorized File Sharing}, author = {Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {1003}, date = {2014-10-03}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }