Van ‘public watchdog’ naar ‘public watchblog’ : het EHRM en journalistieke weblogs external link

Oosterveld, M. & Oostveen, M.
Mediaforum, num: 6, pp: 146-153, 2013


De samenleving heeft een 'public watchdog' nodig om machthebbers rekenschap te laten afleggen aan het publiek. Het EHRM heeft deze rol met de nodige waarborgen omkleed door privileges te erkennen voor journalisten van traditionele media. In de huidige informatiesamenleving wordt deze waakhondfunctie echter ook door bloggers vervuld, terwijl het vooralsnog onduidelijk is of zij eenzelfde bescherming genieten. Deze bijdrage geeft daarom een overzicht van de journalistieke privileges en een schets van het huidige digitale-mediatijdperk, om te bepalen in hoeverre het EHRM bescherming biedt aan public watchblogs.



Article{nokey, title = {Van ‘public watchdog’ naar ‘public watchblog’ : het EHRM en journalistieke weblogs}, author = {Oosterveld, M. and Oostveen, M.}, url = {}, year = {0711}, date = {2013-07-11}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {6}, abstract = {De samenleving heeft een 'public watchdog' nodig om machthebbers rekenschap te laten afleggen aan het publiek. Het EHRM heeft deze rol met de nodige waarborgen omkleed door privileges te erkennen voor journalisten van traditionele media. In de huidige informatiesamenleving wordt deze waakhondfunctie echter ook door bloggers vervuld, terwijl het vooralsnog onduidelijk is of zij eenzelfde bescherming genieten. Deze bijdrage geeft daarom een overzicht van de journalistieke privileges en een schets van het huidige digitale-mediatijdperk, om te bepalen in hoeverre het EHRM bescherming biedt aan public watchblogs.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

On the Regulator’s Plate: Exposure Diversity in a Changing Media Environment external link

Journal of Information Policy, num: 1, pp: 370-377, 2012


In December 2010 a roundtable expert workshop was held at the Institute for Information Law under the title "Media Diversity from the User Perspective". The goal of the workshop was to develop a user-centric understanding of media diversity, and to reflect upon the adequate regulatory responses. It brought together selected experts from different disciplines (law, communications, social sciences, philosophy) who all share an interest in the audience perspective on diversity, and whose research has approached the subject from different angles. This article attempts to summarize some of the main arguments that were made during the discussions, the different views that were expressed by the experts, and the questions for which the experts felt that additional research was needed.



Article{nokey, title = {On the Regulator’s Plate: Exposure Diversity in a Changing Media Environment}, author = {Breemen, V. and Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0306}, date = {2012-03-06}, journal = {Journal of Information Policy}, number = {1}, abstract = {In December 2010 a roundtable expert workshop was held at the Institute for Information Law under the title "Media Diversity from the User Perspective". The goal of the workshop was to develop a user-centric understanding of media diversity, and to reflect upon the adequate regulatory responses. It brought together selected experts from different disciplines (law, communications, social sciences, philosophy) who all share an interest in the audience perspective on diversity, and whose research has approached the subject from different angles. This article attempts to summarize some of the main arguments that were made during the discussions, the different views that were expressed by the experts, and the questions for which the experts felt that additional research was needed.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Digitale bibliotheekactiviteiten bekeken door auteursrechtelijke bril external link

Informatie Professional, num: 12, pp: 34, 2013

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Digitale bibliotheekactiviteiten bekeken door auteursrechtelijke bril}, author = {Breemen, V.}, url = {}, year = {0228}, date = {2013-02-28}, journal = {Informatie Professional}, number = {12}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

LAPSI Policy Recommendation n.4: Privacy and Persional Data Protection external link

Dos Santos, C., Bassi, E., Terwagne, C. de, Fernádez Salmerón, D., Tepina, P. & van der Sloot, B.
pp: 1-27, 2013

Grondrechten, Privacy


Report{nokey, title = {LAPSI Policy Recommendation n.4: Privacy and Persional Data Protection}, author = {Dos Santos, C. and Bassi, E. and Terwagne, C. de and Fernádez Salmerón, D. and Tepina, P. and van der Sloot, B.}, url = {}, year = {0122}, date = {2013-01-22}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

De nieuwe consumentenrechten in de Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming: vergeten worden, dataportabiliteit en profilering external link

Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken, num: 6, pp: 250-259, 2013


De Europese Dataprotectierichtlijn stelt regels ten aanzien van de verwerking van persoonsgegevens. Anders dan het recht op privacy ziet het gegevensbeschermingsrecht niet zozeer op restricties, maar op waarborgen door middel van de codificatie van algemene zorgvuldigheidsnormen, en niet op de relatie tussen staat en burger, maar op die tussen burgers en bedrijven onderling. In januari 2012 is er een voorstel gedaan voor een Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming, die de richtlijn uit 1995 op termijn zal moeten vervangen. De verordening speelt onder meer in op het digitale tijdperk en de snelgroeiende internetdiensten. De verordening zet daarbij in op een vergroting van de handhavende rol van de staat en op concrete rechten van de consument, zoals het recht om vergeten te worden, het recht op dataportabiliteit en het recht op bescherming tegen profilering. Dit artikel belicht de belangrijkste wijzigingen onder de verordening, analyseert de nieuw toegekende consumentenrechten en beoordeelt in hoeverre de verordening consumenten in het digitale tijdperk een adequate bescherming zal bieden.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {De nieuwe consumentenrechten in de Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming: vergeten worden, dataportabiliteit en profilering}, author = {van der Sloot, B.}, url = {}, year = {0524}, date = {2013-05-24}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken}, number = {6}, abstract = {De Europese Dataprotectierichtlijn stelt regels ten aanzien van de verwerking van persoonsgegevens. Anders dan het recht op privacy ziet het gegevensbeschermingsrecht niet zozeer op restricties, maar op waarborgen door middel van de codificatie van algemene zorgvuldigheidsnormen, en niet op de relatie tussen staat en burger, maar op die tussen burgers en bedrijven onderling. In januari 2012 is er een voorstel gedaan voor een Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming, die de richtlijn uit 1995 op termijn zal moeten vervangen. De verordening speelt onder meer in op het digitale tijdperk en de snelgroeiende internetdiensten. De verordening zet daarbij in op een vergroting van de handhavende rol van de staat en op concrete rechten van de consument, zoals het recht om vergeten te worden, het recht op dataportabiliteit en het recht op bescherming tegen profilering. Dit artikel belicht de belangrijkste wijzigingen onder de verordening, analyseert de nieuw toegekende consumentenrechten en beoordeelt in hoeverre de verordening consumenten in het digitale tijdperk een adequate bescherming zal bieden.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

Tussen beeld en werkelijkheid: het verschil tussen de traditionele kartografie en Google Street View external link

Geo-Info, num: 3, pp: 4-6, 2013

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Tussen beeld en werkelijkheid: het verschil tussen de traditionele kartografie en Google Street View}, author = {van der Sloot, B.}, url = {}, year = {0524}, date = {2013-05-24}, journal = {Geo-Info}, number = {3}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Baywatch: two Approaches to Measure the Effects of Blocking Access to The Pirate Bay external link

Leenheer, J., Ham, J. van der, Dumitru, C. & Poort, J.
pp: 15, 2013


In the fight against the unauthorised sharing of copyright protected material, aka piracy, Dutch Internet Service Providers have been summoned by courts to block their subscribers’ access to The Pirate Bay (TPB) and related sites. This paper studies the effectiveness of this approach towards online copyright enforcement, using both a consumer survey and a newly developed non-infringing technology for BitTorrent monitoring. While a small group of respondents download less from illegal sources or claim to have stopped, and a small but significant effect is found on the distribution of Dutch peers, no lasting net impact is found on the percentage of the Dutch population downloading from illegal sources.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Presentation{nokey, title = {Baywatch: two Approaches to Measure the Effects of Blocking Access to The Pirate Bay}, author = {Leenheer, J. and Ham, J. van der and Dumitru, C. and Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0822}, date = {2013-08-22}, abstract = {In the fight against the unauthorised sharing of copyright protected material, aka piracy, Dutch Internet Service Providers have been summoned by courts to block their subscribers’ access to The Pirate Bay (TPB) and related sites. This paper studies the effectiveness of this approach towards online copyright enforcement, using both a consumer survey and a newly developed non-infringing technology for BitTorrent monitoring. While a small group of respondents download less from illegal sources or claim to have stopped, and a small but significant effect is found on the distribution of Dutch peers, no lasting net impact is found on the percentage of the Dutch population downloading from illegal sources.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Quality, merit, aesthetics and purpose: An inquiry into EU copyright law’s eschewal of other criteria than originality external link

van Gompel, S. & Lavik, E.
RIDA, num: 236, pp: 100-295, 2013


This article examines the rule that no other criteria than originality shall be applied to determine the eligibility for protection of works, as contained in a few EU Directives on copyright (i.e. the Computer Programs Directive, the Term Directive and the Database Directive). While aimed to preclude criteria such as quality, merit, aesthetics and purpose from the subject-matter definition of copyright, the legal significance and practical implications of this rule is not entirely clear. Analysing the legislative history of the ‘no other criteria’-clause in EU copyright law and its equivalent in the national laws of four EU Member States (i.e. France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom), the article observes that the objective of the rule is to prevent the grant or refusal of copyright by the courts from being dependent on subjective evaluative judgments about a work’s intrinsic value or worth. Judges are not supposed to assess whether a work aesthetically or commercially stands out, but only need to determine whether it meets the originality threshold. In practice, however, while the courts practically always refrain from using the lack of success, merit or quality as an argument to <i>withhold</i> copyright from a creation, they do not necessarily ignore a work’s success, merit or quality when <i> granting</i> protection to it. Moreover, the article finds that genres and categories of works are not always definable on formal properties alone and that judges sometimes cannot escape making qualitative or aesthetic considerations when determining the eligibility for protection of low original works. </span> <span lang="EN-GB">The article concludes that, since judges sometimes cannot make a clear distinction between protectable and non-protectable subject-matter on the basis of the originality criterion alone, copyright law’s concept of originality would fail to adequately serve its discriminatory function, should the ‘no other criteria’-clause always be taken literally.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{vanGompel2013b, title = {Quality, merit, aesthetics and purpose: An inquiry into EU copyright law’s eschewal of other criteria than originality}, author = {van Gompel, S. and Lavik, E.}, url = {}, year = {0903}, date = {2013-09-03}, journal = {RIDA}, number = {236}, abstract = {This article examines the rule that no other criteria than originality shall be applied to determine the eligibility for protection of works, as contained in a few EU Directives on copyright (i.e. the Computer Programs Directive, the Term Directive and the Database Directive). While aimed to preclude criteria such as quality, merit, aesthetics and purpose from the subject-matter definition of copyright, the legal significance and practical implications of this rule is not entirely clear. Analysing the legislative history of the ‘no other criteria’-clause in EU copyright law and its equivalent in the national laws of four EU Member States (i.e. France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom), the article observes that the objective of the rule is to prevent the grant or refusal of copyright by the courts from being dependent on subjective evaluative judgments about a work’s intrinsic value or worth. Judges are not supposed to assess whether a work aesthetically or commercially stands out, but only need to determine whether it meets the originality threshold. In practice, however, while the courts practically always refrain from using the lack of success, merit or quality as an argument to <i>withhold</i> copyright from a creation, they do not necessarily ignore a work’s success, merit or quality when <i> granting</i> protection to it. Moreover, the article finds that genres and categories of works are not always definable on formal properties alone and that judges sometimes cannot escape making qualitative or aesthetic considerations when determining the eligibility for protection of low original works. </span> <span lang="EN-GB">The article concludes that, since judges sometimes cannot make a clear distinction between protectable and non-protectable subject-matter on the basis of the originality criterion alone, copyright law’s concept of originality would fail to adequately serve its discriminatory function, should the ‘no other criteria’-clause always be taken literally.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Digital Rights Management and Consumer Acceptability: A Multi-Disciplinary Discussion of Consumer Concerns and Expectations external link

Dufft, N., Kerényi, K., Krings, B., Lambers, R., Orwat, C., Riehm, U., Helberger, N. & van Gompel, S.



Report{nokey, title = {Digital Rights Management and Consumer Acceptability: A Multi-Disciplinary Discussion of Consumer Concerns and Expectations}, author = {Dufft, N. and Kerényi, K. and Krings, B. and Lambers, R. and Orwat, C. and Riehm, U. and Helberger, N. and van Gompel, S.}, url = {}, year = {1214}, date = {2004-12-14}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht}, }

Verkauft ist verkauft: wiederholen ist gestohlen. Reflecties op de UsedSoft-uitspraak van het Europese Hof (UsedSoft / Oracle) external link

Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken, num: 2, pp: 91-96, 2013



Other{nokey, title = {Verkauft ist verkauft: wiederholen ist gestohlen. Reflecties op de UsedSoft-uitspraak van het Europese Hof (UsedSoft / Oracle)}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0604}, date = {2013-06-04}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken}, number = {2}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht}, }