The Netherlands: Darfurnica, Miffy and the right to parody! external link

Jipitec, num: 3, pp: 236-248, 2012


The legal community of the Netherlands let out a sigh of relief in May 2011 when the judgment of the District Court of The Hague in preliminary proceedings was handed down in the Darfurnica case. The same feeling of satisfaction prevailed, more recently, when the Court of Appeal of Amsterdam rendered decision in the Miffy case. Both decisions, rendered on appeal, overruled the judgments of first instance, which had given precedence to the protection of intellectual property rights above the user's freedom of expression in the form of parody. But freedom of expression, and parody in particular, are solidly anchored in the Dutch values and courts more often than not find in favour of the parodist. Apart from the fact that both decisions offer an interesting analysis of where the limit lies between intellectual property protection and artistic freedom, each decision deserves a few words of commentary in view of some noteworthy particularities.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {The Netherlands: Darfurnica, Miffy and the right to parody!}, author = {Guibault, L.}, url = {}, year = {0222}, date = {2012-02-22}, journal = {Jipitec}, number = {3}, abstract = {The legal community of the Netherlands let out a sigh of relief in May 2011 when the judgment of the District Court of The Hague in preliminary proceedings was handed down in the Darfurnica case. The same feeling of satisfaction prevailed, more recently, when the Court of Appeal of Amsterdam rendered decision in the Miffy case. Both decisions, rendered on appeal, overruled the judgments of first instance, which had given precedence to the protection of intellectual property rights above the user's freedom of expression in the form of parody. But freedom of expression, and parody in particular, are solidly anchored in the Dutch values and courts more often than not find in favour of the parodist. Apart from the fact that both decisions offer an interesting analysis of where the limit lies between intellectual property protection and artistic freedom, each decision deserves a few words of commentary in view of some noteworthy particularities.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Brussels Memorandum of Understanding inzake digitalisering en online beschikbaarstelling van out-of-commerce boeken en tijdschriften external link

AMI, num: 6, pp: 221-226, 2012


Op 20 september 2011 werd in Brussel middels een Memorandum of Understanding ('MoU') tussen diverse belanghebbenden overeenstemming bereikt over een clearingmodel voor de digitalisering en online beschikbaarstelling door culturele instellingen van zogenaamde 'out-of-commerce' boeken en tijdschriften. Deze bijdrage bespreekt de drie in het MoU gekozen principes en de daarin gebezigde belangrijkste begrippen.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Brussels Memorandum of Understanding inzake digitalisering en online beschikbaarstelling van out-of-commerce boeken en tijdschriften}, author = {Guibault, L.}, url = {}, year = {0222}, date = {2012-02-22}, journal = {AMI}, number = {6}, abstract = {Op 20 september 2011 werd in Brussel middels een Memorandum of Understanding ('MoU') tussen diverse belanghebbenden overeenstemming bereikt over een clearingmodel voor de digitalisering en online beschikbaarstelling door culturele instellingen van zogenaamde 'out-of-commerce' boeken en tijdschriften. Deze bijdrage bespreekt de drie in het MoU gekozen principes en de daarin gebezigde belangrijkste begrippen.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Digital content contracts for consumers external link

Loos, M.B.M., Mak, C., Pessers, L., Guibault, L. & Helberger, N.
Journal of Consumer Policy, num: 1, pp: 37-57, 2012


The application of consumer law to digital content contracts encounters a number of obstacles. Some of these are rather typical for digital content markets, e.g., the legal consequences of the classification of digital content as “goods” or “services” and, more importantly, the absence of general benchmarks to evaluate the conformity of digital content. Other problems, such as the limited usefulness of consumer information and the position of underage consumers, are not as such reserved to digital consumers, but they are amplified in the digital content markets. Moreover, particular attention is paid to the complex relationship between copyright law and consumer law. This paper explores the extent to which consumer (contract) law is fit to address the problems faced by digital consumers wishing to enjoy the benefits of digital content and examines whether the on-going initiatives at national and European level are likely to provide relief. Finally, recommendations for improvement are put forward in cases where the analysis shows that the problems identified are not or are insufficiently solved by these initiatives.



Article{nokey, title = {Digital content contracts for consumers}, author = {Loos, M.B.M. and Mak, C. and Pessers, L. and Guibault, L. and Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0913}, date = {2012-09-13}, journal = {Journal of Consumer Policy}, number = {1}, abstract = {The application of consumer law to digital content contracts encounters a number of obstacles. Some of these are rather typical for digital content markets, e.g., the legal consequences of the classification of digital content as “goods” or “services” and, more importantly, the absence of general benchmarks to evaluate the conformity of digital content. Other problems, such as the limited usefulness of consumer information and the position of underage consumers, are not as such reserved to digital consumers, but they are amplified in the digital content markets. Moreover, particular attention is paid to the complex relationship between copyright law and consumer law. This paper explores the extent to which consumer (contract) law is fit to address the problems faced by digital consumers wishing to enjoy the benefits of digital content and examines whether the on-going initiatives at national and European level are likely to provide relief. Finally, recommendations for improvement are put forward in cases where the analysis shows that the problems identified are not or are insufficiently solved by these initiatives.}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht}, }

Flexible Copyright: The Law and Economics of Introducing and Open Norm in the Netherlands external link

van der Noll, R., Weda, J., Akker, I., Guibault, L., van Gompel, S., Poort, J. & Breemen, J.


This study analyses the law and economics of introducing flexibility in the system of exceptions and limitations in Dutch copyright law. Flexibility would exist in an open norm, on the basis of which the courts can decide whether certain uses of copyrighted material are permissible or not, instead of explicitly defining this in the law. The report assesses problem areas where the lack of flexibility creates legal disputes and potential barriers to innovation and production. The core of the study concerns the analysis of the economic rationale and effects of introducing flexibility in the Dutch legal order in the form of an open norm.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Report{nokey, title = {Flexible Copyright: The Law and Economics of Introducing and Open Norm in the Netherlands}, author = {van der Noll, R. and Weda, J. and Akker, I. and Guibault, L. and van Gompel, S. and Poort, J. and Breemen, J.}, url = {}, year = {1101}, date = {2012-11-01}, abstract = {This study analyses the law and economics of introducing flexibility in the system of exceptions and limitations in Dutch copyright law. Flexibility would exist in an open norm, on the basis of which the courts can decide whether certain uses of copyrighted material are permissible or not, instead of explicitly defining this in the law. The report assesses problem areas where the lack of flexibility creates legal disputes and potential barriers to innovation and production. The core of the study concerns the analysis of the economic rationale and effects of introducing flexibility in the Dutch legal order in the form of an open norm.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Does the Existing Regulatory Framework for Television Apply to the New Media? external link

IRIS Plus (Supplement to IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory, vol. 2001, num: 6, 2001


Dit artikel onderzoekt of de zogenaamde 'nieuwe mediadiensten' kunnen of zouden moeten worden beheerst door het bestaande Europese reguleringskader voor televisieomroepdiensten (zoals vastgesteld door de Europese Conventie inzake grensoverschrijdende televisieomroepen en de Europese Richtlijn 'Televisie zonder Grenzen'). Het artikel pleit tegen versnipperde en/of grootschalige aanpassing van bestaande reguleringsstructuren voor dit doel.



Article{McGonagle2001, title = {Does the Existing Regulatory Framework for Television Apply to the New Media?}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0722}, date = {2001-07-22}, journal = {IRIS Plus (Supplement to IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory}, volume = {2001}, number = {6}, pages = {}, abstract = {Dit artikel onderzoekt of de zogenaamde \'nieuwe mediadiensten\' kunnen of zouden moeten worden beheerst door het bestaande Europese reguleringskader voor televisieomroepdiensten (zoals vastgesteld door de Europese Conventie inzake grensoverschrijdende televisieomroepen en de Europese Richtlijn \'Televisie zonder Grenzen\'). Het artikel pleit tegen versnipperde en/of grootschalige aanpassing van bestaande reguleringsstructuren voor dit doel.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Broadcasting Law and Practice in South East Europe external link


Dit rapport geeft een overzicht van de veranderingen op het gebied van omroep (in de wetten en in de praktijk) in een aantal zuidoost-Europese landen. Er wordt ook een analyse gemaakt van de huidige situatie in die landen, ten opzichte van de internationale bescherming voor mensenrechten en in het bijzonder van de vrijheid van meningsuiting.

Mediarecht, Omroeprecht


Report{nokey, title = {Broadcasting Law and Practice in South East Europe}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0909}, date = {2001-09-09}, abstract = {Dit rapport geeft een overzicht van de veranderingen op het gebied van omroep (in de wetten en in de praktijk) in een aantal zuidoost-Europese landen. Er wordt ook een analyse gemaakt van de huidige situatie in die landen, ten opzichte van de internationale bescherming voor mensenrechten en in het bijzonder van de vrijheid van meningsuiting.}, keywords = {Mediarecht, Omroeprecht}, }

Freedom of Expression and Limits on Racist Speech: A Difficult Symbiosis external link

Interights Bulletin – A Review of the International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights, vol. 13, num: 3, pp: 135-136, 2001


Dit artikel biedt een beknopt overzicht van de vaak problematische wisselwerking tussen uitingsvrijheid en de bestrijding van rascisme naar internationaal recht.

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{nokey, title = {Freedom of Expression and Limits on Racist Speech: A Difficult Symbiosis}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0909}, date = {2001-09-09}, journal = {Interights Bulletin – A Review of the International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {135-136}, abstract = {Dit artikel biedt een beknopt overzicht van de vaak problematische wisselwerking tussen uitingsvrijheid en de bestrijding van rascisme naar internationaal recht.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Achieving global alliance against racism’ external link

Metro Éireann, num: 6, 2001


Dit korte artikel stelt dat het effect van de VN Wereldconferentie tegen Racisme aanzienlijk zal zijn, maar nog enige tijd op zich laat wachten.



Article{nokey, title = {Achieving global alliance against racism’}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {1209}, date = {2001-12-09}, journal = {Metro Éireann}, number = {6}, abstract = {Dit korte artikel stelt dat het effect van de VN Wereldconferentie tegen Racisme aanzienlijk zal zijn, maar nog enige tijd op zich laat wachten.}, keywords = {Mensenrechten}, }

‘Distinguishing freedom of expression from hate speech’ external link

Metro Éireann, num: 7, pp: 15, 2001


Dit artikel biedt een korte verkenning van de wisselwerking tussen uitingsvrijheid en 'hate speech' in het internationale recht.

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{nokey, title = {‘Distinguishing freedom of expression from hate speech’}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {1209}, date = {2001-12-09}, journal = {Metro Éireann}, number = {7}, abstract = {Dit artikel biedt een korte verkenning van de wisselwerking tussen uitingsvrijheid en 'hate speech' in het internationale recht.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }