Search engine freedom: On the implications of the Right to Freedom of Expression for the Legal Governance of Web Search Engines external link

Kluwer Law International , 1122, Series: Information Law Series , ISBN: 9789041141286


In this book, the author explores how search media can be incorporated into freedom of expression doctrine, as well as media and communications law and policy more generally. And the book develops a theory of the legal relations between national governments and search media providers on the one hand and between end-users and information providers on the other. Among the many issues covered are the following: role of government under the right to freedom of expression; lack of transparency about the ranking and selection of search results; search engine and ISP intermediary liability; filtering by access providers; freedom of expression and the governance of public libraries; the search engine market, its business model and the separation rule for advertising; search engine self-regulation; user profiling and personalization; decisions and actions for which search engines should be able to claim protection. The analysis draws on specific legal developments under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and the United States First Amendment, and investigates issues of diversity, pluralism, and freedom of expression as they relate to editorial control in other media. The author concludes with recommendations regarding search engine governance and the proper role of government, indicating which existing elements of the regulatory framework for search media can be improved and offering directions for future legal and empirical research. Considering the ever-growing cultural, political, and economic importance of the Internet and the World Wide Web in our societies, and the societal interests involved in the availability of effective search tools, this first in-depth legal analysis of search engine freedom will prove indispensable to the many practitioners and policymakers concerned with freedom of expression in the digital age

Kluwer Information Law Series


Book{nokey, title = {Search engine freedom: On the implications of the Right to Freedom of Expression for the Legal Governance of Web Search Engines}, author = {van Hoboken, J.}, url = {}, year = {1122}, date = {2012-11-22}, abstract = {In this book, the author explores how search media can be incorporated into freedom of expression doctrine, as well as media and communications law and policy more generally. And the book develops a theory of the legal relations between national governments and search media providers on the one hand and between end-users and information providers on the other. Among the many issues covered are the following: role of government under the right to freedom of expression; lack of transparency about the ranking and selection of search results; search engine and ISP intermediary liability; filtering by access providers; freedom of expression and the governance of public libraries; the search engine market, its business model and the separation rule for advertising; search engine self-regulation; user profiling and personalization; decisions and actions for which search engines should be able to claim protection. The analysis draws on specific legal developments under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and the United States First Amendment, and investigates issues of diversity, pluralism, and freedom of expression as they relate to editorial control in other media. The author concludes with recommendations regarding search engine governance and the proper role of government, indicating which existing elements of the regulatory framework for search media can be improved and offering directions for future legal and empirical research. Considering the ever-growing cultural, political, and economic importance of the Internet and the World Wide Web in our societies, and the societal interests involved in the availability of effective search tools, this first in-depth legal analysis of search engine freedom will prove indispensable to the many practitioners and policymakers concerned with freedom of expression in the digital age}, keywords = {Kluwer Information Law Series}, }

Cloud Computing in Higher Education and Research Institutions and the USA Patriot Act external link


Institutions have started to move their data and ICT operations into the cloud. It is becoming clear that this is leading to a decrease of overview and control over government access to data for law enforcement and national security purposes. This report looks at the possibilities for the U.S. government to obtain access to information in the cloud from Dutch institutions on the basis of U.S. law and on the basis of Dutch law and international co-operation. It concludes that the U.S. legal state of affairs implies that the transition towards the cloud has important negative consequences for the possibility to manage information confidentiality, information security and the privacy of European end users in relation to foreign governments. The Patriot Act from 2001 has started to play a symbolic role in the public debate. It is one important element in a larger, complex and dynamic legal framework for access to data for law enforcement and national security purposes. In particular, the FISA Amendments Act provision for access to data of non-U.S. persons outside the U.S. enacted in 2008 deserves attention. The report describes this and other legal powers for the U.S. government to obtain data of non-U.S. persons located outside of the U.S. from cloud providers that fall under its jurisdiction. Such jurisdiction applies widely, namely to cloud services that conduct systematic business in the United States and is not dependent on the location where the data are stored, as is often assumed. For non-U.S. persons located outside of the U.S., constitutional protection is not applicable and the statutory safeguards are minimal. In the Netherlands and across the EU, government agencies have legal powers to obtain access to cloud data as well. These provisions can also be be used to assist the U.S. government, when it does not have jurisdiction for instance, but they must stay within the constitutional safeguards set by national constitutions, the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Charter.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Report{nokey, title = {Cloud Computing in Higher Education and Research Institutions and the USA Patriot Act}, author = {van Hoboken, J. and Arnbak, A. and van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {1129}, date = {2012-11-29}, abstract = {Institutions have started to move their data and ICT operations into the cloud. It is becoming clear that this is leading to a decrease of overview and control over government access to data for law enforcement and national security purposes. This report looks at the possibilities for the U.S. government to obtain access to information in the cloud from Dutch institutions on the basis of U.S. law and on the basis of Dutch law and international co-operation. It concludes that the U.S. legal state of affairs implies that the transition towards the cloud has important negative consequences for the possibility to manage information confidentiality, information security and the privacy of European end users in relation to foreign governments. The Patriot Act from 2001 has started to play a symbolic role in the public debate. It is one important element in a larger, complex and dynamic legal framework for access to data for law enforcement and national security purposes. In particular, the FISA Amendments Act provision for access to data of non-U.S. persons outside the U.S. enacted in 2008 deserves attention. The report describes this and other legal powers for the U.S. government to obtain data of non-U.S. persons located outside of the U.S. from cloud providers that fall under its jurisdiction. Such jurisdiction applies widely, namely to cloud services that conduct systematic business in the United States and is not dependent on the location where the data are stored, as is often assumed. For non-U.S. persons located outside of the U.S., constitutional protection is not applicable and the statutory safeguards are minimal. In the Netherlands and across the EU, government agencies have legal powers to obtain access to cloud data as well. These provisions can also be be used to assist the U.S. government, when it does not have jurisdiction for instance, but they must stay within the constitutional safeguards set by national constitutions, the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Charter.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

De onduidelijke verhouding tussen vrijheid van meningsuiting en discriminatie: Een analyse van de groepsbelediging en het haatzaaien external link

Janssen, E. & Nieuwenhuis, A.
Mediaforum, num: 4, pp: 94-104, 2011


De strafbaarstelling van groepsbelediging en haatzaaien vormt een beperking van de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Het is echter niet zeker waar precies de grens loopt tussen controversiële bijdragen aan het maatschappelijk debat en strafbare uitlatingen. Dat blijkt onder meer uit het verschil van opvatting tussen het OM en het Hof Amsterdam in casu Wilders. Dit artikel concentreert zich op de vraag waarom het zo moeilijk is de genoemde strafbepalingen eenduidig uit te leggen. Eén van de conclusies is dat de wetgever meer helderheid zou moeten scheppen.

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{nokey, title = {De onduidelijke verhouding tussen vrijheid van meningsuiting en discriminatie: Een analyse van de groepsbelediging en het haatzaaien}, author = {Janssen, E. and Nieuwenhuis, A.}, url = {}, year = {0419}, date = {2011-04-19}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {4}, abstract = {De strafbaarstelling van groepsbelediging en haatzaaien vormt een beperking van de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Het is echter niet zeker waar precies de grens loopt tussen controversiële bijdragen aan het maatschappelijk debat en strafbare uitlatingen. Dat blijkt onder meer uit het verschil van opvatting tussen het OM en het Hof Amsterdam in casu Wilders. Dit artikel concentreert zich op de vraag waarom het zo moeilijk is de genoemde strafbepalingen eenduidig uit te leggen. Eén van de conclusies is dat de wetgever meer helderheid zou moeten scheppen.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Limits to expression on religion in France ( ) external link

Janssen, E.
Journal of European Studies, num: 1, pp: 22-45, 2008


This article examines the limits to expression on religion in France. It places the relevant provisions in French law and national case law concerning expression on religion within the context of the strict separation of the state and the church in France, known as la laïcité. Subsequently, it analyzes whether French case law complies with the relevant case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{nokey, title = {Limits to expression on religion in France ( )}, author = {Janssen, E.}, url = {}, year = {0409}, date = {2008-04-09}, journal = {Journal of European Studies}, number = {1}, abstract = {This article examines the limits to expression on religion in France. It places the relevant provisions in French law and national case law concerning expression on religion within the context of the strict separation of the state and the church in France, known as la laïcité. Subsequently, it analyzes whether French case law complies with the relevant case law of the European Court of Human Rights.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Grenzen aan uitingen over religie in Frankrijk external link

Janssen, E.
Mediaforum, num: 3, pp: 109-118, 2008

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{nokey, title = {Grenzen aan uitingen over religie in Frankrijk}, author = {Janssen, E.}, url = {}, year = {0929}, date = {2008-09-29}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {3}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Moving Towards Balance: A study into duties of care on the Internet external link

Engers, T.M. van, Abel, W., van Eijk, N., Jasserand, C.A. & Wiersma, C.
pp: 125, 2010


Commissioned by the WODC (Research and Documentation Centre of the Ministry of Security and Justice), research has been conducted on duties of care on the Internet, more specifically from the perspective of Internet service providers. The situation in four countries - the Netherlands, the UK, Germany and France - was researched. The (self-)regulation with respect to five separate themes (Internet security and safety, child pornography, copyright, identity fraud and the trade in stolen goods through Internet platforms) was identified. In addition to this, a significant number of interviews with stakeholders were conducted.

Technologie en recht


Report{nokey, title = {Moving Towards Balance: A study into duties of care on the Internet}, author = {Engers, T.M. van and Abel, W. and van Eijk, N. and Jasserand, C.A. and Wiersma, C.}, url = {}, year = {1109}, date = {2010-11-09}, abstract = {Commissioned by the WODC (Research and Documentation Centre of the Ministry of Security and Justice), research has been conducted on duties of care on the Internet, more specifically from the perspective of Internet service providers. The situation in four countries - the Netherlands, the UK, Germany and France - was researched. The (self-)regulation with respect to five separate themes (Internet security and safety, child pornography, copyright, identity fraud and the trade in stolen goods through Internet platforms) was identified. In addition to this, a significant number of interviews with stakeholders were conducted.}, keywords = {Technologie en recht}, }

Op weg naar evenwicht: een onderzoek naar zorgplichten op het internet external link

Engers, T.M. van, Abel, W., van Eijk, N., Jasserand, C.A. & Wiersma, C.
pp: 140 , 2010


In opdracht van het WODC (Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum) is onderzoek verricht naar zorgplichten op het internet, meer in het bijzonder vanuit het perspectief van internetserviceproviders. De situatie in vier landen - Nederland, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Duitsland en Frankrijk - is onderzocht. De (zelf)regulering met betrekking tot een vijftal thema's is in kaart gebracht (internetveiligheid, kinderporno, auteursrechten, identiteitsfraude en de handel in gestolen goederen via internetplatforms). Daarnaast is een groot aantal interviews gehouden met betrokken partijen.



Report{nokey, title = {Op weg naar evenwicht: een onderzoek naar zorgplichten op het internet}, author = {Engers, T.M. van and Abel, W. and van Eijk, N. and Jasserand, C.A. and Wiersma, C.}, url = {}, year = {1109}, date = {2010-11-09}, abstract = {In opdracht van het WODC (Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum) is onderzoek verricht naar zorgplichten op het internet, meer in het bijzonder vanuit het perspectief van internetserviceproviders. De situatie in vier landen - Nederland, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Duitsland en Frankrijk - is onderzocht. De (zelf)regulering met betrekking tot een vijftal thema\'s is in kaart gebracht (internetveiligheid, kinderporno, auteursrechten, identiteitsfraude en de handel in gestolen goederen via internetplatforms). Daarnaast is een groot aantal interviews gehouden met betrokken partijen.}, keywords = {Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Creative Commons licences and design: Are the two compatible? external link

Jipitec, num: 2, pp: 131-142, 2011

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Creative Commons licences and design: Are the two compatible?}, author = {Jasserand, C.A.}, url = {}, year = {0928}, date = {2011-09-28}, journal = {Jipitec}, number = {2}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Using Copyright to Promote Access to Public Sector Information: A Comparative Survey, external link


This study, which is part of a three-part report on Using Copyright to Enhance Access to Information and Creative Content, examines the role that copyright plays in facilitating access to and reuse of public sector information. It briefly describes the laws, national policies and government practices relating to the reutilization of public sector information that are currently in place, or being developed, in seven WIPO Member States: France, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Uganda, United Kingdom and the United States.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Report{nokey, title = {Using Copyright to Promote Access to Public Sector Information: A Comparative Survey,}, author = {Hugenholtz, P. and Jasserand, C.A.}, url = {}, year = {0605}, date = {2012-06-05}, abstract = {This study, which is part of a three-part report on Using Copyright to Enhance Access to Information and Creative Content, examines the role that copyright plays in facilitating access to and reuse of public sector information. It briefly describes the laws, national policies and government practices relating to the reutilization of public sector information that are currently in place, or being developed, in seven WIPO Member States: France, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Uganda, United Kingdom and the United States.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Answer to the HADOPI’s public consultation on external link


La réponse au questionnaire de l’HADOPI se focalise sur l’évolution possible du système des exceptions vers une approche ouverte de type fair use et est fondée principalement sur les éléments de réflexions énoncés par le Professeur Bernt Hugenholtz et le Professeur Martin Senftleben dans leur étude «Fair use in Europe. In search of flexibilities».

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Answer to the HADOPI’s public consultation on}, author = {Jasserand, C.A.}, url = {}, year = {1106}, date = {2012-11-06}, abstract = {La réponse au questionnaire de l’HADOPI se focalise sur l’évolution possible du système des exceptions vers une approche ouverte de type fair use et est fondée principalement sur les éléments de réflexions énoncés par le Professeur Bernt Hugenholtz et le Professeur Martin Senftleben dans leur étude «Fair use in Europe. In search of flexibilities».}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }