Legal, Economic and Cultural Aspects of File Sharing external link

Communications & Strategies, num: 77, pp: 35-54, 2010


This contribution seeks to identify the short and long-term economic and cultural effects of file sharing on music, films and games, while taking into account the legal context and policy developments. The short-term implications examined concern direct costs and benefits to society, whereas the long-term impact concerns changes in the industry's business models as well as in cultural diversity and the accessibility of content. It observes that the proliferation of digital distribution networks combined with the availability of digital technology among consumers has broken the entertainment industries' control over the access to their products. Only part of the decline in music sales can be attributed to file sharing. Despite the losses for the music industry, the increased accessibility of culture renders the overall welfare effects of file sharing robustly positive. As a consequence the entertainment industries, particularly the music industry, have to explore new models to sustain their business.

Technologie en recht


Article{nokey, title = {Legal, Economic and Cultural Aspects of File Sharing}, author = {van Eijk, N. and Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0416}, date = {2010-04-16}, journal = {Communications & Strategies}, number = {77}, abstract = {This contribution seeks to identify the short and long-term economic and cultural effects of file sharing on music, films and games, while taking into account the legal context and policy developments. The short-term implications examined concern direct costs and benefits to society, whereas the long-term impact concerns changes in the industry\'s business models as well as in cultural diversity and the accessibility of content. It observes that the proliferation of digital distribution networks combined with the availability of digital technology among consumers has broken the entertainment industries\' control over the access to their products. Only part of the decline in music sales can be attributed to file sharing. Despite the losses for the music industry, the increased accessibility of culture renders the overall welfare effects of file sharing robustly positive. As a consequence the entertainment industries, particularly the music industry, have to explore new models to sustain their business.}, keywords = {Technologie en recht}, }

Zelfregulering: denken in alternatieven external link

Computerrecht, num: 2, pp: 52, 2010

Technologie en recht


Article{nokey, title = {Zelfregulering: denken in alternatieven}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0429}, date = {2010-04-29}, journal = {Computerrecht}, number = {2}, keywords = {Technologie en recht}, }

De mythe van onbelemmerde toegang tot internet external link

BTG Magazine, vol. 2010, num: 70, pp: 28, 2010

Technologie en recht


Article{nokey, title = {De mythe van onbelemmerde toegang tot internet}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0520}, date = {2010-05-20}, journal = {BTG Magazine}, volume = {2010}, number = {70}, pages = {28}, keywords = {Technologie en recht}, }

About Network Neutrality 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 external link

Computers & Law Magazine, num: 6, 2011


Nico van Eijk puts network neutrality in context, predicts the future flow of debate on the topic and makes a series of telling observations on network neutrality dilemmas.



Article{nokey, title = {About Network Neutrality 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0304}, date = {2011-03-04}, journal = {Computers & Law Magazine}, number = {6}, abstract = {Nico van Eijk puts network neutrality in context, predicts the future flow of debate on the topic and makes a series of telling observations on network neutrality dilemmas.}, keywords = {Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie 18 maart 2010 (Alassini / Telecom Italia) external link

Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken, num: 1, pp: 21-25, 2011



Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie 18 maart 2010 (Alassini / Telecom Italia)}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0310}, date = {2011-03-10}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken}, number = {1}, keywords = {Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Beter goed gejat, dan slecht verzonnen? external link

BTG Magazine, vol. 2010, num: 74, pp: 22, 2011

Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Beter goed gejat, dan slecht verzonnen?}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0519}, date = {2011-05-19}, journal = {BTG Magazine}, volume = {2010}, number = {74}, pages = { 22}, keywords = {Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Digitaal gebonden: Onderzoek naar de functionaliteit van een vaste prijs voor het e-boek external link

Akker, I., Rutten, P., van Eijk, N., Poort, J. & van der Sloot, B.



Report{nokey, title = {Digitaal gebonden: Onderzoek naar de functionaliteit van een vaste prijs voor het e-boek}, author = {Akker, I. and Rutten, P. and van Eijk, N. and Poort, J. and van der Sloot, B.}, url = {}, year = {1129}, date = {2011-11-29}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }