Finnish Article 17 implementation proposal prohibits the use of automated upload filters external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2020



Article{Keller2020bb, title = {Finnish Article 17 implementation proposal prohibits the use of automated upload filters}, author = {Keller, P.}, url = {}, year = {1223}, date = {2020-12-23}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Auteursrecht}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 11 juni 2020 (Brompton Bicycle / Chedech/Get2Get external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, num: 22, pp: 3136-3138, 2021


Verzoek om een prejudiciële beslissing krachtens artikel 267 VWEU, ingediend door de tribunal de l’entreprise de Liège (ondernemingsrechtbank Luik, België) bij beslissing van 18 december 2018. Intellectuele en industriële eigendom, auteursrecht en naburige rechten. Vouwfiets. Bescherming van werken op grond van het auteursrecht. Voor het bereiken van een technisch resultaat noodzakelijke vorm.

Annotaties, Auteursrecht, frontpage


Article{Hugenholtz2021, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 11 juni 2020 (Brompton Bicycle / Chedech/Get2Get}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0604}, date = {2021-06-04}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, number = {22}, abstract = {Verzoek om een prejudiciële beslissing krachtens artikel 267 VWEU, ingediend door de tribunal de l’entreprise de Liège (ondernemingsrechtbank Luik, België) bij beslissing van 18 december 2018. Intellectuele en industriële eigendom, auteursrecht en naburige rechten. Vouwfiets. Bescherming van werken op grond van het auteursrecht. Voor het bereiken van een technisch resultaat noodzakelijke vorm.}, keywords = {Annotaties, Auteursrecht, frontpage}, }

Divergence instead of guidance: the Article 17 implementation discussion in 2020 – Part 1 external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2021



Article{Keller2021bb, title = {Divergence instead of guidance: the Article 17 implementation discussion in 2020 – Part 1}, author = {Keller, P.}, url = {}, year = {0121}, date = {2021-01-21}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Auteursrecht}, }

Divergence instead of guidance: the Article 17 implementation discussion in 2020 – Part 2 external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2021



Article{Keller2021bb, title = {Divergence instead of guidance: the Article 17 implementation discussion in 2020 – Part 2}, author = {Keller, P.}, url = {}, year = {0122}, date = {2021-01-22}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Auteursrecht}, }

Article 17: (Mis)understanding the intent of the legislator external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2021



Article{Keller2021b, title = {Article 17: (Mis)understanding the intent of the legislator}, author = {Keller, P.}, url = {}, year = {0128}, date = {2021-01-28}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Auteursrecht}, }

Opinion: International Instrument on Permitted Uses in Copyright Law external link

Hilty, R.M., Köklü, K., Moscon, V., Correa, C., Dusollier, S., Geiger, C., Griffiths, J., Grosse Ruse-Khan, H., Kur, A., Lin, X., Markiewics, R., Nérisson, s., Peukert, A., Senftleben, M. & Xalabarder, R.
IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law , vol. 52, pp: 62-67, 2021

Auteursrecht, frontpage, opinie


Article{Hilty2021, title = {Opinion: International Instrument on Permitted Uses in Copyright Law}, author = {Hilty, R.M. and Köklü, K. and Moscon, V. and Correa, C. and Dusollier, S. and Geiger, C. and Griffiths, J. and Grosse Ruse-Khan, H. and Kur, A. and Lin, X. and Markiewics, R. and Nérisson, s. and Peukert, A. and Senftleben, M. and Xalabarder, R.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0204}, date = {2021-02-04}, journal = {IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law }, volume = {52}, pages = {62-67}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, opinie}, }

Annotatie Hof van Justitie EU 19 december 2019 (Airbnb Ireland / Hotelière Turenne) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, vol. 2021, num: 20/21, pp: 2799-2802, 2021


Deze zaak (beslist door de Grand Chamber van het Hof) gaat over Airbnb in Frankrijk en gaat over dezelfde problematiek als in de Uberzaken in Spanje en Frankrijk (HvJEU 20 december 2017, zaak C-434/15, NJ 2018, 361 m.nt. E.J. Dommering, resp. HvJEU 10 april 2018, zaak C-320/16, NJ 2019, 3). In die zaken werd beslist dat de Uberdienst weliswaar een ‘dienst in de informatiemaatschappij’ is, zodat de e-commerce richtlijn (richtlijn 2000/31) van toepassing kan zijn, maar toch meer kenmerken van een vervoersdienst heeft, hetgeen ruimte schept voor de lidstaten ze onder de regels voor taxidiensten te brengen. In deze zaak beslist het Hof anders.

eu-recht, frontpage, Informatierecht


Article{Dommering2021bb, title = {Annotatie Hof van Justitie EU 19 december 2019 (Airbnb Ireland / Hotelière Turenne)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0603}, date = {2021-06-03}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, volume = {2021}, number = {20/21}, pages = {2799-2802}, abstract = {Deze zaak (beslist door de Grand Chamber van het Hof) gaat over Airbnb in Frankrijk en gaat over dezelfde problematiek als in de Uberzaken in Spanje en Frankrijk (HvJEU 20 december 2017, zaak C-434/15, NJ 2018, 361 m.nt. E.J. Dommering, resp. HvJEU 10 april 2018, zaak C-320/16, NJ 2019, 3). In die zaken werd beslist dat de Uberdienst weliswaar een ‘dienst in de informatiemaatschappij’ is, zodat de e-commerce richtlijn (richtlijn 2000/31) van toepassing kan zijn, maar toch meer kenmerken van een vervoersdienst heeft, hetgeen ruimte schept voor de lidstaten ze onder de regels voor taxidiensten te brengen. In deze zaak beslist het Hof anders.}, keywords = {eu-recht, frontpage, Informatierecht}, }

Regulating Disinformation in Europe: Implications for Speech and Privacy external link

UC Irvine Journal of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law, vol. 6, num: 1, pp: 9-36, 2021


This Article examines the ongoing dynamics in the regulation of disinformation in Europe, focusing on the intersection between the right to freedom of expression and the right to privacy. Importantly, there has been a recent wave of regulatory measures and other forms of pressure on online platforms to tackle disinformation in Europe. These measures play out in different ways at the intersection of the right to freedom of expression and the right to privacy. Crucially, as governments, journalists, and researchers seek greater transparency and access to information from online platforms to evaluate their impact on the health of their democracies, these measures raise acute issues related to user privacy. Indeed, platforms that once refused to cooperate with governments in identifying users allegedly responsible for disseminating illegal or harmful content are now expanding cooperation. However, while platforms are increasingly facilitating government access to user data, platforms are also invoking data protection law concerns as a shield in response to recent efforts at increased platform transparency. At the same time, data protection law provides for one of the main systemic regulatory safeguards in Europe. It protects user autonomy concerning datadriven campaigns, requiring transparency for internet audiences about targeting and data subject rights in relation to audience platforms, such as social media companies.

disinformatie, frontpage, Privacy, Regulering, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{vanHoboken2021, title = {Regulating Disinformation in Europe: Implications for Speech and Privacy}, author = {van Hoboken, J. and Fahy, R.}, url = {}, year = {0601}, date = {2021-06-01}, journal = {UC Irvine Journal of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {9-36}, abstract = {This Article examines the ongoing dynamics in the regulation of disinformation in Europe, focusing on the intersection between the right to freedom of expression and the right to privacy. Importantly, there has been a recent wave of regulatory measures and other forms of pressure on online platforms to tackle disinformation in Europe. These measures play out in different ways at the intersection of the right to freedom of expression and the right to privacy. Crucially, as governments, journalists, and researchers seek greater transparency and access to information from online platforms to evaluate their impact on the health of their democracies, these measures raise acute issues related to user privacy. Indeed, platforms that once refused to cooperate with governments in identifying users allegedly responsible for disseminating illegal or harmful content are now expanding cooperation. However, while platforms are increasingly facilitating government access to user data, platforms are also invoking data protection law concerns as a shield in response to recent efforts at increased platform transparency. At the same time, data protection law provides for one of the main systemic regulatory safeguards in Europe. It protects user autonomy concerning datadriven campaigns, requiring transparency for internet audiences about targeting and data subject rights in relation to audience platforms, such as social media companies.}, keywords = {disinformatie, frontpage, Privacy, Regulering, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Article 12 DSA: Will platforms be required to apply EU fundamental rights in content moderation decisions? external link

Content moderation, Digital services act, DSA, frontpage, Fundamental rights


Online publication{Quintais2021f, title = {Article 12 DSA: Will platforms be required to apply EU fundamental rights in content moderation decisions?}, author = {Quintais, J. and Appelman, N. and Fahy, R.}, url = {}, year = {0531}, date = {2021-05-31}, keywords = {Content moderation, Digital services act, DSA, frontpage, Fundamental rights}, }

‘Staan op de schouders van reuzen’. Waarheidsgetrouw citeren als maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid van de wetenschapper external link

0528, pp: 59-69

Auteursrecht, citeren, frontpage, onderwijs, plagiaat, wetenschap


Chapter{Dommering2021e, title = {‘Staan op de schouders van reuzen’. Waarheidsgetrouw citeren als maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid van de wetenschapper}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0528}, date = {2021-05-28}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, citeren, frontpage, onderwijs, plagiaat, wetenschap}, }