Opinie: De wettelijke mogelijkheden voor online proctoring door universiteiten zijn zeer beperkt external link

Tijdschrift voor Internetrecht, num: 4, pp: 141-143, 2020

frontpage, Privacy, proctoring, universiteiten


Article{Eskens2020b, title = {Opinie: De wettelijke mogelijkheden voor online proctoring door universiteiten zijn zeer beperkt}, author = {Eskens, S.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/TvI_2020_4.pdf}, year = {0827}, date = {2020-08-27}, journal = {Tijdschrift voor Internetrecht}, number = {4}, keywords = {frontpage, Privacy, proctoring, universiteiten}, }

Article 17 of the Copyright Directive: Why the German implementation proposal is compatible with EU law – Part 1 external link

Husovec, M. & Quintais, J.
Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2020

Art. 17 CDSM Directive, Auteursrecht, EU law, frontpage, implementatie


Article{Husovec2020, title = {Article 17 of the Copyright Directive: Why the German implementation proposal is compatible with EU law – Part 1}, author = {Husovec, M. and Quintais, J.}, url = {http://copyrightblog.kluweriplaw.com/2020/08/26/article-17-of-the-copyright-directive-why-the-german-implementation-proposal-is-compatible-with-eu-law-part-1/}, year = {0827}, date = {2020-08-27}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Art. 17 CDSM Directive, Auteursrecht, EU law, frontpage, implementatie}, }

Safety of journalists and the fighting of corruption in the EU external link

McGonagle, T., Fahy, R., Bouchè, G., Rucz, M., Stapel, S., Seel, M. & Sangen, A, van der


Journalism and journalists face a growing range of threats, including violence and harassment; the misuse of defamation and other laws against them, and restrictive measures on freedom of information and expression adopted in response to the Covid-19 crisis. States must ensure a safe and favourable environment for journalists to perform their public watchdog function. This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, examines the overall chilling effect of crimes and threats against journalists and explores various regulatory and other measures to counter them. This report was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.

corruptie, frontpage, Journalistiek, Media law, veiligheid


Report{McGonagle2020f, title = {Safety of journalists and the fighting of corruption in the EU}, author = {McGonagle, T. and Fahy, R. and Bouchè, G. and Rucz, M. and Stapel, S. and Seel, M. and Sangen, A, van der}, url = {https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2020/655187/IPOL_STU(2020)655187_EN.pdf}, year = {0730}, date = {2020-07-30}, abstract = {Journalism and journalists face a growing range of threats, including violence and harassment; the misuse of defamation and other laws against them, and restrictive measures on freedom of information and expression adopted in response to the Covid-19 crisis. States must ensure a safe and favourable environment for journalists to perform their public watchdog function. This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, examines the overall chilling effect of crimes and threats against journalists and explores various regulatory and other measures to counter them. This report was requested by the European Parliament\'s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.}, keywords = {corruptie, frontpage, Journalistiek, Media law, veiligheid}, }

The post-editorial control era: how EU media law matches platforms’ organisational control with cooperative responsibility external link

Journal of Media Law, vol. 12, num: 2, pp: 166-190, 2020


This paper argues the AVMSD attaches cooperative responsibility to platforms’ organisational control. Firstly, it explores how the new concept of organisational control differs from the editorial control that has traditionally been central to media law, in particular concerning the greater involvement of other stakeholders active on platforms. Secondly, it analyses the measures the AVMSD requires platforms to take with regard to content on their service in light of their organisational control. Finally, it shows how the AVMSD not only requires platforms to assume responsibility for actions under their direct control, but also to enable users and uploaders to exercise their inherent influence differently. The AVMSD consequently moves away from centralised, and towards cooperative responsibility for platforms. The paper concludes by evaluating the choices the AVMSD makes (and fails to make) in the operationalisation of this new responsibility model.

AVMS Directive, digital platforms, frontpage, Journalistiek, Media law, redactie


Article{Drunen2020, title = {The post-editorial control era: how EU media law matches platforms’ organisational control with cooperative responsibility}, author = {Drunen, M. van}, url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17577632.2020.1796067}, doi = {https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/17577632.2020.1796067}, year = {0728}, date = {2020-07-28}, journal = {Journal of Media Law}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {166-190}, abstract = {This paper argues the AVMSD attaches cooperative responsibility to platforms’ organisational control. Firstly, it explores how the new concept of organisational control differs from the editorial control that has traditionally been central to media law, in particular concerning the greater involvement of other stakeholders active on platforms. Secondly, it analyses the measures the AVMSD requires platforms to take with regard to content on their service in light of their organisational control. Finally, it shows how the AVMSD not only requires platforms to assume responsibility for actions under their direct control, but also to enable users and uploaders to exercise their inherent influence differently. The AVMSD consequently moves away from centralised, and towards cooperative responsibility for platforms. The paper concludes by evaluating the choices the AVMSD makes (and fails to make) in the operationalisation of this new responsibility model.}, keywords = {AVMS Directive, digital platforms, frontpage, Journalistiek, Media law, redactie}, }

Schrems II and Surveillance: Third Countries’ National Security Powers in the Purview of EU Law, European Law Blog external link



On 16 July 2020 the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) composed as Grand Chamber delivered its landmark ruling Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd and Maximillian Schrems (case C-311/18, “Schrems II”). The focus of my commentary will be on the aspect that EU law on cross-border transfers of personal data to a third country is not deferential to national security powers of that third country. This judgment is remarkable provided that electronic surveillance conducted by Member States’ intelligence authorities for the purpose of national security is off limits for EU law and that exceptions in international agreement are fairly regularly made for national security. This contribution will deal with the embedded assessment of a third country’s national security powers under the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, GDPR) and will address the criticism that a third country is held to stricter standards than a Member State of the Union.

adequacy decision, C-311/18, Charter of Fundamental Rights, Facebook, frontpage, GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation, national security, Privacy Shield, Schrems II, Standard Contractual Clauses, Surveillance, united states


Online publication{Irion2020c, title = {Schrems II and Surveillance: Third Countries’ National Security Powers in the Purview of EU Law, European Law Blog}, author = {Irion, K.}, url = {https://europeanlawblog.eu/2020/07/24/schrems-ii-and-surveillance-third-countries-national-security-powers-in-the-purview-of-eu-law/}, year = {0724}, date = {2020-07-24}, abstract = {On 16 July 2020 the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) composed as Grand Chamber delivered its landmark ruling Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd and Maximillian Schrems (case C-311/18, “Schrems II”). The focus of my commentary will be on the aspect that EU law on cross-border transfers of personal data to a third country is not deferential to national security powers of that third country. This judgment is remarkable provided that electronic surveillance conducted by Member States’ intelligence authorities for the purpose of national security is off limits for EU law and that exceptions in international agreement are fairly regularly made for national security. This contribution will deal with the embedded assessment of a third country’s national security powers under the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, GDPR) and will address the criticism that a third country is held to stricter standards than a Member State of the Union.}, keywords = {adequacy decision, C-311/18, Charter of Fundamental Rights, Facebook, frontpage, GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation, national security, Privacy Shield, Schrems II, Standard Contractual Clauses, Surveillance, united states}, }

Annotatie bij Rb Amsterdam 1 november 2019 (Van Uem / De Persgroep) external link

AMI, num: 3-4, pp: 101-105, 2020

Annotaties, Auteursrecht, billijke vergoeding, freelancers, frontpage, Journalistiek


Article{Hugenholtz2020c, title = {Annotatie bij Rb Amsterdam 1 november 2019 (Van Uem / De Persgroep)}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Annotatie_AMI_2020_3_4.pdf}, year = {0724}, date = {2020-07-24}, journal = {AMI}, number = {3-4}, keywords = {Annotaties, Auteursrecht, billijke vergoeding, freelancers, frontpage, Journalistiek}, }

Auteursrecht op robotcreaties? Een analyse op basis van de incentivetheorie external link

Buijtelaar, L.D. & Senftleben, M.
AMI, num: 3-4, pp: 77-93, 2020


Vandaag de dag zijn teksten, schilderijen en liedjes niet noodzakelijkerwijs het resultaat van menselijke creativiteit. Geavanceerde robotsystemen zijn in staat om output te genereren die nauwelijks te onderscheiden is van de werken van makers van vlees en bloed. Dit doet de vraag rijzen of door robots gegenereerde creaties in aanmerking kunnen komen voor auteursrechtelijke bescherming. In de volgende analyse staat deze vraag centraal. Na een inleidende bespreking van het traditionele vereiste van menselijke creativiteit in het auteursrecht dienen de ratio’s van auteursrechtelijke bescherming – met name de economische incentivetheorie – als maatstaf om over nut en noodzaak van de toekenning van bescherming te beslissen. Voorts wordt aandacht besteed aan de vraag wie de houder van rechten op robotcreaties zou kunnen zijn. Ten slotte vindt een afweging plaats van de voor- en nadelen van bescherming, mede in het licht van de mogelijkheid om robotcreaties vrij te laten en het publieke domein te verrijken.

Artificial intelligence, Auteursrecht, creativiteit, frontpage, robotica


Article{Buijtelaar2020, title = {Auteursrecht op robotcreaties? Een analyse op basis van de incentivetheorie}, author = {Buijtelaar, L.D. and Senftleben, M.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/AMI_2020_3_4_77.pdf}, year = {0724}, date = {2020-07-24}, journal = {AMI}, number = {3-4}, abstract = {Vandaag de dag zijn teksten, schilderijen en liedjes niet noodzakelijkerwijs het resultaat van menselijke creativiteit. Geavanceerde robotsystemen zijn in staat om output te genereren die nauwelijks te onderscheiden is van de werken van makers van vlees en bloed. Dit doet de vraag rijzen of door robots gegenereerde creaties in aanmerking kunnen komen voor auteursrechtelijke bescherming. In de volgende analyse staat deze vraag centraal. Na een inleidende bespreking van het traditionele vereiste van menselijke creativiteit in het auteursrecht dienen de ratio’s van auteursrechtelijke bescherming – met name de economische incentivetheorie – als maatstaf om over nut en noodzaak van de toekenning van bescherming te beslissen. Voorts wordt aandacht besteed aan de vraag wie de houder van rechten op robotcreaties zou kunnen zijn. Ten slotte vindt een afweging plaats van de voor- en nadelen van bescherming, mede in het licht van de mogelijkheid om robotcreaties vrij te laten en het publieke domein te verrijken.}, keywords = {Artificial intelligence, Auteursrecht, creativiteit, frontpage, robotica}, }

The regulation of crypto-assets in the EU – investment and payment tokens under the radar external link

Ferrari, V.
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 2020


Based on the guidelines issued by the European Securities and Market Authority and by the European Banking Authority, the article deals with the legal qualification of blockchain-based crypto-assets under EU law. Focusing on crypto-assets that function as a) investment instruments (that is, investment tokens) and as b) electronic money (that is, payment tokens), the work outlines shortages and drawbacks in the applicability and enforcement of existing EU legal frameworks regulating investment activities and payment services. With such analysis, the article seeks to inform the ongoing debate within European institutions on the need of regulatory intervention in this area, and it points out pressing questions to be tackled by further research.

Crypto-assets, cryptocurrencies, enforcement, EU law, financial regulation, fintech, frontpage, Technologie en recht


Article{Ferrari2020, title = {The regulation of crypto-assets in the EU – investment and payment tokens under the radar}, author = {Ferrari, V.}, url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1023263X20911538}, doi = {https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1177/1023263X20911538}, year = {0521}, date = {2020-05-21}, journal = {Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law}, abstract = {Based on the guidelines issued by the European Securities and Market Authority and by the European Banking Authority, the article deals with the legal qualification of blockchain-based crypto-assets under EU law. Focusing on crypto-assets that function as a) investment instruments (that is, investment tokens) and as b) electronic money (that is, payment tokens), the work outlines shortages and drawbacks in the applicability and enforcement of existing EU legal frameworks regulating investment activities and payment services. With such analysis, the article seeks to inform the ongoing debate within European institutions on the need of regulatory intervention in this area, and it points out pressing questions to be tackled by further research.}, keywords = {Crypto-assets, cryptocurrencies, enforcement, EU law, financial regulation, fintech, frontpage, Technologie en recht}, }

Annotatie HvJ EU 2 oktober 2018 (Ministerio Fiscal) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, num: 28, pp: 3753-3754, 2020


Toegang tot door elektronische communicatiedienstaanbieder verwerkte persoonsgegevens alleen gerechtvaardigd als het om ernstig delict gaat. Identificatiegegevens op SIMkaart van gestolen mobiele telefoon ook bij lichtere vormen van criminaliteit toegestaan toegestaan omdat deze op zich zelf geen inzicht geven in de privé communicatie.

Annotaties, elektronische communicatie, frontpage, persoonsgevens, Privacy


Article{Dommering2020h, title = {Annotatie HvJ EU 2 oktober 2018 (Ministerio Fiscal)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Annotatie_NJ_232.pdf}, year = {0721}, date = {2020-07-21}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, number = {28}, abstract = {Toegang tot door elektronische communicatiedienstaanbieder verwerkte persoonsgegevens alleen gerechtvaardigd als het om ernstig delict gaat. Identificatiegegevens op SIMkaart van gestolen mobiele telefoon ook bij lichtere vormen van criminaliteit toegestaan toegestaan omdat deze op zich zelf geen inzicht geven in de privé communicatie.}, keywords = {Annotaties, elektronische communicatie, frontpage, persoonsgevens, Privacy}, }

Kroniek Persrecht 2019 external link

Volgenant, O. & McGonagle, T.
Mediaforum, vol. 2020, num: 3, pp: 87-89, 2020


Was 2018 het jaar van de serieuze aanslagen op de gebouwen van De Telegraaf en Panorama en ernstige bedreigingen van individuele journalisten, in 2019 zagen we hoe de beroepsgroep en de overheid daarop reageerden. Het initiatief ‘PersVeilig’ werd gepresenteerd, en in de strafzaken over de twee aanslagen werden verdachten opgepakt en veroordeeld. In 2019 werd – helaas – voor het eerst sinds lange tijd weer een journalist gegijzeld, ondanks het feit dat een jaar eerder het recht op journalistieke bronbescherming wettelijk was verankerd.

Kronieken, Mediarecht, Persrecht


Article{Volgenant2020, title = {Kroniek Persrecht 2019}, author = {Volgenant, O. and McGonagle, T.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Mediaforum_2020_3_Volgenant.pdf}, year = {0717}, date = {2020-07-17}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2020}, number = {3}, pages = {87-89}, abstract = {Was 2018 het jaar van de serieuze aanslagen op de gebouwen van De Telegraaf en Panorama en ernstige bedreigingen van individuele journalisten, in 2019 zagen we hoe de beroepsgroep en de overheid daarop reageerden. Het initiatief ‘PersVeilig’ werd gepresenteerd, en in de strafzaken over de twee aanslagen werden verdachten opgepakt en veroordeeld. In 2019 werd – helaas – voor het eerst sinds lange tijd weer een journalist gegijzeld, ondanks het feit dat een jaar eerder het recht op journalistieke bronbescherming wettelijk was verankerd.}, keywords = {Kronieken, Mediarecht, Persrecht}, }