Rechter en uitingsvrijheid – een actueel thema external link

Mediaforum, num: 1, pp: 1, 2020

frontpage, rechters, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Altes2020, title = {Rechter en uitingsvrijheid – een actueel thema}, author = {Korthals Altes, W.}, url = {}, year = {0313}, date = {2020-03-13}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {1}, keywords = {frontpage, rechters, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Much ado about judges: perspectieven van het EHRM external link

Mediaforum, num: 1, pp: 2-6, 2020

EHRM, frontpage, rechters, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{McGonagle2020d, title = {Much ado about judges: perspectieven van het EHRM}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0313}, date = {2020-03-13}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {1}, keywords = {EHRM, frontpage, rechters, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Trade and privacy: Complicated bed fellows? How to achieve data protection-proof free trade agreements external link


Privacy, trade


Article{Irion2016b, title = {Trade and privacy: Complicated bed fellows? How to achieve data protection-proof free trade agreements}, author = {Irion, K.}, url = {}, year = {1018}, date = {2016-10-18}, keywords = {Privacy, trade}, }

Implications of AI-driven tools in the media for freedom of expression external link


Background Paper to the Ministerial Conference "Artificial Intelligence - Intelligent Politics: Challenges and opportunities for media and democracy, Cyprus, 28-29 May 2020."

Artificial intelligence, Freedom of expression, frontpage, Media law


Report{Helberger2020, title = {Implications of AI-driven tools in the media for freedom of expression}, author = {Helberger, N. and Eskens, S. and Drunen, M. van and Bastian, M. and Möller, J.}, url = {}, year = {0305}, date = {2020-03-05}, abstract = {Background Paper to the Ministerial Conference "Artificial Intelligence - Intelligent Politics: Challenges and opportunities for media and democracy, Cyprus, 28-29 May 2020."}, keywords = {Artificial intelligence, Freedom of expression, frontpage, Media law}, }

Getting Data Subject Rights Right: A submission to the European Data Protection Board from international data rights academics, to inform regulatory guidance external link

Ausloos, J., Veale, M. & Mahieu, R.
JIPITEC, vol. 10, num: 3, 2019


We are a group of academics active in research and practice around data rights. We believe that the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) guidance on data rights currently under development is an important point to resolve a variety of tensions and grey areas which, if left unaddressed, may significantly undermine the fundamental right to data protection. All of us were present at the recent stakeholder event on data rights in Brussels on 4 November 2019, and it is in the context and spirit of stakeholder engagement that we have created this document to explore and provide recommendations and examples in this area. This document is based on comprehensive empirical evidence as well as CJEU case law, EDPB (and, previously, Article 29 Working Party) guidance and extensive scientific research into the scope, rationale, effects and general modalities of data rights.

GDPR, gegevensbescherming, Privacy


Article{Ausloos2020, title = {Getting Data Subject Rights Right: A submission to the European Data Protection Board from international data rights academics, to inform regulatory guidance}, author = {Ausloos, J. and Veale, M. and Mahieu, R.}, url = {}, year = {1231}, date = {2019-12-31}, journal = {JIPITEC}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, pages = {}, abstract = {We are a group of academics active in research and practice around data rights. We believe that the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) guidance on data rights currently under development is an important point to resolve a variety of tensions and grey areas which, if left unaddressed, may significantly undermine the fundamental right to data protection. All of us were present at the recent stakeholder event on data rights in Brussels on 4 November 2019, and it is in the context and spirit of stakeholder engagement that we have created this document to explore and provide recommendations and examples in this area. This document is based on comprehensive empirical evidence as well as CJEU case law, EDPB (and, previously, Article 29 Working Party) guidance and extensive scientific research into the scope, rationale, effects and general modalities of data rights.}, keywords = {GDPR, gegevensbescherming, Privacy}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie van de EU 3 oktober 2019 (Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek) external link

European Human Rights Cases Updates, 2020

Platforms, smaad, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{McGonagle2020c, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie van de EU 3 oktober 2019 (Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek)}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0204}, date = {2020-02-04}, journal = {European Human Rights Cases Updates}, keywords = {Platforms, smaad, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 5 november 2019 en Hoge Raad 3 december 2019 external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, num: 10, pp: 1368-1369, 2020

Annotaties, discriminatie, frontpage, Strafrecht, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Dommering2020d, title = {Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 5 november 2019 en Hoge Raad 3 december 2019}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0303}, date = {2020-03-03}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, number = {10}, keywords = {Annotaties, discriminatie, frontpage, Strafrecht, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Toegang tot data uit apparaten: Praktijk, marktfalen en publieke belangen external link

Witteman, J., van Eechoud, M., Behrens, C. & Brouwer, E.


This research is commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. In collaboration with IVIR, SEO Economic Research investigated practices of data sharing in business-to-business data sharing, and the legal instruments used. The project focusses in sectors where devices (sensors, machines, devices) generate data that has added value when shared. The central question is whether there are market failures that prevent datasharing, and which (non-economic) public interests play a role in this. From an economic perspective, market failure results in non-optimal outcomes. Non-economic public interests relate to social values such as sustainability or justice.

Informatierecht, toegang tot data


Report{Witteman2020, title = {Toegang tot data uit apparaten: Praktijk, marktfalen en publieke belangen}, author = {Witteman, J. and van Eechoud, M. and Behrens, C. and Brouwer, E.}, year = {0227}, date = {2020-02-27}, abstract = {This research is commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. In collaboration with IVIR, SEO Economic Research investigated practices of data sharing in business-to-business data sharing, and the legal instruments used. The project focusses in sectors where devices (sensors, machines, devices) generate data that has added value when shared. The central question is whether there are market failures that prevent datasharing, and which (non-economic) public interests play a role in this. From an economic perspective, market failure results in non-optimal outcomes. Non-economic public interests relate to social values such as sustainability or justice.}, keywords = {Informatierecht, toegang tot data}, }

Privacy Protection(ism): The Latest Wave of Trade Constraints on Regulatory Autonomy external link

University of Miami Law Review, vol. 74, num: 2, pp: 416-519, 2020


Countries spend billions of dollars each year to strengthen their discursive power to shape international policy debates. They do so because in public policy conversations labels and narratives matter enormously. The “digital protectionism” label has been used in the last decade as a tool to gain the policy upper hand in digital trade policy debates about cross-border flows of personal and other data. Using the Foucauldian framework of discourse analysis, this Article brings a unique perspective on this topic. The Article makes two central arguments. First, the Article argues that the term “protectionism” is not endowed with an inherent meaning but is socially constructed by the power of discourse used in international negotiations, and in the interpretation and application of international trade policy and rules. In other words, there are as many definitions of “(digital) protectionism” as there are discourses. The U.S. and E.U. “digital trade” discourses illustrate this point. Using the same term, those trading partners advance utterly different discourses and agendas: an economic discourse with economic efficiency as the main benchmark (United States), and a more multidisciplinary discourse where both economic efficiency and protection of fundamental rights are equally important (European Union). Second, based on a detailed evaluation of the economic “digital trade” discourse, the Article contends that the coining of the term “digital protectionism” to refer to domestic information governance policies not yet fully covered by trade law disciplines is not a logical step to respond to objectively changing circumstances, but rather a product of that discourse, which is coming to dominate U.S.-led international trade negotiations. The Article demonstrates how this redefinition of “protectionism” has already resulted in the adoption of international trade rules in recent trade agreements further restricting domestic autonomy to protect the rights to privacy and the protection of personal data. The Article suggests that the distinction between privacy and personal data protection and protectionism is a moral question, not a question of economic efficiency. Therefore, when a policy conversation, such as the one on cross-border data flows, involves noneconomic spill-over effects to individual rights, such conversation should not be confined within the straightjacket of trade economics, but rather placed in a broader normative perspective. Finally, the Article argues that, in conducting recently restarted multilateral negotiations on electronic commerce at the World Trade Organization, countries should rethink the goals of international trade for the twenty-first century. Such goals should determine and define the discourse, not the other way around. The discussion should not be about what “protectionism” means but about how far domestic regimes are willing to let trade rules interfere in their autonomy to protect their societal, cultural, and political values.

frontpage, Privacy, protectionism, Regulation, trade


Article{Yakovleva2020, title = {Privacy Protection(ism): The Latest Wave of Trade Constraints on Regulatory Autonomy}, author = {Yakovleva, S.}, url = {}, year = {0227}, date = {2020-02-27}, journal = {University of Miami Law Review}, volume = {74}, number = {2}, pages = {416-519}, abstract = {Countries spend billions of dollars each year to strengthen their discursive power to shape international policy debates. They do so because in public policy conversations labels and narratives matter enormously. The “digital protectionism” label has been used in the last decade as a tool to gain the policy upper hand in digital trade policy debates about cross-border flows of personal and other data. Using the Foucauldian framework of discourse analysis, this Article brings a unique perspective on this topic. The Article makes two central arguments. First, the Article argues that the term “protectionism” is not endowed with an inherent meaning but is socially constructed by the power of discourse used in international negotiations, and in the interpretation and application of international trade policy and rules. In other words, there are as many definitions of “(digital) protectionism” as there are discourses. The U.S. and E.U. “digital trade” discourses illustrate this point. Using the same term, those trading partners advance utterly different discourses and agendas: an economic discourse with economic efficiency as the main benchmark (United States), and a more multidisciplinary discourse where both economic efficiency and protection of fundamental rights are equally important (European Union). Second, based on a detailed evaluation of the economic “digital trade” discourse, the Article contends that the coining of the term “digital protectionism” to refer to domestic information governance policies not yet fully covered by trade law disciplines is not a logical step to respond to objectively changing circumstances, but rather a product of that discourse, which is coming to dominate U.S.-led international trade negotiations. The Article demonstrates how this redefinition of “protectionism” has already resulted in the adoption of international trade rules in recent trade agreements further restricting domestic autonomy to protect the rights to privacy and the protection of personal data. The Article suggests that the distinction between privacy and personal data protection and protectionism is a moral question, not a question of economic efficiency. Therefore, when a policy conversation, such as the one on cross-border data flows, involves noneconomic spill-over effects to individual rights, such conversation should not be confined within the straightjacket of trade economics, but rather placed in a broader normative perspective. Finally, the Article argues that, in conducting recently restarted multilateral negotiations on electronic commerce at the World Trade Organization, countries should rethink the goals of international trade for the twenty-first century. Such goals should determine and define the discourse, not the other way around. The discussion should not be about what “protectionism” means but about how far domestic regimes are willing to let trade rules interfere in their autonomy to protect their societal, cultural, and political values.}, keywords = {frontpage, Privacy, protectionism, Regulation, trade}, }