Freedom of Expression: A Comparative Summary of United States and European Law external link

Heller, B. & van Hoboken, J.


Working paper of the Transatlantic High Level Working Group on Content Moderation Online and Freedom of Expression

comparison, europe, frontpage, united states, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Heller2019, title = {Freedom of Expression: A Comparative Summary of United States and European Law}, author = {Heller, B. and van Hoboken, J.}, url = {}, year = {0509}, date = {2019-05-09}, abstract = {Working paper of the Transatlantic High Level Working Group on Content Moderation Online and Freedom of Expression}, keywords = {comparison, europe, frontpage, united states, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

The Proposed EU Terrorism Content Regulation: Analysis and Recommendations with Respect to Freedom of Expression Implications external link


Working paper of the Transatlantic High Level Working Group on Content Moderation Online and Freedom of Expression

content regulation, frontpage, terrorism, transatlantic working group, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{vanHoboken2019, title = {The Proposed EU Terrorism Content Regulation: Analysis and Recommendations with Respect to Freedom of Expression Implications}, author = {van Hoboken, J.}, url = {}, year = {0509}, date = {2019-05-09}, abstract = {Working paper of the Transatlantic High Level Working Group on Content Moderation Online and Freedom of Expression}, keywords = {content regulation, frontpage, terrorism, transatlantic working group, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

German Federal Court of Justice asks CJEU if YouTube is directly liable for user-uploaded content external link

Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice , vol. 14, num: 5, pp: 355-356, 2019


On 13 September 2018, the German Federal Court of Justice referred preliminary questions to the Court of Justice of the European Union, including the question whether YouTube performs acts of communication to the public when its users upload unauthorized content onto this platform.

communication to the public, Copyright, duitsland, frontpage, YouTube


Article{Mil2019b, title = {German Federal Court of Justice asks CJEU if YouTube is directly liable for user-uploaded content}, author = {Mil and J. van}, url = {}, year = {0507}, date = {2019-05-07}, journal = {Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice }, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {355-356}, abstract = {On 13 September 2018, the German Federal Court of Justice referred preliminary questions to the Court of Justice of the European Union, including the question whether YouTube performs acts of communication to the public when its users upload unauthorized content onto this platform.}, keywords = {communication to the public, Copyright, duitsland, frontpage, YouTube}, }

Preview: Elections and media in digital times external link

McGonagle, T., Bednarski, M., Coutinho, M.F. & Zimin, A.


The increasing digitalization of societies has led to unprecedented opportunities to seek, receive and impart political information and ideas, which are the lifeblood of elections. The internet has made it easier for politicians, political parties and the electorate to communicate with each other more directly and more quickly than at any point in history. The accuracy of information can be checked and corrected faster, more thoroughly and by a greater number of actors than ever before. But there are also growing concerns about the effects on public debate arising from misuse of digital technologies and fragmentation in the communications environment. Political micro-targeting of individual voters is driven by aggregated personal data, which is not always obtained in lawful ways. Little effort is required to generate disinformation and for it to go viral. New digitally-enabled tactics in political funding, campaigning and advertising, often lacking in transparency, reduce the transparency of information during elections. Meanwhile journalists, whose output can empower the electorate, are under increasing attack.

frontpage, Media law, verkiezingen


Report{McGonagle2019d, title = {Preview: Elections and media in digital times}, author = {McGonagle, T. and Bednarski, M. and Coutinho, M.F. and Zimin, A.}, url = {}, year = {0503}, date = {2019-05-03}, abstract = {The increasing digitalization of societies has led to unprecedented opportunities to seek, receive and impart political information and ideas, which are the lifeblood of elections. The internet has made it easier for politicians, political parties and the electorate to communicate with each other more directly and more quickly than at any point in history. The accuracy of information can be checked and corrected faster, more thoroughly and by a greater number of actors than ever before. But there are also growing concerns about the effects on public debate arising from misuse of digital technologies and fragmentation in the communications environment. Political micro-targeting of individual voters is driven by aggregated personal data, which is not always obtained in lawful ways. Little effort is required to generate disinformation and for it to go viral. New digitally-enabled tactics in political funding, campaigning and advertising, often lacking in transparency, reduce the transparency of information during elections. Meanwhile journalists, whose output can empower the electorate, are under increasing attack.}, keywords = {frontpage, Media law, verkiezingen}, }

An Analysis of Germany’s NetzDG Law external link

Tworek, H., & Leerssen, P.

Freedom of expression, frontpage, Germany, hate speech


Article{Tworek2019, title = {An Analysis of Germany’s NetzDG Law}, author = {Tworek, H., and Leerssen, P.}, url = {}, year = {0418}, date = {2019-04-18}, keywords = {Freedom of expression, frontpage, Germany, hate speech}, }

Schriftelijke inbreng Rondetafelgesprek wijziging Handelsregisterwet external link

Databankenrecht, frontpage, handelsregisterwet, hergebruik, Open Data, Overheidsinformatie


Report{vanEechoud2019d, title = {Schriftelijke inbreng Rondetafelgesprek wijziging Handelsregisterwet}, author = {van Eechoud, M.}, url = {}, year = {0412}, date = {2019-04-12}, keywords = {Databankenrecht, frontpage, handelsregisterwet, hergebruik, Open Data, Overheidsinformatie}, }

Third Annual Detlev F. Vagts Roundtable on Transnational Law: Data Protection in a Global World external link

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - American Society of International Law, vol. 112, pp: 220-226, 2019

Data protection law, free data flow, frontpage, General Data Protection Regulation, Internet, transnational law


Article{Irion2019, title = {Third Annual Detlev F. Vagts Roundtable on Transnational Law: Data Protection in a Global World}, author = {Irion, K.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0411}, date = {2019-04-11}, journal = {Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - American Society of International Law}, volume = {112}, pages = {220-226}, keywords = {Data protection law, free data flow, frontpage, General Data Protection Regulation, Internet, transnational law}, }

International cooperation by (European) security and intelligence services: reviewing the creation of a joint database in light of data protection guarantees external link

Ryngaert, C.M.J. & van Eijk, N.
International Data Privacy Law, vol. 2019, num: 1, pp: 61-73, 2019

Data protection, frontpage, Privacy, veiligheidsdiensten


Article{Ryngaert2019, title = {International cooperation by (European) security and intelligence services: reviewing the creation of a joint database in light of data protection guarantees}, author = {Ryngaert, C.M.J. and van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0409}, date = {2019-04-09}, journal = {International Data Privacy Law}, volume = {2019}, number = {1}, pages = {61-73}, keywords = {Data protection, frontpage, Privacy, veiligheidsdiensten}, }

The WIPO Broadcasting Treaty. A Conceptual Conundrum external link

European Intellectual Property Review, vol. 2019, num: 4, pp: 199-202, 2019


The Broadcasting Treaty that has been discussed at WIPO for over twenty years, seems to be reaching a dead end. The Treaty that aims at extending the legal protection of broadcasters to the digital realm, suffers from three serious flaws: one economic, one conceptual and one pragmatic. Due to the decreasing technical costs of broadcasting, the economic case for granting special rights to broadcasters is weakening. Moreover, properly defining the act of ‘broadcasting’ that would give rise to legal protection, is highly problematic. Finally, no real and urgent need for a new right seems to exist, in light of current legal regimes that broadcasters already rely on under national law. Perhaps the time has come to abandon work on the WIPO Broadcasting Treaty, and move on.

Auteursrecht, frontpage, WIPO, WIPO broadcasting treaty


Article{Hugenholtz2019c, title = {The WIPO Broadcasting Treaty. A Conceptual Conundrum}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0404}, date = {2019-04-04}, journal = {European Intellectual Property Review}, volume = {2019}, number = {4}, pages = {199-202}, abstract = {The Broadcasting Treaty that has been discussed at WIPO for over twenty years, seems to be reaching a dead end. The Treaty that aims at extending the legal protection of broadcasters to the digital realm, suffers from three serious flaws: one economic, one conceptual and one pragmatic. Due to the decreasing technical costs of broadcasting, the economic case for granting special rights to broadcasters is weakening. Moreover, properly defining the act of ‘broadcasting’ that would give rise to legal protection, is highly problematic. Finally, no real and urgent need for a new right seems to exist, in light of current legal regimes that broadcasters already rely on under national law. Perhaps the time has come to abandon work on the WIPO Broadcasting Treaty, and move on.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, WIPO, WIPO broadcasting treaty}, }

Annotatie bij EHRM 28 juni 2018 (M.L. en W.W. / Duitsland) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, vol. 2019, num: 12, pp: 1624-1626, 2019

archieven, AVG, frontpage, journalistieke exceptie, Mediarecht, Privacy, recht op vergetelheid


Article{Dommering2019, title = {Annotatie bij EHRM 28 juni 2018 (M.L. en W.W. / Duitsland)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0329}, date = {2019-03-29}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, volume = {2019}, number = {12}, pages = {1624-1626}, keywords = {archieven, AVG, frontpage, journalistieke exceptie, Mediarecht, Privacy, recht op vergetelheid}, }