Inventarisatie methodes om “nepnieuws” tegen te gaan external link

McGonagle, T., Coche, E., Plaizier, C. & Klus, M.


“Nepnieuws” heeft de laatste tijd veel aandacht gekregen in de media en in het politieke debat. Tegen deze achtergrond en in het licht van de potentiële bedreigingen van “nepnieuws” voor de Nederlandse samenleving is de opdracht voor deze studie gegeven door het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap. Het doel van dit rapport is om een update te geven over de stand van zaken met betrekking tot het onderwerp “methodes om de verspreiding van nepnieuws tegen te gaan”. Het rapport beantwoordt de volgende vragen: Welke methodes zijn er internationaal bekend om nepnieuws tegen te gaan? Wat is bekend over de effectiviteit van deze methodes? Welke kwalificaties kunnen gemaakt worden over de toepasbaarheid en relevantie van deze onderzoeksresultaten voor de Nederlandse context?

Fake news, frontpage, inventarisatie, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, methodes, nieuws


Report{McGonagle2018d, title = {Inventarisatie methodes om “nepnieuws” tegen te gaan}, author = {McGonagle, T. and Coche, E. and Plaizier, C. and Klus, M.}, url = {“nepnieuws”_tegen_te_gaan.pdf}, year = {0703}, date = {2018-07-03}, abstract = {“Nepnieuws” heeft de laatste tijd veel aandacht gekregen in de media en in het politieke debat. Tegen deze achtergrond en in het licht van de potentiële bedreigingen van “nepnieuws” voor de Nederlandse samenleving is de opdracht voor deze studie gegeven door het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap. Het doel van dit rapport is om een update te geven over de stand van zaken met betrekking tot het onderwerp “methodes om de verspreiding van nepnieuws tegen te gaan”. Het rapport beantwoordt de volgende vragen: Welke methodes zijn er internationaal bekend om nepnieuws tegen te gaan? Wat is bekend over de effectiviteit van deze methodes? Welke kwalificaties kunnen gemaakt worden over de toepasbaarheid en relevantie van deze onderzoeksresultaten voor de Nederlandse context?}, keywords = {Fake news, frontpage, inventarisatie, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, methodes, nieuws}, }

Open Journalism: The Road Travelled and the Road Ahead external link

McGonagle, T., Fahy, R., Kostić, B., Klus, M., Plaizier, C. & Hanhart, M.

frontpage, Journalism, Media law


Report{McGonagle2018c, title = {Open Journalism: The Road Travelled and the Road Ahead}, author = {McGonagle, T. and Fahy, R. and Kostić, B. and Klus, M. and Plaizier, C. and Hanhart, M.}, url = {}, year = {0622}, date = {2018-06-22}, keywords = {frontpage, Journalism, Media law}, }

Public Security Exception in the Area of non-personal Data in the European Union, Briefing Requested by the IMCO committee Policy, European Parliament, Brussels, April 2018 external link

Briefing requested by the IMCO committee, num: PE 618.986, 2018


Mid-September last year the European Commission presented a proposal for a new regulation on the free flow of non-personal data in the European Union. The free movement of data in the digital single market has been called the fifth freedom complementing the existing freedoms on movement of goods, services, capital and people. The proposed regulation seeks to remove unjustified data localisation measures that fall in the scope of EU law. Often this will amount to cutting bureaucratic red tape in the private sector, such as for example removing a domestic obligation to maintain a full copy of bookkeeping on premise of an organisation in a given Member State. Member States can justify an activity that contravenes this proposal on grounds of public security - an exception this briefing is tasked with analyzing. The briefing concludes that the fifth freedom would have a moderate impact for the European data economy. The author offers concrete guidance to the EU legislator how to improve the draft regulation in order to preserve the freedom of contract. The public security exception foreseen could be too narrow because it precludes member states to take measures that can be justified on grounds of public policy or the protection of health and life of humans, animals or plants. Drawing on the analogy with fire safety regulations in the member states it would be too early to preclude that in the future we will need local mirrors and handles. Locality continues to matter for example in the Internet of Things environment because as individuals we live in a physical place.

data embassy, data flow, EU law, frontpage, national security exception, non-personal data


Article{Irion2018b, title = {Public Security Exception in the Area of non-personal Data in the European Union, Briefing Requested by the IMCO committee Policy, European Parliament, Brussels, April 2018}, author = {Irion, K.}, url = {}, year = {0416}, date = {2018-04-16}, journal = {Briefing requested by the IMCO committee}, number = {PE 618.986}, abstract = {Mid-September last year the European Commission presented a proposal for a new regulation on the free flow of non-personal data in the European Union. The free movement of data in the digital single market has been called the fifth freedom complementing the existing freedoms on movement of goods, services, capital and people. The proposed regulation seeks to remove unjustified data localisation measures that fall in the scope of EU law. Often this will amount to cutting bureaucratic red tape in the private sector, such as for example removing a domestic obligation to maintain a full copy of bookkeeping on premise of an organisation in a given Member State. Member States can justify an activity that contravenes this proposal on grounds of public security - an exception this briefing is tasked with analyzing. The briefing concludes that the fifth freedom would have a moderate impact for the European data economy. The author offers concrete guidance to the EU legislator how to improve the draft regulation in order to preserve the freedom of contract. The public security exception foreseen could be too narrow because it precludes member states to take measures that can be justified on grounds of public policy or the protection of health and life of humans, animals or plants. Drawing on the analogy with fire safety regulations in the member states it would be too early to preclude that in the future we will need local mirrors and handles. Locality continues to matter for example in the Internet of Things environment because as individuals we live in a physical place.}, keywords = {data embassy, data flow, EU law, frontpage, national security exception, non-personal data}, }

Waar het wringt: zoekmachines en hyperlinks als mededeling aan het publiek external link

AMI, vol. 2018, num: 3, pp: 103-109, 2018


De recente jurisprudentie van het Hof van Justitie van de EU over de vraag of een hyperlink kwalificeert als mededeling aan het publiek, heeft al een hoop stof doen opwaaien. De gevolgen die deze uitspraken zouden kunnen hebben voor zoekmachines zijn tot op heden echter onderbelicht gebleven. Deze bijdrage bevat een analyse van de juridische positie van zoekmachines in het licht van de recente jurisprudentie.

Auteursrecht, frontpage, hyperlink, hyperlinking, mededeling aan het publiek, zoekmachines


Article{vanTil2018, title = {Waar het wringt: zoekmachines en hyperlinks als mededeling aan het publiek}, author = {Til, G. van}, url = {}, year = {0619}, date = {2018-06-19}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2018}, number = {3}, pages = {103-109}, abstract = {De recente jurisprudentie van het Hof van Justitie van de EU over de vraag of een hyperlink kwalificeert als mededeling aan het publiek, heeft al een hoop stof doen opwaaien. De gevolgen die deze uitspraken zouden kunnen hebben voor zoekmachines zijn tot op heden echter onderbelicht gebleven. Deze bijdrage bevat een analyse van de juridische positie van zoekmachines in het licht van de recente jurisprudentie.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, hyperlink, hyperlinking, mededeling aan het publiek, zoekmachines}, }

Untangling the Hyperlinking Web: In Search of the Online Right of Communication to the Public external link

Journal of World Intellectual Property (forthcoming), vol. 2018, pp: 1-36, 2018


This article examines the online right of communication to the public under EUlaw and its interpretation by the Court of Justice of the EU. The focus of the analysis is on the controversial application of the right to hyperlinking, and its implications for the online activities of users and intermediaries. After outlining the international and EU legal framework on the right of communication to the public, the article advances a conceptual framework for the interpretation of the exclusive right in the online environment, which is both based on, and attempts to bring coherence to, the Court's complex case law. On this basis, the article then explores and critically assesses the main areas of legal uncertainty for the online application of the right and the normative considerations at stake—especially fundamental rights and the promotion of technological development—offering interpretative and legislative solutions for their resolution. The article argues for abandoning the legislative proposals for a new right for press publishers and the so-called value gap, as both are fundamentally flawed. Instead, reform should focus on redefining the right of communication to the public and preserving safe harbors, especially for hosting providers.

Copyright, EU law, frontpage, hyperlinking, intermediary liability, right of communication to the public


Article{Quintais2018c, title = {Untangling the Hyperlinking Web: In Search of the Online Right of Communication to the Public}, author = {Quintais, J.}, url = {}, year = {0621}, date = {2018-06-21}, journal = {Journal of World Intellectual Property (forthcoming)}, volume = {2018}, pages = {1-36}, abstract = {This article examines the online right of communication to the public under EUlaw and its interpretation by the Court of Justice of the EU. The focus of the analysis is on the controversial application of the right to hyperlinking, and its implications for the online activities of users and intermediaries. After outlining the international and EU legal framework on the right of communication to the public, the article advances a conceptual framework for the interpretation of the exclusive right in the online environment, which is both based on, and attempts to bring coherence to, the Court\'s complex case law. On this basis, the article then explores and critically assesses the main areas of legal uncertainty for the online application of the right and the normative considerations at stake—especially fundamental rights and the promotion of technological development—offering interpretative and legislative solutions for their resolution. The article argues for abandoning the legislative proposals for a new right for press publishers and the so-called value gap, as both are fundamentally flawed. Instead, reform should focus on redefining the right of communication to the public and preserving safe harbors, especially for hosting providers.}, keywords = {Copyright, EU law, frontpage, hyperlinking, intermediary liability, right of communication to the public}, }

Effects of Supplementary Protection Mechanisms for Pharmaceutical Products external link

Jongh, T. de, Radauer, A., Bostyn, S. & Poort, J.

bescherming, frontpage, Intellectuele eigendom, medicijnen, pharmaceutische industrie


Report{Jongh2018, title = {Effects of Supplementary Protection Mechanisms for Pharmaceutical Products}, author = {Jongh, T. de and Radauer, A. and Bostyn, S. and Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0619}, date = {2018-06-19}, keywords = {bescherming, frontpage, Intellectuele eigendom, medicijnen, pharmaceutische industrie}, }

‘Stedelijk in gevaar door noodlottige ingrepen gemeente’ external link

Het Parool, 2018



Article{Dommering2018h, title = {‘Stedelijk in gevaar door noodlottige ingrepen gemeente’}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0614}, date = {2018-06-14}, journal = {Het Parool}, keywords = {frontpage}, }