The Japan EU Economic Partnership Agreement: Flows of Personal Data to the Land of the Rising Sun external link

Bartl, M. & Irion, K.


At the EU-Japan Summit in July this year the European Union (EU) and Japan have achieved a political agreement in principle on the content of the Japan EU Economic Partnership Agreement. For Japan including data flows in the trade deal with the EU has been an important political goal besides mutual recognition of their privacy laws. The EU is currently not favorably disposed to allow data flows provisions into trade deals. Building a ‘state of the art’ digital economy between Japan and the EU is certainly possible in conformity with their data privacy laws and the classical trade law disciplines. Our brief unpacks how flows of personal data will governed in the relationship between Japan and the EU. As a point of departure we look at the extent to which the prospective trade deal between the two economies would already cover data flows, including personal data. Next, we will take a look at the prospects for a regulatory handshake between Japan and EU providing for mutual recognition of data privacy and flows of personal data. The brief concludes with findings and recommendations on the future directions of Japan EU Economic Partnership Agreement.

Data protection law, frontpage, Japan, Personal data, trade agreements


Other{Bartl2017, title = {The Japan EU Economic Partnership Agreement: Flows of Personal Data to the Land of the Rising Sun}, author = {Bartl, M. and Irion, K.}, url = {}, year = {1025}, date = {2017-10-25}, abstract = {At the EU-Japan Summit in July this year the European Union (EU) and Japan have achieved a political agreement in principle on the content of the Japan EU Economic Partnership Agreement. For Japan including data flows in the trade deal with the EU has been an important political goal besides mutual recognition of their privacy laws. The EU is currently not favorably disposed to allow data flows provisions into trade deals. Building a ‘state of the art’ digital economy between Japan and the EU is certainly possible in conformity with their data privacy laws and the classical trade law disciplines. Our brief unpacks how flows of personal data will governed in the relationship between Japan and the EU. As a point of departure we look at the extent to which the prospective trade deal between the two economies would already cover data flows, including personal data. Next, we will take a look at the prospects for a regulatory handshake between Japan and EU providing for mutual recognition of data privacy and flows of personal data. The brief concludes with findings and recommendations on the future directions of Japan EU Economic Partnership Agreement.}, keywords = {Data protection law, frontpage, Japan, Personal data, trade agreements}, }

Het einde van de Auteurswet nadert. Veertig jaar harmonisatie van het auteursrecht in Europa (1977-2017) external link

AMI, vol. 2017, num: 4, pp: 177-181, 2017


De geschiedenis van de harmonisatie van het auteursrecht valt samen met die van dit tijdschrift. Dit artikel is opgedragen aan J.H. (Jaap) Spoor, die als AMI-redactielid van het eerste uur veertig jaar harmonisatie onverschrokken aan zich voorbij zag gaan. Veertig jaar geleden, in de rubriek ‘internationaal nieuws’ van het allereerste nummer van Auteursrecht, werd bericht dat de Europese Commissie onderzoek had laten doen naar de verschillen tussen de nationale auteurswetten in de Europese Gemeenschap. Het door dr. A. Dietz van het Max Planck Instituut in München in het Duits geschreven rapport was sinds kort ‘als xerografische, in twee delen geniete uitgave verkrijgbaar bij de Europese Commissie’. Dit was het begin van de harmonisatie van het auteursrecht in Europa, die in de decennia daarna diepe sporen zou trekken door het Nederlandse recht – sporen die slechts ten dele zichtbaar zijn in de huidige bewoordingen van de Nederlandse Auteurswet.

Auteursrecht, Europe, frontpage, harmonisatie


Article{Hugenholtz2017b, title = {Het einde van de Auteurswet nadert. Veertig jaar harmonisatie van het auteursrecht in Europa (1977-2017)}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {1123}, date = {2017-11-23}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2017}, number = {4}, pages = {177-181}, abstract = {De geschiedenis van de harmonisatie van het auteursrecht valt samen met die van dit tijdschrift. Dit artikel is opgedragen aan J.H. (Jaap) Spoor, die als AMI-redactielid van het eerste uur veertig jaar harmonisatie onverschrokken aan zich voorbij zag gaan. Veertig jaar geleden, in de rubriek ‘internationaal nieuws’ van het allereerste nummer van Auteursrecht, werd bericht dat de Europese Commissie onderzoek had laten doen naar de verschillen tussen de nationale auteurswetten in de Europese Gemeenschap. Het door dr. A. Dietz van het Max Planck Instituut in München in het Duits geschreven rapport was sinds kort ‘als xerografische, in twee delen geniete uitgave verkrijgbaar bij de Europese Commissie’. Dit was het begin van de harmonisatie van het auteursrecht in Europa, die in de decennia daarna diepe sporen zou trekken door het Nederlandse recht – sporen die slechts ten dele zichtbaar zijn in de huidige bewoordingen van de Nederlandse Auteurswet.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Europe, frontpage, harmonisatie}, }

Who owns the broadcasting archives? Unravelling copyright ownership of broadcast content external link

deLex, 1101, ISBN: 978-90-86920-62-4


Archives across the Netherlands are tasked to make their archives accessible online. However, progress has been slow, not least because it is difficult to determine who owns the rights to make works available online. Focusing on the Dutch public service radio and TV broadcasting sectors, this book addresses this challenge. First, it disentangles the nature of broadcasts by providing guidance on which aspects of a TV or radio broadcast can attract protection and who owns these. Secondly, it empirically establishes that the default ownership rules can only provide an incomplete picture of the rights ownership in the public service broadcasting sector: the ownership is more concentrated than copyright and neighbouring rights law suggests. Who owns the broadcasting archives? shows how different legal scenarios can explain this rights concentration and establishes their likely practical influence on industry practice in the public service broadcasting sector across time.

Auteursrecht, broadcasting, Copyright, copyright ownership, quantitative methods


Book{Schroff2017c, title = {Who owns the broadcasting archives? Unravelling copyright ownership of broadcast content}, author = {S. and Schroff}, url = {}, year = {1101}, date = {2017-11-01}, abstract = {Archives across the Netherlands are tasked to make their archives accessible online. However, progress has been slow, not least because it is difficult to determine who owns the rights to make works available online. Focusing on the Dutch public service radio and TV broadcasting sectors, this book addresses this challenge. First, it disentangles the nature of broadcasts by providing guidance on which aspects of a TV or radio broadcast can attract protection and who owns these. Secondly, it empirically establishes that the default ownership rules can only provide an incomplete picture of the rights ownership in the public service broadcasting sector: the ownership is more concentrated than copyright and neighbouring rights law suggests. Who owns the broadcasting archives? shows how different legal scenarios can explain this rights concentration and establishes their likely practical influence on industry practice in the public service broadcasting sector across time.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, broadcasting, Copyright, copyright ownership, quantitative methods}, }

Is Harmonization a Good Thing? The Case of the Copyright Acquis external link

Copyright, copyright acquis, European Union, harmonization, related rights, territoriality, unification


Chapter{Hugenholtz2013, title = {Is Harmonization a Good Thing? The Case of the Copyright Acquis}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {1117}, date = {2013-11-17}, keywords = {Copyright, copyright acquis, European Union, harmonization, related rights, territoriality, unification}, }

Who owns the broadcasting archives? Unravelling copyright ownership of broadcast content external link

deLex, 1117, ISBN: 9789086920624


Archives across the Netherlands are tasked to make their archives accessible online. However, progress has been slow, not least because it is difficult to determine who owns the rights to make works available online. Focusing on the Dutch public service radio and TV broadcasting sectors, this book addresses this challenge. First, it disentangles the nature of broadcasts by providing guidance on which aspects of a TV or radio broadcast can attract protection and who owns these. Secondly, it empirically establishes that the default ownership rules can only provide an incomplete picture of the rights ownership in the public service broadcasting sector: the ownership is more concentrated than copyright and neighbouring rights law suggests. Who owns the broadcasting archives? shows how different legal scenarios can explain this rights concentration and establishes their likely practical influence on industry practice in the public service broadcasting sector across time.

archives, Auteursrecht, broadcasting, frontpage, ownership, the netherlands


Book{Schroff2017c, title = {Who owns the broadcasting archives? Unravelling copyright ownership of broadcast content}, author = {Schroff, S.}, url = {}, year = {1117}, date = {2017-11-17}, volume = {2017}, pages = {}, abstract = {Archives across the Netherlands are tasked to make their archives accessible online. However, progress has been slow, not least because it is difficult to determine who owns the rights to make works available online. Focusing on the Dutch public service radio and TV broadcasting sectors, this book addresses this challenge. First, it disentangles the nature of broadcasts by providing guidance on which aspects of a TV or radio broadcast can attract protection and who owns these. Secondly, it empirically establishes that the default ownership rules can only provide an incomplete picture of the rights ownership in the public service broadcasting sector: the ownership is more concentrated than copyright and neighbouring rights law suggests. Who owns the broadcasting archives? shows how different legal scenarios can explain this rights concentration and establishes their likely practical influence on industry practice in the public service broadcasting sector across time.}, keywords = {archives, Auteursrecht, broadcasting, frontpage, ownership, the netherlands}, }

De Hoge Raad en Mein Kampf: Over een veranderde maar ongewisse koers external link

Art. 10 EVRM, frontpage, hoge raad, mein kampf, Strafrecht, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Dommering2017b, title = {De Hoge Raad en Mein Kampf: Over een veranderde maar ongewisse koers}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {1116}, date = {2017-11-16}, keywords = {Art. 10 EVRM, frontpage, hoge raad, mein kampf, Strafrecht, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 19 oktober 2016 (Breyer, C-2016/779) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, vol. 2017, num: 392, pp: 6020-6021, 2017


Is een 'dynamisch' IP adres een persoonsgegeven? Verzoek om een prejudiciële beslissing ingediend door het Bundesgerichtshof (hoogste federale rechter in burgerlijke en strafzaken, Duitsland) bij beslissing van 28 oktober 2014. Verwerking van persoonsgegevens. Begrip, persoonsgegevens’. Internetprotocoladressen. Bewaring door een aanbieder van onlinemediadiensten. Nationale regeling volgens welke geen rekening kan worden gehouden met het gerechtvaardigde belang van de voor de verwerking verantwoordelijke persoon.

Annotaties, frontpage, ip adressen, Persoonsgegevens, Privacy


Article{Dommering2017b, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 19 oktober 2016 (Breyer, C-2016/779)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {1114}, date = {2017-11-14}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, volume = {2017}, number = {392}, pages = {6020-6021}, abstract = {Is een \'dynamisch\' IP adres een persoonsgegeven? Verzoek om een prejudiciële beslissing ingediend door het Bundesgerichtshof (hoogste federale rechter in burgerlijke en strafzaken, Duitsland) bij beslissing van 28 oktober 2014. Verwerking van persoonsgegevens. Begrip, persoonsgegevens’. Internetprotocoladressen. Bewaring door een aanbieder van onlinemediadiensten. Nationale regeling volgens welke geen rekening kan worden gehouden met het gerechtvaardigde belang van de voor de verwerking verantwoordelijke persoon.}, keywords = {Annotaties, frontpage, ip adressen, Persoonsgegevens, Privacy}, }

Should Fundamental Rights to Privacy and Data Protection be a Part of the EU’s International Trade "Deals"? external link

World Trade Review, vol. 2018, pp: 477-508, 2017


This article discusses ways in which the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and post-GATS free trade agreements may limit the EU's ability to regulate privacy and personal data protection as fundamental rights. After discussing this issue in two dimensions – the vertical relationship between trade and national and European Union (EU) law, and the horizontal relationship between trade and human rights law – the author concludes that these limits are real and pose serious risks. Inspired by recent developments in safeguarding labour, and environmental standards and sustainable development, the article argues that privacy and personal data protection should be part of, and protected by, international trade deals made by the EU. The EU should negotiate future international trade agreements with the objective of allowing them to reflect the normative foundations of privacy and personal data protection. This article suggests a specific way to achieve this objective.

Data protection, European Union, frontpage, Fundamental rights, international trade, Privacy


Article{Yakovleva2017b, title = {Should Fundamental Rights to Privacy and Data Protection be a Part of the EU’s International Trade "Deals"?}, author = {Yakovleva, S.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {1109}, date = {2017-11-09}, journal = {World Trade Review}, volume = {2018}, pages = {477-508}, abstract = {This article discusses ways in which the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and post-GATS free trade agreements may limit the EU\'s ability to regulate privacy and personal data protection as fundamental rights. After discussing this issue in two dimensions – the vertical relationship between trade and national and European Union (EU) law, and the horizontal relationship between trade and human rights law – the author concludes that these limits are real and pose serious risks. Inspired by recent developments in safeguarding labour, and environmental standards and sustainable development, the article argues that privacy and personal data protection should be part of, and protected by, international trade deals made by the EU. The EU should negotiate future international trade agreements with the objective of allowing them to reflect the normative foundations of privacy and personal data protection. This article suggests a specific way to achieve this objective.}, keywords = {Data protection, European Union, frontpage, Fundamental rights, international trade, Privacy}, }

Challenged by news personalisation: five perspectives on the right to receive information external link

Eskens, S., Helberger, N. & Möller, J.
Journal of Media Law, vol. 9, num: 2, pp: 259-284, 2017


This research asks what the right to receive information means for personalised news consumers and the obligations this rights imposes on states. We develop a framework to understand the right to receive information, starting from case law of the European Court of Human Rights. On this basis, we identify five perspectives on the right to receive information: political debate, truth finding, social cohesion, avoidance of censorship and self-development. We evaluate how these five perspectives inform a legal and policy analysis of news personalisation.

European Convention on Human Rights, filter bubbles, frontpage, media diversity, Media law, news personalisation, right to receive information


Article{Eskens2017, title = {Challenged by news personalisation: five perspectives on the right to receive information}, author = {Eskens, S. and Helberger, N. and Möller, J.}, url = {}, year = {1107}, date = {2017-11-07}, journal = {Journal of Media Law}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, pages = {259-284}, abstract = {This research asks what the right to receive information means for personalised news consumers and the obligations this rights imposes on states. We develop a framework to understand the right to receive information, starting from case law of the European Court of Human Rights. On this basis, we identify five perspectives on the right to receive information: political debate, truth finding, social cohesion, avoidance of censorship and self-development. We evaluate how these five perspectives inform a legal and policy analysis of news personalisation.}, keywords = {European Convention on Human Rights, filter bubbles, frontpage, media diversity, Media law, news personalisation, right to receive information}, }

Referendum ‘sleepnetwet’ voorbode digitale perikelen Rutte III: D66 zal achterban herhaaldelijk moeten teleurstellen rond digitale dossiers external link

Het Financieele Dagblad, vol. 2017, 2017

frontpage, politiek, Privacy, referendum, sleepnet, Telecommunicatierecht


Article{Arnbak2017b, title = {Referendum ‘sleepnetwet’ voorbode digitale perikelen Rutte III: D66 zal achterban herhaaldelijk moeten teleurstellen rond digitale dossiers}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {}, year = {1102}, date = {2017-11-02}, journal = {Het Financieele Dagblad}, volume = {2017}, pages = {}, keywords = {frontpage, politiek, Privacy, referendum, sleepnet, Telecommunicatierecht}, }