New Project: Legal and societal conditions for Covid-19 technologies

A new research project on technological solutions in a Covid-19 exit strategy, with a particular focus on the legal, ethical and societal conditions, has started in June. The project was commissioned by ZonMW as a so-called ‘urgent research question’ project, and is a combined research effort of researchers from the Digital Transformation Initiative at the… Continue reading New Project: Legal and societal conditions for Covid-19 technologies

New Project: Legal and societal conditions for Covid-19 technologies

A new research project on technological solutions in a Covid-19 exit strategy, with a particular focus on the legal, ethical and societal conditions, has started in June. The project was commissioned by ZonMW as a so-called ‘urgent research question’ project, and is a combined research effort of researchers from the Digital Transformation Initiative at the… Continue reading New Project: Legal and societal conditions for Covid-19 technologies

Data na de dood – onderzoek naar digitale nalatenschappen

De Tweede Kamer heeft het ministerie van BZK verzocht om een onderzoek te laten doen naar juridische aspecten van digitale nalatenschappen. Het IViR heeft, in samenwerking met de afdeling privaatrecht van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de UvA, met succes meegedongen naar deze opdracht. Het project is onderdeel van het faculteitsbrede Digital Transformation of Decision… Continue reading Data na de dood – onderzoek naar digitale nalatenschappen