Karlijn van den Heuvel wint “Internet & Recht” scriptieprijs 2018


Op 1 november 2018 zijn in Den Haag de Internetscriptieprijzen uitgereikt tijdens de themabijeenkomst Internet en Rechtstaat. De internetscriptieprijs “Internet en Recht” is gewonnen door Karlijn van den Heuvel, voormalig onderzoeksmasterstudent bij het IViR, met haar scriptie Securing the Smart Home: A study on cybersecurity problems in smart home devices: does European product liability law offer meaningful… Continue reading Karlijn van den Heuvel wint “Internet & Recht” scriptieprijs 2018

Karlijn van den Heuvel wint “Internet & Recht” scriptieprijs 2018

Op 1 november 2018 zijn in Den Haag de Internetscriptieprijzen uitgereikt tijdens de themabijeenkomst Internet en Rechtstaat. De internetscriptieprijs “Internet en Recht” is gewonnen door Karlijn van den Heuvel, voormalig onderzoeksmasterstudent bij het IViR, met haar scriptie Securing the Smart Home: A study on cybersecurity problems in smart home devices: does European product liability law offer meaningful… Continue reading Karlijn van den Heuvel wint “Internet & Recht” scriptieprijs 2018

Kristina Irion takes part in OECD expert consultation on “Protection of Children in a Connected World”

IViR’s Kristina Irion contributes to an OECD expert consultation on “Protection of Children in a Connected World” at the University of Zurich. The event assembles an international group of researchers, policy makers and NGOs working on child development in relation to 21 century technologies. The OECD expert consultations feeds into the ongoing  review of the… Continue reading Kristina Irion takes part in OECD expert consultation on “Protection of Children in a Connected World”

Third prize for Vicky Breemen at ATRIP’s Early Career Workshop

With her presentation, titled “Fair’s fair? The role of ‘fairness’ in shaping copyright law’s library privilege. Or: in search of a ‘libratory’ copyright law by assessing libraries through a copyright lens”, Vicky Breemen has won the third prize at ATRIP’s Early Career Workshop in Helsinki. The workshop was part of the ATRIP 37th Annual Congress on… Continue reading Third prize for Vicky Breemen at ATRIP’s Early Career Workshop

Third prize for Vicky Breemen at ATRIP’s Early Career Workshop


With her presentation, titled “Fair’s fair? The role of ‘fairness’ in shaping copyright law’s library privilege. Or: in search of a ‘libratory’ copyright law by assessing libraries through a copyright lens”, Vicky Breemen has won the third prize at ATRIP’s Early Career Workshop in Helsinki. The workshop was part of the ATRIP 37th Annual Congress on… Continue reading Third prize for Vicky Breemen at ATRIP’s Early Career Workshop