Dr Christina Angelopoulos was awarded Proxime Accessit in the ELFA Award 2016 for her thesis on “European Intermediary Liability in Copyright”. The thesis was written at IViR from 2011 to 2015 and publicly defended in Amsterdam in April 2016. In November 2016, it was published as part of the Information Law Series of Kluwer Law International.… Continue reading Dr Christina Angelopoulos awarded Proxime Accessit in the ELFA Award 2016
Dr Christina Angelopoulos awarded Proxime Accessit in the ELFA Award 2016
Dr Christina Angelopoulos was awarded Proxime Accessit in the ELFA Award 2016 for her thesis on “European Intermediary Liability in Copyright”. The thesis was written at IViR from 2011 to 2015 and publicly defended in Amsterdam in April 2016. In November 2016, it was published as part of the Information Law Series of Kluwer Law International.… Continue reading Dr Christina Angelopoulos awarded Proxime Accessit in the ELFA Award 2016
IViR pubquiz: de alumni editie
Hoe vaak is het IViR ondertussen verhuisd? Wie geeft het langst les op het IViR? Welke docent nam altijd gekke attributen mee naar de les? Waar ging de ‘Endstra-tapes’ zaak ook alweer over? Test je IViR en informatierecht kennis tijdens de IViR pubquiz: de alumni editie op donderdag 18 mei vanaf 19.30u in het… Continue reading IViR pubquiz: de alumni editie
Vacancy: Postdoctoral researcher in Law
Debatmiddag Data & democracy: een nieuwe liefde?
Conference: International Media Law, Policy & Practice 2017, 13 April 2017
Closed Roundtable on Intermediary Liability
The European Harmonisation of Intermediary Accessory Liability for Online Copyright Infringement: at the Intersection of Tort Law and Fundamental Rights 13 April 2015, Institute for Information Law (IViR), Amsterdam. Location: “Vondelzaal” (University Library, Room C1.08), Singel 421-427 1012 WP Amsterdam Please note: Invitation only Short Summary: With the adoption and subsequent national implementation of the… Continue reading Closed Roundtable on Intermediary Liability