Faculty Seminar: Tracking Walls, Take-It-Or-Leave-It Choices, and EU Data Privacy Law
On Thursday 9 February 2017 from 13:00 to 14:00 there will be a faculty seminar with Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius and Candida Leone organised by the Amsterdam Research Institute for Legal Studies: “Tracking Walls, Take-It-Or-Leave-It Choices, and EU Data Privacy Law “ Location: room C1.23 The structure of the faculty seminar is such that a researcher from… Continue reading Faculty Seminar: Tracking Walls, Take-It-Or-Leave-It Choices, and EU Data Privacy Law
Faculty Seminar: Tracking Walls, Take-It-Or-Leave-It Choices, and EU Data Privacy Law
On Thursday 9 February 2017 from 13:00 to 14:00 there will be a faculty seminar with Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius and Candida Leone organised by the Amsterdam Research Institute for Legal Studies: “Tracking Walls, Take-It-Or-Leave-It Choices, and EU Data Privacy Law “ Location: room C1.23 The structure of the faculty seminar is such that a researcher from… Continue reading Faculty Seminar: Tracking Walls, Take-It-Or-Leave-It Choices, and EU Data Privacy Law
Self-Assessment Report IViR 2009-2015
Academic Paper release: A publisher’s intellectual property right
Copyright, related rights and the news in the EU: Assessing potential new laws
New 3 year funded PhD position in Communications Law
PhD position in Communications Law at IViR on the meaning of established values and concepts such as editorial control, independence and liability in light of news media personalisation. The application deadline is 31 of January 2017 and the position ideally commences in spring 2017. Project description The concept of editorial control is essential for defining… Continue reading New 3 year funded PhD position in Communications Law
Insufficient safeguards in new Dutch national security act
Open brief aan Tweede Kamer: Onvoldoende waarborgen in nieuwe nationale veiligheidswet
Deze week bespreekt de Tweede Kamer het wetsvoorstel voor een nieuwe Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten (Wiv). Volgens 29 vooraanstaande wetenschappers bevat dit wetsvoorstel onvoldoende waarborgen. In onderstaande open brief, die vandaag aan de Tweede Kamer is gestuurd, noemen zij vijf punten waarop de wet moet worden aangepast. Meer informatie: Hoorzitting / rondetafelgesprek Tweede Kamer 15 december 2016 met bijdrage van Prof.… Continue reading Open brief aan Tweede Kamer: Onvoldoende waarborgen in nieuwe nationale veiligheidswet
Insufficient safeguards in new Dutch national security act
The legislative proposal for a new Dutch Intelligence and Security Services Act (Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten, Wiv) includes insufficient safeguards. This is the opinion of 29 leading scientists in an open letter (in Dutch) sent to the Dutch Parliament today. The legislative proposal will be discussed in Parliament this week. The scientists, with… Continue reading Insufficient safeguards in new Dutch national security act