PLSC-Europe 2024 – Call For Abstracts And Guidelines

If you would like to workshop a paper, please submit an abstract via our conference submission system by 10 May 2024.

Abstracts should be between 400-700 words and contain sufficient detail to review the approach and potential contribution of the work (for more detailed instructions, see below).

The program committee for the conference will review (double-blind) abstracts and acceptances will be made by 14 June 2024. Workshop versions of the paper are due 1 October 2024. We reserve the right to cancel workshops if the paper draft is not provided on time for meaningful evaluation by participants.

What should be in my abstract?

Your abstract should include enough specific information to enable the program committee to appreciate both the genesis of your project and the nature of its contribution to the field. Your abstract should elaborate on your objective, research question(s) and methodology. It should also show your awareness of the existing relevant literatures and explain how your work relates to those literatures, such as how it expands upon them, makes connections between them, or differs from them. A typical (law) journal abstract will generally be insufficient for this purpose.

Please be prepare to enter the following information through out submission platform:

  • Title + anonymous abstract of 400-700 words
  • Author(s) information and affiliation(s). Submissions should be transparent about relevant sponsorship and conflicts of interest
  • Five keywords
  • Indicative bibliography

Please note: If your own prior work is part of a literature to which your abstract refers, the abstract should refer to your work in the third person–e.g. “As Smith argued in (2019),” rather than “my/our work published in the XYZ law review” or “my/our work presented at last year’s PLSC.” 

PLEASE NOTEAbstracts that violate this rule and reveal the identity of the author(s) will be rejected. There is no option to upload papers or materials.

Any funding and sponsorship must be disclosed. We also require a conflict of interest statement on scholarship. There is a space in the abstract submission portal to do so.