The CJEU’s Unintelligible Impairment of the Financial Health of EU Performers: Ever-Increasing Suspense in Neighbouring Rights

GRUR International, 2024


With the RAAP ruling in 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered a judgment with a far-reaching impact, both on the autonomy of Member States within the making of reservations under international treaties, and on revenues for collecting societies and neighbouring rightsholders in the EU. The controversial part of the judgment states that entering reservations on the granting of equitable remuneration for neighbouring rights on the basis of international treaties should only take place at EU level. This effectively leaves no autonomy to Member States within the principle of reciprocity, contrary to former popular belief by many Member States and scholars. The US has entered reservations with regard to EU countries under Art. 15(3) WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT), thus no remuneration is disbursed for performances by EU artists in the US. Due to the US repertoire’s large presence in the EU, the latter’s performers will be left with a considerably smaller share of the revenues to be distributed by EU collecting societies. The European Commission must urgently finish the ongoing research and consultation on RAAP. Right now, too many requests by interest groups remain unanswered. The recommended (and hoped for) route is for the EU to invoke the principle of reciprocity and enter reservations for other WPPT parties that have entered such reservations with regard to EU countries. An extensive arrangement regarding reservations is necessary, also regarding situations where the relationship between fundamental rights and reciprocity provisions is currently unknown.


Article{nokey, title = {The CJEU’s Unintelligible Impairment of the Financial Health of EU Performers: Ever-Increasing Suspense in Neighbouring Rights}, author = {Valk, E.G.}, doi = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-18}, journal = {GRUR International}, abstract = {With the RAAP ruling in 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered a judgment with a far-reaching impact, both on the autonomy of Member States within the making of reservations under international treaties, and on revenues for collecting societies and neighbouring rightsholders in the EU. The controversial part of the judgment states that entering reservations on the granting of equitable remuneration for neighbouring rights on the basis of international treaties should only take place at EU level. This effectively leaves no autonomy to Member States within the principle of reciprocity, contrary to former popular belief by many Member States and scholars. The US has entered reservations with regard to EU countries under Art. 15(3) WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT), thus no remuneration is disbursed for performances by EU artists in the US. Due to the US repertoire’s large presence in the EU, the latter’s performers will be left with a considerably smaller share of the revenues to be distributed by EU collecting societies. The European Commission must urgently finish the ongoing research and consultation on RAAP. Right now, too many requests by interest groups remain unanswered. The recommended (and hoped for) route is for the EU to invoke the principle of reciprocity and enter reservations for other WPPT parties that have entered such reservations with regard to EU countries. An extensive arrangement regarding reservations is necessary, also regarding situations where the relationship between fundamental rights and reciprocity provisions is currently unknown.}, }

Mapping the Impact of Share Alike/Copyleft Licensing on Machine Learning and Generative AI download


The rise of generative artificial intelligence systems has raised a number of copyright issues. Some of the most hotly contested questions revolve around the use of copyrighted works to train AI models. One particular problem that has received relatively little attention is how AI training intersects with openly licensed works. To better understand the dynamics at play, Open Future commissioned the Institute for Information Law at the University of Amsterdam (IVIR) to conduct a study on the impact of Share Alike/CopyLeft (SA/CL) licensing on machine learning and generative AI.


Report{nokey, title = {Mapping the Impact of Share Alike/Copyleft Licensing on Machine Learning and Generative AI}, author = {Szkalej, K. and Senftleben, M.}, url = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-12}, abstract = {The rise of generative artificial intelligence systems has raised a number of copyright issues. Some of the most hotly contested questions revolve around the use of copyrighted works to train AI models. One particular problem that has received relatively little attention is how AI training intersects with openly licensed works. To better understand the dynamics at play, Open Future commissioned the Institute for Information Law at the University of Amsterdam (IVIR) to conduct a study on the impact of Share Alike/CopyLeft (SA/CL) licensing on machine learning and generative AI.}, }

From the DMCA to the DSA: A Transatlantic Dialogue on Online Platform Regulation and Copyright external link

Verfassungsbooks, 2024, Berlin, ISBN: 9783759825957


Book{nokey, title = {From the DMCA to the DSA: A Transatlantic Dialogue on Online Platform Regulation and Copyright}, author = {Quintais, J.}, url = {}, doi = { }, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-10}, }

Annotatie Hoge Raad 12 november 2021 (A Venue Entertainment e.a. / SENA) download

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, iss. : 14, num: 136, pp: 3249-3250, 2024


Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie Hoge Raad 12 november 2021 (A Venue Entertainment e.a. / SENA)}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-04}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, issue = {14}, number = {136}, }

Van databankindustrie naar data‑economie: 25 jaar Databankenwet download

Auteursrecht, iss. : 2, pp: 67-76, 2024


Ooit was het idee dat een bijzonder beschermingsregime nodig was voor de jonge Europese databankindustrie: het sui generis recht. Met de Databankenwet kreeg ook Nederland er in 1999 dat volwaardig intellectueel eigendomsrecht bij. Fast forward twintig jaar, en we zien dat er een andere wind uit Brussel is gaan waaien: nieuwe wetgeving gericht op de ontwikkeling van de zogenaamde ‘data-economie’. Onder meer de Open datarichtlijn, Datagovernanceverordening en Dataverordening moeten bijdragen aan een interne markt waarin data zo vrij mogelijk kan stromen. Hoe verhoudt deze recente wetgeving tot de Databankrichtlijn? Dit artikel schetst hoe het sui generis recht langzaam uitgehold raakt.

Copyright, Database right


Article{nokey, title = {Van databankindustrie naar data‑economie: 25 jaar Databankenwet}, author = {van Eechoud, M. and Buijs, D.}, url = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-04}, journal = {Auteursrecht}, issue = {2}, abstract = {Ooit was het idee dat een bijzonder beschermingsregime nodig was voor de jonge Europese databankindustrie: het sui generis recht. Met de Databankenwet kreeg ook Nederland er in 1999 dat volwaardig intellectueel eigendomsrecht bij. Fast forward twintig jaar, en we zien dat er een andere wind uit Brussel is gaan waaien: nieuwe wetgeving gericht op de ontwikkeling van de zogenaamde ‘data-economie’. Onder meer de Open datarichtlijn, Datagovernanceverordening en Dataverordening moeten bijdragen aan een interne markt waarin data zo vrij mogelijk kan stromen. Hoe verhoudt deze recente wetgeving tot de Databankrichtlijn? Dit artikel schetst hoe het sui generis recht langzaam uitgehold raakt.}, keywords = {Copyright, Database right}, }

Copyright, Upcycling, and the Human Right to Environmental Protection external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2024

Copyright, Human rights


Online publication{nokey, title = {Copyright, Upcycling, and the Human Right to Environmental Protection}, author = {Izyumenko, E.}, url = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-05-30}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Copyright, Human rights}, }

Intellectual Property in the Age of the Environmental Crisis: How Trademarks and Copyright Challenge the Human Right to a Healthy Environment

IIC, vol. 55, pp: 864-900, 2024


In the face of the escalating environmental crisis driven by overconsumption, there is a growing recognition of the urgent need for environmental consciousness and a sustainable, circular economy. Practices like repair, refurbishment, and fashion upcycling have emerged as tangible efforts to mitigate the negative effects of this crisis. Perhaps unexpectedly, however, trademark and copyright laws clash with these endeavours, placing obstacles to sustainability goals. This paper contributes to the emerging literature devoted to studying this problem by undertaking the first in-depth analysis of the issue from a human rights law perspective. It specifically investigates the nature, scope, impact on, and consequences for intellectual property protection of the evolving human right to a healthy environment. Following a short introduction, the paper delves into the legal nature of obstacles posed by trademark and copyright protection to environmental sustainability, scrutinizes the human right to a healthy environment with a European emphasis, and proposes strategies for reconciling trademark and copyright protection with this fundamental right. The key findings are summarised at the end.

Intellectual property


Article{nokey, title = {Intellectual Property in the Age of the Environmental Crisis: How Trademarks and Copyright Challenge the Human Right to a Healthy Environment}, author = {Izyumenko, E.}, doi = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-05-15}, journal = {IIC}, volume = {55}, pages = {864-900}, abstract = {In the face of the escalating environmental crisis driven by overconsumption, there is a growing recognition of the urgent need for environmental consciousness and a sustainable, circular economy. Practices like repair, refurbishment, and fashion upcycling have emerged as tangible efforts to mitigate the negative effects of this crisis. Perhaps unexpectedly, however, trademark and copyright laws clash with these endeavours, placing obstacles to sustainability goals. This paper contributes to the emerging literature devoted to studying this problem by undertaking the first in-depth analysis of the issue from a human rights law perspective. It specifically investigates the nature, scope, impact on, and consequences for intellectual property protection of the evolving human right to a healthy environment. Following a short introduction, the paper delves into the legal nature of obstacles posed by trademark and copyright protection to environmental sustainability, scrutinizes the human right to a healthy environment with a European emphasis, and proposes strategies for reconciling trademark and copyright protection with this fundamental right. The key findings are summarised at the end.}, keywords = {Intellectual property}, }

Annotatie bij EHRM 9 maart 2023 (LB / Hongarije) download

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, iss. : 15, num: 144, pp: 3352-3354, 2024


Openbaar maken persoonsgegevens wegens belastingschuld. Bescherming persoonlijke data. Belang van toetsing in individuele gevallen. Margin of appreciation. Schending van art. 8 EVRM. Grote Kamer.

Human rights, Privacy


Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij EHRM 9 maart 2023 (LB / Hongarije)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-05-28}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, issue = {15}, number = {144}, abstract = {Openbaar maken persoonsgegevens wegens belastingschuld. Bescherming persoonlijke data. Belang van toetsing in individuele gevallen. Margin of appreciation. Schending van art. 8 EVRM. Grote Kamer.}, keywords = {Human rights, Privacy}, }