Are we human, or are we users? The role of natural language processing in human-centric news recommenders that nudge users to diverse content

algorithmic news recommenders, diversity, diversity metrics


Article{Reuver2021, title = {Are we human, or are we users? The role of natural language processing in human-centric news recommenders that nudge users to diverse content}, author = {Reuver, M. and Mattis, N. and Sax, M. and Verberne, S. and Tintarev, N. and Helberger, N. and Müller, J. and Vrijenhoek, S. and Fokkens, A. and Van Atteveldt, W.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0801}, date = {2021-08-01}, journal = {The 1st Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact: NLP4PosImpact 2021 : proceedings of the workshop}, keywords = {algorithmic news recommenders, diversity, diversity metrics}, }