Privacy as Personality Right: Why the ECtHR’s Focus on Ulterior Interests Might Prove Indispensable in the Age of external link

Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, num: 80, pp: 25-50., 2015


Article 8 ECHR was adopted as a classic negative right, which provides the citizen protection from unlawful and arbitrary interference by the state with his private and family life, home and communication. The ECtHR, however, has gradually broadened its scope so that the right to privacy encroaches upon other provisions embodied in the Convention, includes rights and freedoms explicitly left out of the ECHR by the drafters of the Convention and functions as the main pillar on which the Court has built its practice of opening up the Convention for new rights and freedoms. Consequently, Article 8 ECHR has been transformed from a classic privacy right to a personality right, providing protection to the personal development of individuals. Apart from its theoretical significance, this shift might prove indispensable in the age of Big Data, as personality rights protect a different type of interest, which is far more easy to substantiate in the new technological paradigm than those associated with the right to privacy.

Big data, Grondrechten, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {Privacy as Personality Right: Why the ECtHR’s Focus on Ulterior Interests Might Prove Indispensable in the Age of}, author = {van der Sloot, B.}, url = {}, year = {0522}, date = {2015-05-22}, journal = {Utrecht Journal of International and European Law}, number = {80}, abstract = {Article 8 ECHR was adopted as a classic negative right, which provides the citizen protection from unlawful and arbitrary interference by the state with his private and family life, home and communication. The ECtHR, however, has gradually broadened its scope so that the right to privacy encroaches upon other provisions embodied in the Convention, includes rights and freedoms explicitly left out of the ECHR by the drafters of the Convention and functions as the main pillar on which the Court has built its practice of opening up the Convention for new rights and freedoms. Consequently, Article 8 ECHR has been transformed from a classic privacy right to a personality right, providing protection to the personal development of individuals. Apart from its theoretical significance, this shift might prove indispensable in the age of Big Data, as personality rights protect a different type of interest, which is far more easy to substantiate in the new technological paradigm than those associated with the right to privacy.}, keywords = {Big data, Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

Het mijnenveld van het informatierecht external link

Mr., num: 5, pp: 62-67, 2015


In theorie lijkt de bescherming van persoonsgegevens op orde: internetbedrijven moeten mensen informeren over wat er met hun gegevens gebeurt, en doorgaans toestemming vragen voor ze die gegevens gebruiken. Maar in de praktijk schiet die ‘geïnformeerde toestemming’ als privacybeschermingsmaatregel tekort. Om privacy beter te beschermen moet volgens onderzoeker Frederik Borgesius de privacywetgeving beter worden nageleefd en gehandhaafd én op de schop. Hij pleit voor een breder privacydebat. “We móeten dat mijnenveld in.”

bescherming persoonsgegevens, Grondrechten, Privacy, wetgeving


Article{nokey, title = {Het mijnenveld van het informatierecht}, author = {Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.}, url = {}, year = {0512}, date = {2015-05-12}, journal = {Mr.}, number = {5}, abstract = {In theorie lijkt de bescherming van persoonsgegevens op orde: internetbedrijven moeten mensen informeren over wat er met hun gegevens gebeurt, en doorgaans toestemming vragen voor ze die gegevens gebruiken. Maar in de praktijk schiet die ‘geïnformeerde toestemming’ als privacybeschermingsmaatregel tekort. Om privacy beter te beschermen moet volgens onderzoeker Frederik Borgesius de privacywetgeving beter worden nageleefd en gehandhaafd én op de schop. Hij pleit voor een breder privacydebat. “We móeten dat mijnenveld in.”}, keywords = {bescherming persoonsgegevens, Grondrechten, Privacy, wetgeving}, }

Verzameldrift ‘big data’ grijpt om zich heen external link


Het bewaren van communicatiegegevens van alle Nederlandse telefoon- en internetgebruikers is terecht door het Europese Hof van Justitie verboden.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Other{nokey, title = {Verzameldrift ‘big data’ grijpt om zich heen}, author = {Dommering, E. and van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0505}, date = {2015-05-05}, abstract = {Het bewaren van communicatiegegevens van alle Nederlandse telefoon- en internetgebruikers is terecht door het Europese Hof van Justitie verboden.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

Merely Facilitating or Actively Stimulating Diverse Media Choices? Public Service Media at the Crossroad external link

International Journal of Communication, pp: 1324-1340, 2015


Personalized recommendations provide new opportunities to engage with audiences and influence media choices. Should the public-service media use such algorithmic profiling and targeting to guide audiences and stimulate more diverse choices? And if they do, is this a brave new world we would like to live in? This article outlines new opportunities for the public-service media to fulfill their commitment to media diversity and highlights some of the ethical and normative considerations that will play a role. The article concludes with a call for a new body of “algorithmic media ethics.”

algorithm profiling, ethics, media diversity, Mediarecht, nudging, public service media


Article{nokey, title = {Merely Facilitating or Actively Stimulating Diverse Media Choices? Public Service Media at the Crossroad}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0507}, date = {2015-05-07}, journal = {International Journal of Communication}, abstract = {Personalized recommendations provide new opportunities to engage with audiences and influence media choices. Should the public-service media use such algorithmic profiling and targeting to guide audiences and stimulate more diverse choices? And if they do, is this a brave new world we would like to live in? This article outlines new opportunities for the public-service media to fulfill their commitment to media diversity and highlights some of the ethical and normative considerations that will play a role. The article concludes with a call for a new body of “algorithmic media ethics.”}, keywords = {algorithm profiling, ethics, media diversity, Mediarecht, nudging, public service media}, }

Internet der dingen zwaar beveiligen external link


Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten


Other{nokey, title = {Internet der dingen zwaar beveiligen}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {}, year = {0428}, date = {2015-04-28}, keywords = {Bescherming van communicatie, Grondrechten}, }

De geheime dienst: An offer you can’t refuse external link

Ars Aequi, pp: 172-173., 2015


Geheime diensten beschermen de burger tegen een gevaar waarvan zij zich niet vaak niet eens bewust zijn. Dat zij zich daarbij nauwelijks aan banden laten leggen bleek wel toen geheimen van het hoofdkwartier van de NSA naar buiten werden gebracht.



Article{nokey, title = {De geheime dienst: An offer you can’t refuse}, author = {van der Sloot, B.}, url = {}, year = {0424}, date = {2015-04-24}, journal = {Ars Aequi}, abstract = {Geheime diensten beschermen de burger tegen een gevaar waarvan zij zich niet vaak niet eens bewust zijn. Dat zij zich daarbij nauwelijks aan banden laten leggen bleek wel toen geheimen van het hoofdkwartier van de NSA naar buiten werden gebracht.}, keywords = {Grondrechten}, }

Do privacy and data protection rules apply to legal persons and should they? A proposal for a two-tiered system external link

Computer Law & Security Review, num: 1, pp: 26-45, 2015


Privacy and data protection rules are usually said to protect the individual against intrusive governments and nosy companies. These rights guarantee the individual's freedom, personal autonomy and human dignity, among others. More and more, however, legal persons are also allowed to invoke the rights to privacy and data protection. Prima facie, it seems difficult to reconcile this trend with the standard interpretation of those rights, as legal persons do not enjoy freedom, personal autonomy or human dignity and it seems uncertain why business interests should be protected under privacy and data protection rules. On second thoughts, however, it appears rather unproblematic to grant legal persons partial protection under these regimes, especially when it recognizes general duties of care for data processors and governmental agencies.

Data protection, individual interests, legal persons, Privacy, societal interests


Article{nokey, title = {Do privacy and data protection rules apply to legal persons and should they? A proposal for a two-tiered system}, author = {van der Sloot, B.}, url = {}, year = {0424}, date = {2015-04-24}, journal = {Computer Law & Security Review}, number = {1}, abstract = {Privacy and data protection rules are usually said to protect the individual against intrusive governments and nosy companies. These rights guarantee the individual\'s freedom, personal autonomy and human dignity, among others. More and more, however, legal persons are also allowed to invoke the rights to privacy and data protection. Prima facie, it seems difficult to reconcile this trend with the standard interpretation of those rights, as legal persons do not enjoy freedom, personal autonomy or human dignity and it seems uncertain why business interests should be protected under privacy and data protection rules. On second thoughts, however, it appears rather unproblematic to grant legal persons partial protection under these regimes, especially when it recognizes general duties of care for data processors and governmental agencies.}, keywords = {Data protection, individual interests, legal persons, Privacy, societal interests}, }

Hacktivism 1-2-3: how privacy enhancing technologies change the face of anonymous hacktivism external link

Internet Policy Review, vol. 3, num: 4, 2015


This short essay explores how the notion of hacktivism changes due to easily accessible, military grade Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs). Privacy Enhancing Technologies, technological tools which provide anonymous communications and protect users from online surveillance enable new forms of online political activism. Through the short summary of the ad-hoc vigilante group Anonymous, this article describes hacktivism 1.0 as electronic civil disobedience conducted by outsiders. Through the analysis of Wikileaks, the anonymous whistleblowing website, it describes how strong PETs enable the development of hacktivism 2.0, where the source of threat is shifted from outsiders to insiders. Insiders have access to documents with which power can be exposed, and who, by using PETs, can anonymously engage in political action. We also describe the emergence of a third generation of hacktivists who use PETs to disengage and create their own autonomous spaces rather than to engage with power through anonymous whistleblowing.

anonymous, Grondrechten, Hacktivism, Privacy, Privacy enhancing technologies, Wikileaks


Article{nokey, title = {Hacktivism 1-2-3: how privacy enhancing technologies change the face of anonymous hacktivism}, author = {Bodó, B.}, url = {}, year = {0424}, date = {2015-04-24}, journal = {Internet Policy Review}, volume = {3}, number = {4}, pages = {}, abstract = {This short essay explores how the notion of hacktivism changes due to easily accessible, military grade Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs). Privacy Enhancing Technologies, technological tools which provide anonymous communications and protect users from online surveillance enable new forms of online political activism. Through the short summary of the ad-hoc vigilante group Anonymous, this article describes hacktivism 1.0 as electronic civil disobedience conducted by outsiders. Through the analysis of Wikileaks, the anonymous whistleblowing website, it describes how strong PETs enable the development of hacktivism 2.0, where the source of threat is shifted from outsiders to insiders. Insiders have access to documents with which power can be exposed, and who, by using PETs, can anonymously engage in political action. We also describe the emergence of a third generation of hacktivists who use PETs to disengage and create their own autonomous spaces rather than to engage with power through anonymous whistleblowing.}, keywords = {anonymous, Grondrechten, Hacktivism, Privacy, Privacy enhancing technologies, Wikileaks}, }

De ongeldigverklaring van de Dataretentierichtlijn: een nieuwe stap in de bescherming van de grondrechten door het Hof van Justitie external link

Nederlands tijdschrift voor Europees recht, num: 7, pp: 245-252, 2015


Op 8 april 2014 heeft het Hof van Justitie een opmerkelijk arrest gewezen in de gevoegde zaken Digital Rights Ireland en Seitlinger. Het heeft voor het eerst wegens strijd met het EUHandvest voor de grondrechten een richtlijn in zijn geheel vernietigd. Het Hof van Justitie heeft geoordeeld dat de Uniewetgever met de vaststelling van de Dataretentierichtlijn de door het evenredigheidsbeginsel gestelde grenzen heeft overschreden die hij in het licht van de artikelen 7, 8 en 52 lid 1 van het Handvest in acht dient te nemen. Het heeft geen beperking in de tijd aangebracht (het Hof van Justitie wijkt hiermee af van de conclusie van advocaat-generaal Cruz Villalón, overwegingen 154-158).



Article{nokey, title = {De ongeldigverklaring van de Dataretentierichtlijn: een nieuwe stap in de bescherming van de grondrechten door het Hof van Justitie}, author = {Hijmans, H.}, url = {}, year = {0424}, date = {2015-04-24}, journal = {Nederlands tijdschrift voor Europees recht}, number = {7}, abstract = {Op 8 april 2014 heeft het Hof van Justitie een opmerkelijk arrest gewezen in de gevoegde zaken Digital Rights Ireland en Seitlinger. Het heeft voor het eerst wegens strijd met het EUHandvest voor de grondrechten een richtlijn in zijn geheel vernietigd. Het Hof van Justitie heeft geoordeeld dat de Uniewetgever met de vaststelling van de Dataretentierichtlijn de door het evenredigheidsbeginsel gestelde grenzen heeft overschreden die hij in het licht van de artikelen 7, 8 en 52 lid 1 van het Handvest in acht dient te nemen. Het heeft geen beperking in de tijd aangebracht (het Hof van Justitie wijkt hiermee af van de conclusie van advocaat-generaal Cruz Villalón, overwegingen 154-158).}, keywords = {Grondrechten}, }