Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie van de EU 11 december 2014 (Ryneš / Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů) external link

European Human Rights Cases, num: 3, 2015

botsing fundamentele rechten, Grondrechten, Privacy, Recht op gegevensbescherming, recht op privacy, verwerking persoonsgegevens voor persoonlijke doeleinden


Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie van de EU 11 december 2014 (Ryneš / Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů)}, author = {van der Sloot, B.}, url = {}, year = {0424}, date = {2015-04-24}, journal = {European Human Rights Cases}, number = {3}, keywords = {botsing fundamentele rechten, Grondrechten, Privacy, Recht op gegevensbescherming, recht op privacy, verwerking persoonsgegevens voor persoonlijke doeleinden}, }

Transparency and the Collective Management Organisations external link


Dr Simone Schroff, CREATe/University of East Anglia explores how Collective Management Organisations are responding to pressures to offer more clarity about how they operate.

Auteursrecht, collective management, Intellectuele eigendom, Transparency


Online publication{Schroff2014, title = {Transparency and the Collective Management Organisations}, author = {Schroff, S.}, url = {}, year = {1001}, date = {2014-10-01}, abstract = {Dr Simone Schroff, CREATe/University of East Anglia explores how Collective Management Organisations are responding to pressures to offer more clarity about how they operate.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, collective management, Intellectuele eigendom, Transparency}, }

The (Non) Convergence of Copyright Policies – A Quantitative Approach to Convergence in Copyright external link

Script-ed, vol. 4, pp: 411-434., 2013


In the literature on copyright evolution, it has been argued that some degree of convergence has occurred over time. This means that the respective policies of different jurisdictions have become increasingly similar, not only in the substantive provisions themselves (the scope of protection) but also in how copyright is perceived (the copyright culture). Copyright culture in particular refers to the well-established, idealised models of author rights generally associated with civil law systems and common law copyright. Nonetheless, recent technological challenges have highlighted the significant differences that remain in how copyright responds to new challenges. This article examines the convergence of copyright policies in the US, UK, Germany and international level between 1880 and 2010. Rather than relying on a qualitative analysis, a quantitative approach is used to examine the evidence for convergence. It compares the laws as they are in force for each of the jurisdictions examined, to the two ideal types relied upon by the legal literature: author rights systems and common law copyright systems. Ideal types reflect the epitomised description of what an author rights and a common law system are, irrespective of whether these exist or have existed in such a form in the real world. These two polar opposites are used as external benchmarks against which the copyright policies are compared and the position of these policies on a spectrum which has author rights at one end and common law copyright at the other, is determined. By placing the case studies on a spectrum, their evolution relative to each other is clear and the existence of convergence and its extent can be analysed. The article concludes by clarifying the extent of convergence. The degree of convergence has been limited between the US, UK and international level, while Germany’s policies actually moved away from them. In addition, the commonly identified causal factors, such as technology and international agreements, only developed a limited impact in practice, explaining why the empirical evidence has failed to show the expected convergence.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {The (Non) Convergence of Copyright Policies – A Quantitative Approach to Convergence in Copyright}, author = {Schroff, S.}, url = {}, year = {1217}, date = {2013-12-17}, journal = {Script-ed}, volume = {4}, pages = {411-434.}, abstract = {In the literature on copyright evolution, it has been argued that some degree of convergence has occurred over time. This means that the respective policies of different jurisdictions have become increasingly similar, not only in the substantive provisions themselves (the scope of protection) but also in how copyright is perceived (the copyright culture). Copyright culture in particular refers to the well-established, idealised models of author rights generally associated with civil law systems and common law copyright. Nonetheless, recent technological challenges have highlighted the significant differences that remain in how copyright responds to new challenges. This article examines the convergence of copyright policies in the US, UK, Germany and international level between 1880 and 2010. Rather than relying on a qualitative analysis, a quantitative approach is used to examine the evidence for convergence. It compares the laws as they are in force for each of the jurisdictions examined, to the two ideal types relied upon by the legal literature: author rights systems and common law copyright systems. Ideal types reflect the epitomised description of what an author rights and a common law system are, irrespective of whether these exist or have existed in such a form in the real world. These two polar opposites are used as external benchmarks against which the copyright policies are compared and the position of these policies on a spectrum which has author rights at one end and common law copyright at the other, is determined. By placing the case studies on a spectrum, their evolution relative to each other is clear and the existence of convergence and its extent can be analysed. The article concludes by clarifying the extent of convergence. The degree of convergence has been limited between the US, UK and international level, while Germany’s policies actually moved away from them. In addition, the commonly identified causal factors, such as technology and international agreements, only developed a limited impact in practice, explaining why the empirical evidence has failed to show the expected convergence.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 8 april 2014 (Digital Rights Ireland / Ierse Ministers en Attorney General) external link

Irion, K., Granger, M.-P. & Eskens, S.
Mediaforum, vol. 27, num: 3, pp: 112-118, 2015



Article{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 8 april 2014 (Digital Rights Ireland / Ierse Ministers en Attorney General)}, author = {Irion, K. and Granger, M.-P. and Eskens, S.}, url = {}, year = {0417}, date = {2015-04-17}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {27}, number = {3}, pages = {112-118}, keywords = {Grondrechten}, }

Dataretentie: Beter ten halve gekeerd dan ten hele gedwaald external link

Mediaforum, num: 3, pp: 93., 2015



Other{nokey, title = {Dataretentie: Beter ten halve gekeerd dan ten hele gedwaald}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0417}, date = {2015-04-17}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {3}, keywords = {Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Privacybescherming online kan beter: De mythe van geïnformeerde toestemming external link

Nederlands Juristenblad, num: 14, pp: 878-883., 2015


De huidige privacyregels leggen veel nadruk op de geïnformeerde toestemming van internetgebruikers. Met zulke toestemmingsregels probeert de wet mensen in staat te stellen om keuzes te maken in hun eigen belang. Maar inzichten uit gedragsstudies trekken de effectiviteit van deze wetgevingstactiek in twijfel. Zo klikken internetgebruikers in de praktijk 'OK' op vrijwel elk toestemmingsverzoek dat op hun scherm verschijnt. De wet zou meer aandacht moeten geven aan de daadwerkelijke bescherming van de privacy van mensen die het internet opgaan.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {Privacybescherming online kan beter: De mythe van geïnformeerde toestemming}, author = {Zuiderveen Borgesius, F.}, url = {}, year = {0417}, date = {2015-04-17}, journal = {Nederlands Juristenblad}, number = {14}, abstract = {De huidige privacyregels leggen veel nadruk op de geïnformeerde toestemming van internetgebruikers. Met zulke toestemmingsregels probeert de wet mensen in staat te stellen om keuzes te maken in hun eigen belang. Maar inzichten uit gedragsstudies trekken de effectiviteit van deze wetgevingstactiek in twijfel. Zo klikken internetgebruikers in de praktijk 'OK' op vrijwel elk toestemmingsverzoek dat op hun scherm verschijnt. De wet zou meer aandacht moeten geven aan de daadwerkelijke bescherming van de privacy van mensen die het internet opgaan.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

Burgers tegen Plasterk: het Nederlandse staartje van de Snowden-saga external link

Ars Aequi, num: 4, pp: 287-293., 2015


De Snowden-onthullingen haalden niet alleen wereldwijd de media en het parlementair debat. Ze leidden zelfs tot een Nederlandse rechtszaak over communicatieprivacy. Een principiële rechtszaak over burgerrechtenactivisme, surveillance en politieke intrige, met een verrassende, maar ook teleurstellende uitkomst. Dit moet je weten.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {Burgers tegen Plasterk: het Nederlandse staartje van de Snowden-saga}, author = {van Daalen, O.}, url = {}, year = {0417}, date = {2015-04-17}, journal = {Ars Aequi}, number = {4}, abstract = {De Snowden-onthullingen haalden niet alleen wereldwijd de media en het parlementair debat. Ze leidden zelfs tot een Nederlandse rechtszaak over communicatieprivacy. Een principiële rechtszaak over burgerrechtenactivisme, surveillance en politieke intrige, met een verrassende, maar ook teleurstellende uitkomst. Dit moet je weten.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

Political Advertising Bans and Freedom of Expression external link

Greek Public Law Journal, pp: 226-228, 2015


In Animal Defenders International v UK, the 17-judge Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the UK’s ban on political advertising on television, as applied to an animal rights organisation, did not violate freedom of expression. The Court divided nine votes to eight, with the majority opinion abandoning the Court’s previous ‘strict scrutiny’ review, and laying down a new doctrine for reviewing political advertising bans. This article, first, examines the role the composition of the Grand Chamber played in the outcome of the case. Second, questions the basis of the new doctrine of review. And third, criticises the majority’s treatment of precedent.

Broadcasting law, European Convention on Human Rights, Freedom of expression, Grondrechten, Parliamentary deference, Political advertising, Political speech, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{nokey, title = {Political Advertising Bans and Freedom of Expression}, author = {Fahy, R.}, url = {}, year = {0414}, date = {2015-04-14}, journal = {Greek Public Law Journal}, abstract = {In Animal Defenders International v UK, the 17-judge Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the UK’s ban on political advertising on television, as applied to an animal rights organisation, did not violate freedom of expression. The Court divided nine votes to eight, with the majority opinion abandoning the Court’s previous ‘strict scrutiny’ review, and laying down a new doctrine for reviewing political advertising bans. This article, first, examines the role the composition of the Grand Chamber played in the outcome of the case. Second, questions the basis of the new doctrine of review. And third, criticises the majority’s treatment of precedent.}, keywords = {Broadcasting law, European Convention on Human Rights, Freedom of expression, Grondrechten, Parliamentary deference, Political advertising, Political speech, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Tien privacytrends van 2014 external link

Mediaforum, num: 2, pp: 50-54., 2015


Het privacyrecht is inmiddels een serieus specialisme met jaarlijks tientallen beschikkingen, vonnissen en richtsnoeren. Een overzicht daarvan is nuttig, maar kan je daarin ook bredere ontwikkelingen ontdekken? Het afgelopen jaar in tien privacytrends.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Article{nokey, title = {Tien privacytrends van 2014}, author = {van Daalen, O.}, url = {}, year = {0401}, date = {2015-04-01}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {2}, abstract = {Het privacyrecht is inmiddels een serieus specialisme met jaarlijks tientallen beschikkingen, vonnissen en richtsnoeren. Een overzicht daarvan is nuttig, maar kan je daarin ook bredere ontwikkelingen ontdekken? Het afgelopen jaar in tien privacytrends.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }