Public interest content on audiovisual platforms: access and findability download

McGonagle, T., Bosch, L. van den, Buijs, D., Huang, M., Nazarski, M., Fahy, R., Poort, J. & Ulasiuk, I.

audiovisual content, Media law, public interests


Report{nokey, title = {Public interest content on audiovisual platforms: access and findability}, author = {McGonagle, T. and Bosch, L. van den and Buijs, D. and Huang, M. and Nazarski, M. and Fahy, R. and Poort, J. and Ulasiuk, I.}, url = {}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-10-17}, keywords = {audiovisual content, Media law, public interests}, }

Opinie: De DSA en desinformatie: meer dan censuur alleen download

Mediaforum, num: 5, pp: 157, 2023

censuur, DSA


Article{nokey, title = {Opinie: De DSA en desinformatie: meer dan censuur alleen}, author = {Leerssen, P.}, url = {}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-11-17}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {5}, keywords = {censuur, DSA}, }

Generative AI and Author Remuneration

IIC, vol. 54, pp: 1535-1560, 2023


With the evolution of generative AI systems, machine-made productions in the literary and artistic field have reached a level of refinement that allows them to replace human creations. The increasing sophistication of AI systems will inevitably disrupt the market for human literary and artistic works. Generative AI systems provide literary and artistic output much faster and cheaper. It is therefore foreseeable that human authors will be exposed to substitution effects. They may lose income as they are replaced by machines in sectors ranging from journalism and writing to music and visual arts. Considering this trend, the question arises whether it is advisable to take measures to compensate human authors for the reduction in their market share and income. Copyright law could serve as a tool to introduce an AI levy system and ensure the payment of equitable remuneration. In combination with mandatory collective rights management, the new revenue stream could be used to finance social and cultural funds that improve the working and living conditions of flesh-and-blood authors.

collective rights management, Copyright, Freedom of expression, text and data mining, three-step test


Article{nokey, title = {Generative AI and Author Remuneration}, author = {Senftleben, M.}, doi = {}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-11-07}, journal = {IIC}, volume = {54}, pages = {1535-1560}, abstract = {With the evolution of generative AI systems, machine-made productions in the literary and artistic field have reached a level of refinement that allows them to replace human creations. The increasing sophistication of AI systems will inevitably disrupt the market for human literary and artistic works. Generative AI systems provide literary and artistic output much faster and cheaper. It is therefore foreseeable that human authors will be exposed to substitution effects. They may lose income as they are replaced by machines in sectors ranging from journalism and writing to music and visual arts. Considering this trend, the question arises whether it is advisable to take measures to compensate human authors for the reduction in their market share and income. Copyright law could serve as a tool to introduce an AI levy system and ensure the payment of equitable remuneration. In combination with mandatory collective rights management, the new revenue stream could be used to finance social and cultural funds that improve the working and living conditions of flesh-and-blood authors.}, keywords = {collective rights management, Copyright, Freedom of expression, text and data mining, three-step test}, }

Herberekening reserveprijzen download

Kerste, M., Kuczynski, A., Poort, J. & Tieben, B.


SEO-notitie: 2023-19

radio, vergunningen


Report{nokey, title = {Herberekening reserveprijzen}, author = {Kerste, M. and Kuczynski, A. and Poort, J. and Tieben, B.}, url = {}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-02-17}, abstract = {SEO-notitie: 2023-19}, keywords = {radio, vergunningen}, }

Reciprociteit bij bescherming vormgeving na RAAP: Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 31 maart 2023 (Kwantum / Vitra) download

Berichten Industriële Eigendom, iss. : 4, num: 10, pp: 221-223, 2023

Intellectual property, reciprociteit, vormgeving


Case note{nokey, title = {Reciprociteit bij bescherming vormgeving na RAAP: Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 31 maart 2023 (Kwantum / Vitra)}, author = {van Eechoud, M.}, url = {}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-10-31}, journal = {Berichten Industriële Eigendom}, issue = {4}, number = {10}, keywords = {Intellectual property, reciprociteit, vormgeving}, }

Inaugural lecture: The Lure of Open Data download


English translation of the inaugural lecture ‘De lokroep van open data’ given at the University of Amsterdam, 23 May 2014.

Inaugural lecture, Open Data


Other{nokey, title = {Inaugural lecture: The Lure of Open Data}, author = {van Eechoud, M.}, url = {}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-10-31}, abstract = {English translation of the inaugural lecture ‘De lokroep van open data’ given at the University of Amsterdam, 23 May 2014.}, keywords = {Inaugural lecture, Open Data}, }

Facilitating #dialogue or #buildingsupport? An Exploration of the International Criminal Court’s Use of 280 Characters

Journal of International Criminal Justice, vol. 20, iss. : 1, pp: 55-80, 2022


This systematic study of the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s stakeholder communication on Twitter brings attention to the largely unexamined phenomenon of the ICC’s active presence on social media. It answers the following research question: ‘To what extent has the ICC used Twitter to facilitate dialogue and exchange with its stakeholders as opposed to one-way information provision?’ Literary research and the descriptive analysis of 1,712 tweets and retweets published by @IntlCrimCourt between November 2017 and June 2019 reveal that the ICC primarily used Twitter to provide information and build support among its most powerful stakeholders. Notwithstanding its stated commitment to two-way stakeholder communication, the ICC made little to no effort to solicit feedback or generate dialogue on Twitter. These findings reveal the opportunities and limitations of Twitter as a mechanism to communicate with stakeholders and highlight the difficult position the ICC finds itself in as an international judicial institution dependent on state support.


Article{nokey, title = {Facilitating #dialogue or #buildingsupport? An Exploration of the International Criminal Court’s Use of 280 Characters}, author = {Banks, I.}, doi = {}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-03-03}, journal = {Journal of International Criminal Justice}, volume = {20}, issue = {1}, pages = {55-80}, abstract = {This systematic study of the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s stakeholder communication on Twitter brings attention to the largely unexamined phenomenon of the ICC’s active presence on social media. It answers the following research question: ‘To what extent has the ICC used Twitter to facilitate dialogue and exchange with its stakeholders as opposed to one-way information provision?’ Literary research and the descriptive analysis of 1,712 tweets and retweets published by @IntlCrimCourt between November 2017 and June 2019 reveal that the ICC primarily used Twitter to provide information and build support among its most powerful stakeholders. Notwithstanding its stated commitment to two-way stakeholder communication, the ICC made little to no effort to solicit feedback or generate dialogue on Twitter. These findings reveal the opportunities and limitations of Twitter as a mechanism to communicate with stakeholders and highlight the difficult position the ICC finds itself in as an international judicial institution dependent on state support.}, }

The construction of self-sovereign identity: Extending the interpretive flexibility of technology towards institutions external link

Weigl, L., Barbereau, T. & Fridgen, G.
Government Information Quarterly, vol. 40, iss. : 4, 2023


Ever-growing concerns over ‘Big Brother’ continue driving individuals towards user-centric identity management systems. Nascent innovations are framed as offering Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI). Because of the association with value-laden ideals and technical components like blockchain, SSI is caught up with both hype and idiosyncrasy. Competing interpretations of SSI damage the public discourse and risk misrepresenting affordances these systems might offer. Based on a qualitative inductive interview study and document analysis, this article extrapolates a constructivist theoretical frame – the Extended Model of Interpretive Flexibility – which combines insights from the Social Construction of Technology and the Structurational Model of Technology. The Extended Model of Interpretive Flexibility highlights malleability in the technical implementations and social representations, which in turn is affected by and influences institutional properties around SSI. This research further offers implications for practice around the implementation of SSI, in particular regarding policy, management, and design. For theory on public sector information systems, the proposed model has generalizable potential for the analysis of socio-technical systems and offers future research directions.


Article{nokey, title = {The construction of self-sovereign identity: Extending the interpretive flexibility of technology towards institutions}, author = {Weigl, L. and Barbereau, T. and Fridgen, G.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-10-16}, journal = {Government Information Quarterly}, volume = {40}, issue = {4}, pages = {}, abstract = {Ever-growing concerns over ‘Big Brother’ continue driving individuals towards user-centric identity management systems. Nascent innovations are framed as offering Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI). Because of the association with value-laden ideals and technical components like blockchain, SSI is caught up with both hype and idiosyncrasy. Competing interpretations of SSI damage the public discourse and risk misrepresenting affordances these systems might offer. Based on a qualitative inductive interview study and document analysis, this article extrapolates a constructivist theoretical frame – the Extended Model of Interpretive Flexibility – which combines insights from the Social Construction of Technology and the Structurational Model of Technology. The Extended Model of Interpretive Flexibility highlights malleability in the technical implementations and social representations, which in turn is affected by and influences institutional properties around SSI. This research further offers implications for practice around the implementation of SSI, in particular regarding policy, management, and design. For theory on public sector information systems, the proposed model has generalizable potential for the analysis of socio-technical systems and offers future research directions.}, }

EU copyright law round up – third trimester of 2023 external link

Trapova, A. & Quintais, J.
Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2023



Online publication{nokey, title = {EU copyright law round up – third trimester of 2023}, author = {Trapova, A. and Quintais, J.}, url = {}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-10-02}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Copyright}, }

Opinie: Koranverbrandingen in Zweden, Denemarken en Nederland

Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB), iss. : 29, num: 2125, pp: 2480-2482, 2023


De stelling van onder andere de Minister van Justitie dat het verbranden van boeken nu eenmaal mag in onze rechtsstaat berust op een dubbele dwaling: één omtrent het object van de vrijheid van meningsuiting en één omtrent hoe in deze tijd van sociale media om te gaan met het conflict tussen de vrijheid van meningsuiting en de vrijheid van godsdienst.

vrijheid van godsdienst, vrijheid van meninguiting


Article{nokey, title = {Opinie: Koranverbrandingen in Zweden, Denemarken en Nederland}, author = {Dommering, E.}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-10-05}, journal = {Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB)}, issue = {29}, number = {2125}, abstract = {De stelling van onder andere de Minister van Justitie dat het verbranden van boeken nu eenmaal mag in onze rechtsstaat berust op een dubbele dwaling: één omtrent het object van de vrijheid van meningsuiting en één omtrent hoe in deze tijd van sociale media om te gaan met het conflict tussen de vrijheid van meningsuiting en de vrijheid van godsdienst.}, keywords = {vrijheid van godsdienst, vrijheid van meninguiting}, }