Annotatie bij Hof Den Haag 21 december 2000 (De Telegraaf / NVM) external link

Mediaforum, num: 3, 2001

Databankenrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij Hof Den Haag 21 december 2000 (De Telegraaf / NVM)}, author = {van Eechoud, M.}, url = {}, year = {0126}, date = {2001-01-26}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {3}, keywords = {Databankenrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Choice of Law in Copyright and Related Rights. Alternatives to the Lex Protectionis external link

Kluwer Law International, 0815, Series: Information Law Series, ISBN: 9041120718

Kluwer Information Law Series


Book{nokey, title = {Choice of Law in Copyright and Related Rights. Alternatives to the Lex Protectionis}, author = {van Eechoud, M.}, url = {}, year = {0815}, date = {2003-08-15}, keywords = {Kluwer Information Law Series}, }

The European Concern with Copyright and Related Rights external link

van Gompel, S., Guibault, L. & van Eechoud, M.

Kluwer Information Law Series


Chapter{nokey, title = {The European Concern with Copyright and Related Rights}, author = {van Gompel, S. and Guibault, L. and van Eechoud, M.}, url = {}, year = {2009}, date = {2009-10-13}, keywords = {Kluwer Information Law Series}, }

Creative Commons and Related Rights in Sound Recordings: Are the Two Systems Compatible? external link


Can the will of the author cancel her copyright? The Creative Commons licensing system depends on a positive answer to this question, and indeed, in the area of copyright proper, for the most part this is the case. But the related rights of performers and phonogram producers are a different matter: in addition to their exclusive rights, performers and phonogram producers are also granted a right to equitable remuneration for the use of their phonograms in communications to the public or broadcasting by wireless means. Given that, in many EU Member States the right to equitable remuneration has been implemented in the form of a (waivable or non-waivable) compulsory licensing scheme, while, even where a voluntary license scheme is in place, the functional reality of collecting societies will limit the flexibility that this will allow right-owners, the following question arises: is the legal framework of related rights and the collective management systems in place for the exploitation of these rights compatible with the use of Creative Commons licenses? This book chapter attempts to answer this complicated question with regard to the law of the two EU Member States of the UK and the Netherlands. The issue is examined against the backdrop of the innovative flexible collective management pilot project was initiated for musical works between Buma/Stemra, the Dutch collecting society for music authors and publishers, and Creative Commons Netherlands, the Dutch branch of Creative Commons. The chapter concludes that, when contemplating the application of Creative Commons licenses to musical works in the context of the user’s obligation to pay equitable remuneration to the performer and phonogram producer for use of a phonogram in a communication to the public or broadcast, three main circumstances must be kept in mind: (a) Whether the work has been published for commercial purposes; (b) Whether the work is offered by the user on an interactive, on-demand basis; (c) What type of licensing scheme is established in the country in question for the management of the right.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Other{nokey, title = {Creative Commons and Related Rights in Sound Recordings: Are the Two Systems Compatible?}, author = {Guibault, L. and Angelopoulos, C.}, url = {}, year = {0713}, date = {2011-07-13}, abstract = {Can the will of the author cancel her copyright? The Creative Commons licensing system depends on a positive answer to this question, and indeed, in the area of copyright proper, for the most part this is the case. But the related rights of performers and phonogram producers are a different matter: in addition to their exclusive rights, performers and phonogram producers are also granted a right to equitable remuneration for the use of their phonograms in communications to the public or broadcasting by wireless means. Given that, in many EU Member States the right to equitable remuneration has been implemented in the form of a (waivable or non-waivable) compulsory licensing scheme, while, even where a voluntary license scheme is in place, the functional reality of collecting societies will limit the flexibility that this will allow right-owners, the following question arises: is the legal framework of related rights and the collective management systems in place for the exploitation of these rights compatible with the use of Creative Commons licenses? This book chapter attempts to answer this complicated question with regard to the law of the two EU Member States of the UK and the Netherlands. The issue is examined against the backdrop of the innovative flexible collective management pilot project was initiated for musical works between Buma/Stemra, the Dutch collecting society for music authors and publishers, and Creative Commons Netherlands, the Dutch branch of Creative Commons. The chapter concludes that, when contemplating the application of Creative Commons licenses to musical works in the context of the user’s obligation to pay equitable remuneration to the performer and phonogram producer for use of a phonogram in a communication to the public or broadcast, three main circumstances must be kept in mind: (a) Whether the work has been published for commercial purposes; (b) Whether the work is offered by the user on an interactive, on-demand basis; (c) What type of licensing scheme is established in the country in question for the management of the right.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Tussen feit en fictie, of over het recht om te trouwen en een gezin te stichten: een jurisprudentieanalyse van artikel 12 EVRm external link

NJCM-Bulletin, num: 3, pp: 361-380, 2013


Dit artikel geeft een kort overzicht van de totstandkoming van en de jurisprudentie die tot nu toe is gewezen met betrekking tot artikel 12 EVRM, waarin het recht om te huwen en een gezin te stichten is vervat. Dit recht is in het verdrag opgenomen als klassiek afweerrecht, dat de burger bescherming biedt tegen overheidsinmenging in zijn privésfeer, en als gelijkheidsartikel, dat een art. 12 g aan de huwelijksverbintenis tussen man en vrouw en aan de creatie van het traditionele gezin via biologische wijze. Het keurt zeer verregaande statelijke beperkingen op de rechten van minderheden goed, ontzegt homoseksuelen het recht om te trouwen en biedt geen bescherming aan mensen die willen scheiden of een gezin willen stichten via een niet-biologische weg, zoals kunstmatige inseminatie of adoptie. In de laatste jaren lijkt er echter een versoepeling plaats te hebben in de benadering van het Hof en lijkt het op een aantal punten op zijn eerdere rechtspraak terug te komen. Zal deze herbevestiging van de oorspronkelijke uitgangspunten van de verdragsopstellers met betrekking tot artikel 12 EVRM zich voortzetten?

Art. 12 EVRM, Grondrechten, jurisprudentie


Article{nokey, title = {Tussen feit en fictie, of over het recht om te trouwen en een gezin te stichten: een jurisprudentieanalyse van artikel 12 EVRm}, author = {van der Sloot, B.}, url = {}, year = {0725}, date = {2013-07-25}, journal = {NJCM-Bulletin}, number = {3}, abstract = {Dit artikel geeft een kort overzicht van de totstandkoming van en de jurisprudentie die tot nu toe is gewezen met betrekking tot artikel 12 EVRM, waarin het recht om te huwen en een gezin te stichten is vervat. Dit recht is in het verdrag opgenomen als klassiek afweerrecht, dat de burger bescherming biedt tegen overheidsinmenging in zijn privésfeer, en als gelijkheidsartikel, dat een art. 12 g aan de huwelijksverbintenis tussen man en vrouw en aan de creatie van het traditionele gezin via biologische wijze. Het keurt zeer verregaande statelijke beperkingen op de rechten van minderheden goed, ontzegt homoseksuelen het recht om te trouwen en biedt geen bescherming aan mensen die willen scheiden of een gezin willen stichten via een niet-biologische weg, zoals kunstmatige inseminatie of adoptie. In de laatste jaren lijkt er echter een versoepeling plaats te hebben in de benadering van het Hof en lijkt het op een aantal punten op zijn eerdere rechtspraak terug te komen. Zal deze herbevestiging van de oorspronkelijke uitgangspunten van de verdragsopstellers met betrekking tot artikel 12 EVRM zich voortzetten?}, keywords = {Art. 12 EVRM, Grondrechten, jurisprudentie}, }

Program Schedules, Event Data and Telephone Subscriber Listings under the Database Directive – The ‘Spin-Off’ Doctrine in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe external link

pp: 1-7, 2003


Seven years after the adoption of the EC Database Directive, the contours of the new database right remain difficult to draw, and shrouded in controversy. One of many crucial questions soon to be addressed by the European Court of Justice concerns the 'substantial investment' test. The Directive requires that such investment be made in the 'obtaining, verification or presentation of the contents' of the database. Does this mean that the investment must be aimed at producing a database, or can data compilations that are generated as mere 'spin-offs' of other activities, such as program schedules and event data listings, also benefit from sui generis protection?

Databankenrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Presentation{nokey, title = {Program Schedules, Event Data and Telephone Subscriber Listings under the Database Directive – The ‘Spin-Off’ Doctrine in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0616}, date = {2003-06-16}, abstract = {Seven years after the adoption of the EC Database Directive, the contours of the new database right remain difficult to draw, and shrouded in controversy. One of many crucial questions soon to be addressed by the European Court of Justice concerns the 'substantial investment' test. The Directive requires that such investment be made in the 'obtaining, verification or presentation of the contents' of the database. Does this mean that the investment must be aimed at producing a database, or can data compilations that are generated as mere 'spin-offs' of other activities, such as program schedules and event data listings, also benefit from sui generis protection?}, keywords = {Databankenrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }