Free expression and respect for others external link

pp: 7-20 , 2009


In deze hoofdstukken worden de grote lijnen van de normatieve standaarden van de Raad van Europa inzake twee relaties geschetst: (i) vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatievrijheid, media pluralisme en diversiteit en het beschermen van de menselijke waardigheid, en (ii) deelname in een democratische samenleving en toegang tot informatie en tot de media.

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Other{nokey, title = {Free expression and respect for others}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0707}, date = {2009-07-07}, abstract = {In deze hoofdstukken worden de grote lijnen van de normatieve standaarden van de Raad van Europa inzake twee relaties geschetst: (i) vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatievrijheid, media pluralisme en diversiteit en het beschermen van de menselijke waardigheid, en (ii) deelname in een democratische samenleving en toegang tot informatie en tot de media.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Representation of Minorities: Rights of Access, external link

pp: 106-126, 2010


This paper will examine the Council of Europe's efforts to create, consolidate and advance rights of access of minorities to the media in its standard-setting work. As such, relevant provisions of its three most salient treaties in this area, i.e., the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML), will be analysed. Notwithstanding the prima facie differences between the treaties in terms of their respective focuses and objectives, they also usefully complement each other in various ways. The present analysis will briefly show how each of the three treaties has contributed to the goal of ensuring representation in/access to the media for minorities.



Other{nokey, title = {Representation of Minorities: Rights of Access,}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0428}, date = {2010-04-28}, abstract = {This paper will examine the Council of Europe's efforts to create, consolidate and advance rights of access of minorities to the media in its standard-setting work. As such, relevant provisions of its three most salient treaties in this area, i.e., the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML), will be analysed. Notwithstanding the prima facie differences between the treaties in terms of their respective focuses and objectives, they also usefully complement each other in various ways. The present analysis will briefly show how each of the three treaties has contributed to the goal of ensuring representation in/access to the media for minorities.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Annotatie, An Ode to Contextualisation external link

Irish Human Rights Law Review, num: 1, pp: 237-251, 2010



Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie, An Ode to Contextualisation}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0424}, date = {2010-04-24}, journal = {Irish Human Rights Law Review}, number = {1}, keywords = {Mensenrechten}, }

Annotatie, The Islamic Headscarf Dilemma (Leyla Sahin / Turkey) external link

Irish Human Rights Law Review, num: 1, pp: 195-215, 2010



Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie, The Islamic Headscarf Dilemma (Leyla Sahin / Turkey)}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0428}, date = {2010-04-28}, journal = {Irish Human Rights Law Review}, number = {1}, keywords = {Mensenrechten}, }

A brave new media world? Een kritische blik op het nieuwe mediabeleid van de Raad van Europa external link

McGonagle, T. & Beer, K.E.A. de
Mediaforum, num: 5, pp: 146-156, 2010


In 2009 werd in Reykjavik het eerste Europese ministerieel congres met betrekking tot 'media en nieuwe communicatiediensten' gehouden. Tijdens het congres is het beleid van de Raad van Europa inzake media en internet voor de komende jaren uiteengezet. Eerdere Europese ministeriële congressen hebben een directe impact gehad op de normatieve output van de Raad. Deze bijdrage evalueert de toegevoegde waarde van de teksten die aangenomen zijn tijdens het Reykjavik Congres ten opzichte van eerdere Europese ministeriële congressen en de bestaande normatieve standaarden van de Raad van Europa met betrekking tot vrijheid van meningsuiting en mediavrijheden. De analyse en evaluatie van de Reykjavikteksten worden gedaan aan de hand van vijf thema's: privacy, het beschermen van de jeugd, antiterrorismewetgeving, internetregulering en cruciale internethulpbronnen, en public service media en pluriformiteit.



Article{nokey, title = {A brave new media world? Een kritische blik op het nieuwe mediabeleid van de Raad van Europa}, author = {McGonagle, T. and Beer, K.E.A. de}, url = {}, year = {0616}, date = {2010-06-16}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {5}, abstract = {In 2009 werd in Reykjavik het eerste Europese ministerieel congres met betrekking tot \'media en nieuwe communicatiediensten\' gehouden. Tijdens het congres is het beleid van de Raad van Europa inzake media en internet voor de komende jaren uiteengezet. Eerdere Europese ministeriële congressen hebben een directe impact gehad op de normatieve output van de Raad. Deze bijdrage evalueert de toegevoegde waarde van de teksten die aangenomen zijn tijdens het Reykjavik Congres ten opzichte van eerdere Europese ministeriële congressen en de bestaande normatieve standaarden van de Raad van Europa met betrekking tot vrijheid van meningsuiting en mediavrijheden. De analyse en evaluatie van de Reykjavikteksten worden gedaan aan de hand van vijf thema\'s: privacy, het beschermen van de jeugd, antiterrorismewetgeving, internetregulering en cruciale internethulpbronnen, en public service media en pluriformiteit.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Freedom of Expression and the Media: Standard-setting by the Council of Europe, (I) Committee of Ministers – IRIS Themes external link

Nikoltchev, S. & McGonagle, T.
European Audiovisual Observatory, 0224, pp: 398 pp.

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Book{nokey, title = {Freedom of Expression and the Media: Standard-setting by the Council of Europe, (I) Committee of Ministers – IRIS Themes}, author = {Nikoltchev, S. and McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0224}, date = {2011-02-24}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Minority Rights, Freedom of Expression and of the Media: Dynamics and Dilemmas external link

Intersentia , 0224, Series: (Netherlands) School of Human Rights Research Series, pp: 668


This book offers a rigorous, theory-based, and uniquely comprehensive, analysis of European and international legal standards shaping minorities’ right to freedom of expression. The analysis pays particular attention to the instrumental role played by traditional and new forms of media in ensuring that the right to freedom of expression of persons belonging to minorities is effective in practice. The relevant international legal framework is set out in detail, including a careful examination of the relationship between generalist and minority-specific international human rights instruments. Due attention is paid to the historical circumstances in which key instruments were developed and the contemporary context in which they are now being interpreted. The analysis is also informed by an awareness of institutional and political dynamics. All of this forms the basis for the book’s central objective: to mount a critical evaluation of the existing international legal framework governing freedom of expression for minorities, while drawing on theoretical insights gained from human rights scholarship and communications science. The first major focus of the evaluation is the regulation and restriction of expression to protect minority rights, in which issues such as pluralism, tolerance and “hate speech” feature centrally. Its second major focus, the regulation and facilitation of expression to promote minority rights, explores cultural and linguistic rights and media access questions.

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Book{nokey, title = {Minority Rights, Freedom of Expression and of the Media: Dynamics and Dilemmas}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0224}, date = {2012-02-24}, abstract = {This book offers a rigorous, theory-based, and uniquely comprehensive, analysis of European and international legal standards shaping minorities’ right to freedom of expression. The analysis pays particular attention to the instrumental role played by traditional and new forms of media in ensuring that the right to freedom of expression of persons belonging to minorities is effective in practice. The relevant international legal framework is set out in detail, including a careful examination of the relationship between generalist and minority-specific international human rights instruments. Due attention is paid to the historical circumstances in which key instruments were developed and the contemporary context in which they are now being interpreted. The analysis is also informed by an awareness of institutional and political dynamics. All of this forms the basis for the book’s central objective: to mount a critical evaluation of the existing international legal framework governing freedom of expression for minorities, while drawing on theoretical insights gained from human rights scholarship and communications science. The first major focus of the evaluation is the regulation and restriction of expression to protect minority rights, in which issues such as pluralism, tolerance and “hate speech” feature centrally. Its second major focus, the regulation and facilitation of expression to promote minority rights, explores cultural and linguistic rights and media access questions.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

A survey and critical analysis of Council of Europe strategies for countering ‘hate speech’ external link


The contributors to this volume consider whether it is possible to establish carefully tailored hate speech policies that are cognizant of the varying traditions, histories and values of different countries. Throughout, there is a strong comparative emphasis, with examples (and authors) drawn from around the world. All the authors explore whether or when different cultural and historical settings justify different substantive rules given that such cultural relativism can be used to justify content-based restrictions and so endanger freedom of expression. Essays address the following questions, among others: is hate speech in fact so dangerous or harmful to vulnerable minorities or communities as to justify a lower standard of constitutional protection? What harms and benefits accrue from laws that criminalize hate speech in particular contexts? Are there circumstances in which everyone would agree that hate speech should be criminally punished? What lessons can be learned from international case law?

Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Other{nokey, title = {A survey and critical analysis of Council of Europe strategies for countering ‘hate speech’}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0601}, date = {2012-06-01}, abstract = {The contributors to this volume consider whether it is possible to establish carefully tailored hate speech policies that are cognizant of the varying traditions, histories and values of different countries. Throughout, there is a strong comparative emphasis, with examples (and authors) drawn from around the world. All the authors explore whether or when different cultural and historical settings justify different substantive rules given that such cultural relativism can be used to justify content-based restrictions and so endanger freedom of expression. Essays address the following questions, among others: is hate speech in fact so dangerous or harmful to vulnerable minorities or communities as to justify a lower standard of constitutional protection? What harms and benefits accrue from laws that criminalize hate speech in particular contexts? Are there circumstances in which everyone would agree that hate speech should be criminally punished? What lessons can be learned from international case law?}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

The Council of Europe’s standards on access to the media for minorities: A tale of near misses and staggered successes external link



Other{nokey, title = {The Council of Europe’s standards on access to the media for minorities: A tale of near misses and staggered successes}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0914}, date = {2012-09-14}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Mag EU-lidstaat in eigen land optreden tegen omroep die gevestigd is in andere EU-lidstaat, in functie van de beteugeling van aanzet tot haat? external link

Auteurs & Media, num: 1, pp: 90-95, 2012



Other{nokey, title = {Mag EU-lidstaat in eigen land optreden tegen omroep die gevestigd is in andere EU-lidstaat, in functie van de beteugeling van aanzet tot haat?}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {1116}, date = {2012-11-16}, journal = {Auteurs & Media}, number = {1}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }