Special Focus: Minorities and the Media external link

European Yearbook of Minority Issues, vol. 9, pp: 367-440, 2012



Article{nokey, title = {Special Focus: Minorities and the Media}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {http://www.brill.com/european-yearbook-minority-issues-volume-9-2010}, year = {1116}, date = {2012-11-16}, journal = {European Yearbook of Minority Issues}, volume = {9}, pages = {367-440}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

A brave new media world revisited: Een nog kritischer blik op het nieuwe mediabeleid van de Raad van Europa external link

McGonagle, T. & Beer, K.E.A. de
Mediaforum, num: 11-12, pp: 338-345, 2012


In september 2011 heeft het Comité van Ministers van de Raad van Europa de Aanbeveling over ‘a new notion of media’ aangenomen. De Aanbeveling biedt de lidstaten handvatten aan om een snel veranderend medialandschap adequaat te reguleren. In deze bijdrage worden de Aanbeveling en daarin neergelegde handvatten kritisch geanalyseerd. Daarnaast wordt ingegaan op een andere belangrijke ontwikkeling bij de Raad van Europa: het stopzetten van de herziening van het Europese Verdrag inzake Grensoverschrijdende Televisie. Deze bijdrage staat stil bij de gevolgen van deze ontwikkelingen voor de positie van de Raad van Europa als belangrijke initiator van mediaregulering.



Article{nokey, title = {A brave new media world revisited: Een nog kritischer blik op het nieuwe mediabeleid van de Raad van Europa}, author = {McGonagle, T. and Beer, K.E.A. de}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Mediaforum2012.pdf}, year = {1211}, date = {2012-12-11}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {11-12}, abstract = {In september 2011 heeft het Comité van Ministers van de Raad van Europa de Aanbeveling over ‘a new notion of media’ aangenomen. De Aanbeveling biedt de lidstaten handvatten aan om een snel veranderend medialandschap adequaat te reguleren. In deze bijdrage worden de Aanbeveling en daarin neergelegde handvatten kritisch geanalyseerd. Daarnaast wordt ingegaan op een andere belangrijke ontwikkeling bij de Raad van Europa: het stopzetten van de herziening van het Europese Verdrag inzake Grensoverschrijdende Televisie. Deze bijdrage staat stil bij de gevolgen van deze ontwikkelingen voor de positie van de Raad van Europa als belangrijke initiator van mediaregulering.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

De vaststelling van de thuiskopievergoeding external link

van Gompel, S.
AMI, num: 2, pp: 52-62, 2006


In dit artikel wordt beschreven hoe in Nederland de thuiskopievergoedingen worden vastgesteld. Een sleutelrol is daarbij weggelegd voor de SONT, waarbinnen rechthebbenden en betalingsplichtigen onderhandelen over de vast te stellen vergoeding. Gekeken wordt in hoeverre bij de vaststelling rekening gehouden wordt met de voorwaarden uit de Auteurswet en de Auteursrechtrichtlijn. Daarnaast wordt aan de orde gesteld of de zelfregulering tussen de marktpartijen werkt. Geconcludeerd wordt dat beide aspecten te wensen over laten en dat het daarom passelijk zou zijn als de wetgever aanvullend of corrigerend op zou treden.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {De vaststelling van de thuiskopievergoeding}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/AMI_2_2006.pdf}, year = {0418}, date = {2006-04-18}, journal = {AMI}, number = {2}, abstract = {In dit artikel wordt beschreven hoe in Nederland de thuiskopievergoedingen worden vastgesteld. Een sleutelrol is daarbij weggelegd voor de SONT, waarbinnen rechthebbenden en betalingsplichtigen onderhandelen over de vast te stellen vergoeding. Gekeken wordt in hoeverre bij de vaststelling rekening gehouden wordt met de voorwaarden uit de Auteurswet en de Auteursrechtrichtlijn. Daarnaast wordt aan de orde gesteld of de zelfregulering tussen de marktpartijen werkt. Geconcludeerd wordt dat beide aspecten te wensen over laten en dat het daarom passelijk zou zijn als de wetgever aanvullend of corrigerend op zou treden.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

The Recasting of Copyright & Related Rights for the Knowledge Economy external link


Study carried out by the Institute for Information Law for the European Commission (DG Internal Market). Chapters 1 and 2 describe and examine the existing 'acquis communautaire' in the field of copyright and related (neighbouring) rights, with special focus on inconsistencies and unclarities. Chapters 3-6 deal with distinct issues that were identified a priori by the European Commission as meriting special attention: possible extension of the term of protection of phonograms (Chapter 3), possible alignment of the term of protection of co-written musical works (Chapter 4), the problems connected to multiple copyright ownership, including the issue of 'orphan works' (Chapter 5), and copyright awareness among consumers (Chapter 6). Chapter 7 provides an overall assessment of the benefits and drawbacks of the fifteen years of harmonisation of copyright and related rights in the EU and dwells on regulatory alternatives.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Report{nokey, title = {The Recasting of Copyright & Related Rights for the Knowledge Economy}, author = {van Gompel, S. and van Eechoud, M. and Guibault, L. and Helberger, N. and Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/IViR_Recast_Final_Report_2006.pdf}, year = {0110}, date = {2007-01-10}, abstract = {Study carried out by the Institute for Information Law for the European Commission (DG Internal Market). Chapters 1 and 2 describe and examine the existing 'acquis communautaire' in the field of copyright and related (neighbouring) rights, with special focus on inconsistencies and unclarities. Chapters 3-6 deal with distinct issues that were identified a priori by the European Commission as meriting special attention: possible extension of the term of protection of phonograms (Chapter 3), possible alignment of the term of protection of co-written musical works (Chapter 4), the problems connected to multiple copyright ownership, including the issue of 'orphan works' (Chapter 5), and copyright awareness among consumers (Chapter 6). Chapter 7 provides an overall assessment of the benefits and drawbacks of the fifteen years of harmonisation of copyright and related rights in the EU and dwells on regulatory alternatives.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Audiovisual Archives and the Inability to Clear Rights in Orphan Works external link

van Gompel, S.
IRIS plus (Supplement to IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory), num: 4, pp: 1-8, 2007


Dit artikel behandelt het vraagstuk van de zogenaamde 'verweesde werken' (orphan works). Verweesde werken zijn werken waarvan de rechthebbenden niet geïdentificeerd of gelokaliseerd kunnen worden. Het feit dat een rechthebbende onvindbaar is, maakt het onmogelijk om toestemming te verkrijgen en het werk op een legale manier te hergebruiken. Om het potentieel te kunnen ontsluiten van de vele bestaande werken die zijn opgeslagen in audiovisuele archieven is het noodzakelijk dat juridische oplossingen worden gevonden die dit probleem op een adequate manier aanpakken. In dit artikel worden een aantal oplossingen beschreven die mogelijkerwijs geïntroduceerd zouden kunnen worden op Europees of nationaal niveau.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Audiovisual Archives and the Inability to Clear Rights in Orphan Works}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {http://www.obs.coe.int/oea_publ/iris/iris_plus/iplus4_2007.pdf.en}, year = {0420}, date = {2007-04-20}, journal = {IRIS plus (Supplement to IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory)}, number = {4}, abstract = {Dit artikel behandelt het vraagstuk van de zogenaamde 'verweesde werken' (orphan works). Verweesde werken zijn werken waarvan de rechthebbenden niet geïdentificeerd of gelokaliseerd kunnen worden. Het feit dat een rechthebbende onvindbaar is, maakt het onmogelijk om toestemming te verkrijgen en het werk op een legale manier te hergebruiken. Om het potentieel te kunnen ontsluiten van de vele bestaande werken die zijn opgeslagen in audiovisuele archieven is het noodzakelijk dat juridische oplossingen worden gevonden die dit probleem op een adequate manier aanpakken. In dit artikel worden een aantal oplossingen beschreven die mogelijkerwijs geïntroduceerd zouden kunnen worden op Europees of nationaal niveau.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Unlocking the Potential of Pre-Existing Content: How to Address the Issue of Orphan Works in Europe? external link

van Gompel, S.
IIC, num: 6, pp: 669-702, 2008

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Unlocking the Potential of Pre-Existing Content: How to Address the Issue of Orphan Works in Europe?}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/IIC_2007_6_orphan_works.pdf}, year = {0604}, date = {2008-06-04}, journal = {IIC}, number = {6}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Another 45 miles to go? Kritisch commentaar op het richtlijnvoorstel duurverlenging naburige rechten external link

van Gompel, S.
AMI, num: 6, pp: 169-180, 2008


Dit artikel zet kritisch uiteen waarom het richtlijnvoorstel dat door de Europese Commissie is ingediend om de beschermingsduur van naburige rechten op fonogrammen en de daarop vastgelegde uitvoeringen te verlengen van 50 naar 95 jaar, onwenselijk is en de problemen waarmee de fonogrammenindustrie en uitvoerende kunstenaars te maken hebben niet, of nauwelijks, oplost.

Intellectuele eigendom, Naburige rechten


Article{nokey, title = {Another 45 miles to go? Kritisch commentaar op het richtlijnvoorstel duurverlenging naburige rechten}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/AMI_6_2008.pdf}, year = {1210}, date = {2008-12-10}, journal = {AMI}, number = {6}, abstract = {Dit artikel zet kritisch uiteen waarom het richtlijnvoorstel dat door de Europese Commissie is ingediend om de beschermingsduur van naburige rechten op fonogrammen en de daarop vastgelegde uitvoeringen te verlengen van 50 naar 95 jaar, onwenselijk is en de problemen waarmee de fonogrammenindustrie en uitvoerende kunstenaars te maken hebben niet, of nauwelijks, oplost.}, keywords = {Intellectuele eigendom, Naburige rechten}, }

Harmonizing European Copyright Law: The Challenges of Better Lawmaking external link

Kluwer Law International , 1013, Series: Information Law Series, ISBN: 9789041131300


Nobody likes today’s copyright law. Widespread unauthorized use of copyright material proliferates with impunity, while citizens and users protest that intrusive copyright and related rights law stifle cultural expression. Equipment manufacturers and intermediaries complain about yet more ’security’ features that complicate their products and services and encumber marketing, while content owners desperately want enforcement to work. And of course it is crucial that whatever regulatory instruments come into play must not age prematurely in Internet time. The European Union faces the daunting challenge of articulating coherent copyright policies that satisfy these contradictory multiple demands. Yet the legal framework must conform to the European Union’s remit of fostering economic growth in a common market, while respecting the national traditions of its still growing family of Member States. Clearly, an extraordinary balancing act is called for if justice is to be done to all of the private and public interests affected. So how has the European acquis communautaire scored on these issues so far? In this groundbreaking study the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam brings its extensive academic expertise to bear on this question. The authors scrutinize the present law as laid down in the seven copyright and related rights directives, against the background of the relevant international standards of the Berne Convention, the TRIPs agreement, and the WIPO Internet Treaties. They map out in detail the degree to which certain areas of copyright have been harmonized as they expose the gaps and inconsistencies in the acquis and the urgent unresolved issues that persist. They identify the EU’s ambitions in relation to its present and future competences (following the Lisbon Reform) to regulate copyright, and to its Better Regulation agenda. Following a comprehensive analysis of almost two decades of regulatory intervention, they move on to the salient current trends that point toward a more coherent and balanced European copyright law.

Kluwer Information Law Series


Book{nokey, title = {Harmonizing European Copyright Law: The Challenges of Better Lawmaking}, author = {van Gompel, S. and van Eechoud, M. and Guibault, L. and Helberger, N. and Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/710.pdf}, year = {1013}, date = {2009-10-13}, abstract = {Nobody likes today’s copyright law. Widespread unauthorized use of copyright material proliferates with impunity, while citizens and users protest that intrusive copyright and related rights law stifle cultural expression. Equipment manufacturers and intermediaries complain about yet more ’security’ features that complicate their products and services and encumber marketing, while content owners desperately want enforcement to work. And of course it is crucial that whatever regulatory instruments come into play must not age prematurely in Internet time. The European Union faces the daunting challenge of articulating coherent copyright policies that satisfy these contradictory multiple demands. Yet the legal framework must conform to the European Union’s remit of fostering economic growth in a common market, while respecting the national traditions of its still growing family of Member States. Clearly, an extraordinary balancing act is called for if justice is to be done to all of the private and public interests affected. So how has the European acquis communautaire scored on these issues so far? In this groundbreaking study the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam brings its extensive academic expertise to bear on this question. The authors scrutinize the present law as laid down in the seven copyright and related rights directives, against the background of the relevant international standards of the Berne Convention, the TRIPs agreement, and the WIPO Internet Treaties. They map out in detail the degree to which certain areas of copyright have been harmonized as they expose the gaps and inconsistencies in the acquis and the urgent unresolved issues that persist. They identify the EU’s ambitions in relation to its present and future competences (following the Lisbon Reform) to regulate copyright, and to its Better Regulation agenda. Following a comprehensive analysis of almost two decades of regulatory intervention, they move on to the salient current trends that point toward a more coherent and balanced European copyright law.}, keywords = {Kluwer Information Law Series}, }

Les formalités sont mortes, vive les formalités! Copyright formalities and the reasons for their decline in nineteenth century Europe, external link

van Gompel, S.


Modern copyright law is based on the premise that copyright originates from original authorship and exists independently from formalities. This was different in the past, when copyright law was fully occupied with formalities. This paper examines the development of copyright formalities against the background of the upcoming national rights thinking and some conceptual innovations in copyright law in nineteenth century Europe (France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK). Among other things, this paper concludes that, from a historical perspective, formalities are not as incompatible with the natural rights view as is commonly believed. This may cast new light on the possible reintroduction of copyright formalities, which is increasingly called for in the current digital era.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Other{nokey, title = {Les formalités sont mortes, vive les formalités! Copyright formalities and the reasons for their decline in nineteenth century Europe,}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/privilege_and_property.pdf}, year = {0901}, date = {2010-09-01}, abstract = {Modern copyright law is based on the premise that copyright originates from original authorship and exists independently from formalities. This was different in the past, when copyright law was fully occupied with formalities. This paper examines the development of copyright formalities against the background of the upcoming national rights thinking and some conceptual innovations in copyright law in nineteenth century Europe (France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK). Among other things, this paper concludes that, from a historical perspective, formalities are not as incompatible with the natural rights view as is commonly believed. This may cast new light on the possible reintroduction of copyright formalities, which is increasingly called for in the current digital era.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Formalities in the digital era: an obstacle or opportunity?, external link

van Gompel, S.


This paper, which was presented at the 2009 ALAI conference in London, examines the possible reintroduction of copyright formalities against the background of the challenges that copyright law faces in the digital era. It does so by contrasting the current calls for reintroducing formalities with the legal-historical reasons for their abolition. The paper concludes that, while, in the pre-digital era, the objections against copyright formalities were real, in the light of the changes caused by the advent of digital technologies, there is now sufficient reason to reconsider subjecting copyright to formalities.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Other{nokey, title = {Formalities in the digital era: an obstacle or opportunity?,}, author = {van Gompel, S.}, url = {http://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Formalities_in_the_digital_era.pdf}, year = {1020}, date = {2010-10-20}, abstract = {This paper, which was presented at the 2009 ALAI conference in London, examines the possible reintroduction of copyright formalities against the background of the challenges that copyright law faces in the digital era. It does so by contrasting the current calls for reintroducing formalities with the legal-historical reasons for their abolition. The paper concludes that, while, in the pre-digital era, the objections against copyright formalities were real, in the light of the changes caused by the advent of digital technologies, there is now sufficient reason to reconsider subjecting copyright to formalities.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }