Anticipating impacts: using large‑scale scenario‑writing to explore diverse implications of generative AI in the news environment

Kieslich, K., Diakopoulos, N. & Helberger, N.
AI and Ethics, 2024


The tremendous rise of generative AI has reached every part of society—including the news environment. There are many concerns about the individual and societal impact of the increasing use of generative AI, including issues such as disinformation and misinformation, discrimination, and the promotion of social tensions. However, research on anticipating the impact of generative AI is still in its infancy and mostly limited to the views of technology developers and/or researchers. In this paper, we aim to broaden the perspective and capture the expectations of three stakeholder groups (news consumers; technology developers; content creators) about the potential negative impacts of generative AI, as well as mitigation strategies to address these. Methodologically, we apply scenario-writing and use participatory foresight in the context of a survey (n=119) to delve into cognitively diverse imaginations of the future. We qualitatively analyze the scenarios using thematic analysis to systematically map potential impacts of generative AI on the news environment, potential mitigation strategies, and the role of stakeholders in causing and mitigating these impacts. In addition, we measure respondents' opinions on a specifc mitigation strategy, namely transparency obligations as suggested in Article 52 of the draft EU AI Act. We compare the results across diferent stakeholder groups and elaborate on diferent expected impacts across these groups. We conclude by discussing the usefulness of scenario-writing and participatory foresight as a toolbox for generative AI impact assessment.

Generative AI


article{nokey, title = {Anticipating impacts: using large‑scale scenario‑writing to explore diverse implications of generative AI in the news environment}, author = {Kieslich, K. and Diakopoulos, N. and Helberger, N.}, doi = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-05-27}, journal = {AI and Ethics}, abstract = {The tremendous rise of generative AI has reached every part of society—including the news environment. There are many concerns about the individual and societal impact of the increasing use of generative AI, including issues such as disinformation and misinformation, discrimination, and the promotion of social tensions. However, research on anticipating the impact of generative AI is still in its infancy and mostly limited to the views of technology developers and/or researchers. In this paper, we aim to broaden the perspective and capture the expectations of three stakeholder groups (news consumers; technology developers; content creators) about the potential negative impacts of generative AI, as well as mitigation strategies to address these. Methodologically, we apply scenario-writing and use participatory foresight in the context of a survey (n=119) to delve into cognitively diverse imaginations of the future. We qualitatively analyze the scenarios using thematic analysis to systematically map potential impacts of generative AI on the news environment, potential mitigation strategies, and the role of stakeholders in causing and mitigating these impacts. In addition, we measure respondents\' opinions on a specifc mitigation strategy, namely transparency obligations as suggested in Article 52 of the draft EU AI Act. We compare the results across diferent stakeholder groups and elaborate on diferent expected impacts across these groups. We conclude by discussing the usefulness of scenario-writing and participatory foresight as a toolbox for generative AI impact assessment.}, keywords = {Generative AI}, }

Who Does(n’t) Target You? Mapping the Worldwide Usage of Online Political Microtargeting external link

Votta, F., Kruschinski, S., Hove, M., Helberger, N., Dobber, T. & Vreese, C.H. de
Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, vol. 4, 2024


Article{nokey, title = {Who Does(n’t) Target You? Mapping the Worldwide Usage of Online Political Microtargeting}, author = {Votta, F. and Kruschinski, S. and Hove, M. and Helberger, N. and Dobber, T. and Vreese, C.H. de}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-05-01}, journal = {Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media}, volume = {4}, pages = {}, }

EU-regulering van politieke microtargeting in Nederland: onderzoek faciliteren en negeren download

Drunen, M. van & Votta, F.
Mediaforum, iss. : 2, pp: 50-56,


De regulering van politieke microtargeting plaatst wetgevers voor een dilemma. Aan de ene kant zien zij in politieke microtargeting een groot potentieel gevaar voor de democratie dat met wetgeving moet worden ingedamd. Aan de andere kant schuilt deel van het gevaar van politieke microtargeting er juist in dat het niet transparant is, waardoor het onduidelijk blijft hoe en in welke mate politieke microtargeting de democratie precies bedreigt. De Europese wetgever heeft met de Verordening betreffende transparantie en gerichte politieke reclame de eerste poging gewaagd om de schimmige praktijk van politieke microtargeting te reguleren. Dit artikel evalueert de gepastheid van de Verordening in het licht van het bestaande empirische bewijs over de manier waarop politieke microtargeting in Nederland wordt toegepast.


Article{nokey, title = {EU-regulering van politieke microtargeting in Nederland: onderzoek faciliteren en negeren}, author = {Drunen, M. van and Votta, F.}, url = {}, year = {}, date = {DATE ERROR: pub_date = }, journal = {Mediaforum}, issue = {2}, abstract = {De regulering van politieke microtargeting plaatst wetgevers voor een dilemma. Aan de ene kant zien zij in politieke microtargeting een groot potentieel gevaar voor de democratie dat met wetgeving moet worden ingedamd. Aan de andere kant schuilt deel van het gevaar van politieke microtargeting er juist in dat het niet transparant is, waardoor het onduidelijk blijft hoe en in welke mate politieke microtargeting de democratie precies bedreigt. De Europese wetgever heeft met de Verordening betreffende transparantie en gerichte politieke reclame de eerste poging gewaagd om de schimmige praktijk van politieke microtargeting te reguleren. Dit artikel evalueert de gepastheid van de Verordening in het licht van het bestaande empirische bewijs over de manier waarop politieke microtargeting in Nederland wordt toegepast.}, }

Human Rights Outsourcing and Reliance on User Activism in the DSA external link

Verfassungsblog, 2024


Online publication{nokey, title = {Human Rights Outsourcing and Reliance on User Activism in the DSA}, author = {Senftleben, M.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-02-21}, journal = {Verfassungsblog}, }

Merk en fashion upcycling: inbreuk en mogelijke verweren download

Senftleben, M. & Kan, B. van
Berichten Industriële Eigendom, iss. : 2, pp: 85-95, 2024


Gemerkte modeartikelen kunnen hergebruikprojecten in de circulaire economie belemmeren. Met de toekenning van ruime exclusieve rechten stelt het merkenrecht duurzame hergebruikpraktijken, zoals ‘upcycling’, bloot aan allerlei inbreukargumenten. Om bij te kunnen dragen aan de vermindering van modeafval, is het noodzakelijk om de rechtszekerheid voor duurzaam hergebruik te vergroten. Tegen deze achtergrond worden in de volgende analyse verschillende strategieën onderzocht om meer ruimte te bieden voor hergebruik dat niet specifiek gericht is op het misleiden van consumenten of het beschadigen of exploiteren van beschermde merken. Meer specifiek zullen twee strategieën centraal staan. Ten eerste het voorstel om een strengere toets voor ‘gebruik als merk’ te hanteren: een toets die merkinbreuk in het geval van duurzaam hergebruik van mode van meet af aan zou kunnen uitsluiten, op grond van het feit dat consumenten de specifieke hergebruikcontext zullen begrijpen en beschermde merken op circulaire modeproducten slechts als decoratieve elementen zullen beschouwen. Ten tweede het voorstel om upcyclingpraktijken binnen het toepassingsgebied van merkenrechtelijke beperkingen, zoals de vrijstelling van refererend merkgebruik, te brengen. In dat verband dienen wel etiketteringsrichtlijnen te worden ontwikkeld om de voorwaarden voor eerlijk gebruik in nijverheid en handel te verduidelijken.


Article{nokey, title = {Merk en fashion upcycling: inbreuk en mogelijke verweren}, author = {Senftleben, M. and Kan, B. van}, url = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-05-09}, journal = {Berichten Industriële Eigendom}, issue = {2}, abstract = {Gemerkte modeartikelen kunnen hergebruikprojecten in de circulaire economie belemmeren. Met de toekenning van ruime exclusieve rechten stelt het merkenrecht duurzame hergebruikpraktijken, zoals ‘upcycling’, bloot aan allerlei inbreukargumenten. Om bij te kunnen dragen aan de vermindering van modeafval, is het noodzakelijk om de rechtszekerheid voor duurzaam hergebruik te vergroten. Tegen deze achtergrond worden in de volgende analyse verschillende strategieën onderzocht om meer ruimte te bieden voor hergebruik dat niet specifiek gericht is op het misleiden van consumenten of het beschadigen of exploiteren van beschermde merken. Meer specifiek zullen twee strategieën centraal staan. Ten eerste het voorstel om een strengere toets voor ‘gebruik als merk’ te hanteren: een toets die merkinbreuk in het geval van duurzaam hergebruik van mode van meet af aan zou kunnen uitsluiten, op grond van het feit dat consumenten de specifieke hergebruikcontext zullen begrijpen en beschermde merken op circulaire modeproducten slechts als decoratieve elementen zullen beschouwen. Ten tweede het voorstel om upcyclingpraktijken binnen het toepassingsgebied van merkenrechtelijke beperkingen, zoals de vrijstelling van refererend merkgebruik, te brengen. In dat verband dienen wel etiketteringsrichtlijnen te worden ontwikkeld om de voorwaarden voor eerlijk gebruik in nijverheid en handel te verduidelijken.}, }

Improving access to and reuse of research results, publications and data for scientific purposes: Study to evaluate the effects of the EU copyright framework on research and the effects of potential interventions and to identify and present relevant provisions for research in EU data and digital legislation, with a focus on rights and obligations external link

Stančiauskas, V., Kazlauskaitė, D., Dėlkutė-Morgan, R., Ŝiaulytytė, G., Kublashvili, A., Voronecki, T., Senftleben, M., Szkalej, K., Buijs, D., van Eechoud, M., Irion, K., Buri, I., Frigeri, M., Karabuga, E., King, L., Margoni, T., Schirru, L., Stähler, L., Sganga, C., Turan, P., Contardi, M., Signoretta, C. & Edwards, E.


The European Commission has published a study aimed at improving access to and reuse of research results, including publications and data for scientific purposes. The study has identified barriers and challenges to access and reuse of publicly funded research results, evaluated effects of the EU copyright framework on research, and identified relevant provisions for research in EU data and digital legislation. On this basis, it presents options for legislative and non-legislative measures to strengthen the free circulation of knowledge and thereby contribute to reinforce the European Research Area

academic research, Copyright


Report{nokey, title = {Improving access to and reuse of research results, publications and data for scientific purposes: Study to evaluate the effects of the EU copyright framework on research and the effects of potential interventions and to identify and present relevant provisions for research in EU data and digital legislation, with a focus on rights and obligations}, author = {Stančiauskas, V. and Kazlauskaitė, D. and Dėlkutė-Morgan, R. and Ŝiaulytytė, G. and Kublashvili, A. and Voronecki, T. and Senftleben, M. and Szkalej, K. and Buijs, D. and van Eechoud, M. and Irion, K. and Buri, I. and Frigeri, M. and Karabuga, E. and King, L. and Margoni, T. and Schirru, L. and Stähler, L. and Sganga, C. and Turan, P. and Contardi, M. and Signoretta, C. and Edwards, E.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-05-16}, abstract = {The European Commission has published a study aimed at improving access to and reuse of research results, including publications and data for scientific purposes. The study has identified barriers and challenges to access and reuse of publicly funded research results, evaluated effects of the EU copyright framework on research, and identified relevant provisions for research in EU data and digital legislation. On this basis, it presents options for legislative and non-legislative measures to strengthen the free circulation of knowledge and thereby contribute to reinforce the European Research Area}, keywords = {academic research, Copyright}, }

Opinion of the European Copyright Society on certain selected aspects of Case C-227/23, Kwantum Nederland and Kwantum België external link

van Eechoud, M., Quintais, J., Metzger, A. & Rognstad, O.A.
Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2024



Online publication{nokey, title = {Opinion of the European Copyright Society on certain selected aspects of Case C-227/23, Kwantum Nederland and Kwantum België}, author = {van Eechoud, M. and Quintais, J. and Metzger, A. and Rognstad, O.A.}, url = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-05-02}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Copyright}, }

Quantum Computing and the G-77 download



Governments and researchers across the Global South are important stakeholders in quantum computing, a technology that will likely have global opportunities and ramifications. While quantum computing discussions within the Global North often limit their Global South focus to China, India, and Singapore, quantum computing activity is underway in a wide range of countries across the G-77, from Brazil to South Africa. Through desk research and supplementary expert interviews, this report documents quantum computing activity within the G-77; creates a typology of G-77 states engaged with quantum computing; and analyses initial trends and potential impacts of the technology including reliance on commercial cloud computing infrastructure, knowledge transfer, environmental impact, and possible new geopolitical dynamics. It concludes with preliminary recommendations to support more equitable global technology development.


article{nokey, title = {Quantum Computing and the G-77}, author = {AWO}, url = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-04-29}, abstract = {Governments and researchers across the Global South are important stakeholders in quantum computing, a technology that will likely have global opportunities and ramifications. While quantum computing discussions within the Global North often limit their Global South focus to China, India, and Singapore, quantum computing activity is underway in a wide range of countries across the G-77, from Brazil to South Africa. Through desk research and supplementary expert interviews, this report documents quantum computing activity within the G-77; creates a typology of G-77 states engaged with quantum computing; and analyses initial trends and potential impacts of the technology including reliance on commercial cloud computing infrastructure, knowledge transfer, environmental impact, and possible new geopolitical dynamics. It concludes with preliminary recommendations to support more equitable global technology development.}, }

Annotatie Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens 14 februari 2023 (Luxleaks) download

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, iss. : 11, num: 108, pp: 2760-2762, 2024

Freedom of Speech, klokkenluiders


Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens 14 februari 2023 (Luxleaks)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-04-25}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, issue = {11}, number = {108}, keywords = {Freedom of Speech, klokkenluiders}, }

FutureNewsCorp, or how the AI Act changed the future of news

Computer Law & Security Review, vol. 52, num: 105915, 2024


Inspired by scenario writing methods to foster discussion on the societal implications of technology and regulation, the paper develops a ‘legal fiction scenario’ to anticipate the impact of the proposed European AI Act and examine some of the regulatory choices made. The paper tells the story of FutureNewsCorp – the largest news media company in Europe in the year 2043. The story of FutureNewsCorp is used for a critical analysis of the most recent draft of the AI Act and here, in particular, of the role of standardisation bodies and the division of responsibility between providers of AI systems and their professional users. Using the scenario method, the paper demonstrates that regulations like the planned AI Act can result in a shift of the power to decide what responsible use of AI is - from regulators and editors to technology developers and standardisation bodies - and that in doing so it may contribute to changing the structure and workings of an entire sector.

AI Regulation, Journalism


Article{nokey, title = {FutureNewsCorp, or how the AI Act changed the future of news}, author = {Helberger, N.}, doi = {}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-04-23}, journal = {Computer Law & Security Review}, volume = {52}, number = {105915}, pages = {}, abstract = {Inspired by scenario writing methods to foster discussion on the societal implications of technology and regulation, the paper develops a ‘legal fiction scenario’ to anticipate the impact of the proposed European AI Act and examine some of the regulatory choices made. The paper tells the story of FutureNewsCorp – the largest news media company in Europe in the year 2043. The story of FutureNewsCorp is used for a critical analysis of the most recent draft of the AI Act and here, in particular, of the role of standardisation bodies and the division of responsibility between providers of AI systems and their professional users. Using the scenario method, the paper demonstrates that regulations like the planned AI Act can result in a shift of the power to decide what responsible use of AI is - from regulators and editors to technology developers and standardisation bodies - and that in doing so it may contribute to changing the structure and workings of an entire sector.}, keywords = {AI Regulation, Journalism}, }