Defining the scope of AI ADM system risk assessment external link

Janssen, H., Seng Ah Lee, M., Singh, J. & Cobbe, J.
Research handbook on EU data protection law, E. Kosta, R. Leenes & I. Kamara (ed.), Edgar Elgar Publishing, 0616, pp: 405-434

frontpage, Privacy, Recht op gegevensbescherming


Chapter{nokey, title = {Defining the scope of AI ADM system risk assessment}, author = {Janssen, H. and Seng Ah Lee, M. and Singh, J. and Cobbe, J.}, year = {0616}, date = {2022-06-16}, keywords = {frontpage, Privacy, Recht op gegevensbescherming}, }

Data intermediary external link

Janssen, H. & Singh, J.
Internet Policy Review, vol. 11, iss. : 1, 2022


Data intermediaries serve as a mediator between those who wish to make their data available, and those who seek to leverage that data. The intermediary works to govern the data in specific ways, and provides some degree of confidence regarding how the data will be used.

frontpage, online intermediaries, Technologie en recht


Article{nokey, title = {Data intermediary}, author = {Janssen, H. and Singh, J.}, doi = {}, year = {0616}, date = {2022-06-16}, journal = {Internet Policy Review}, volume = {11}, issue = {1}, pages = {}, abstract = {Data intermediaries serve as a mediator between those who wish to make their data available, and those who seek to leverage that data. The intermediary works to govern the data in specific ways, and provides some degree of confidence regarding how the data will be used.}, keywords = {frontpage, online intermediaries, Technologie en recht}, }

Personal Information Management Systems external link

Janssen, H. & Singh, J.
Internet Policy Review, vol. 11, iss. : 2, 2022


Personal Information Management Systems (PIMS) seek to empower users by equipping them with mechanisms for mediating, monitoring and controlling how their data is accessed, used, or shared.

frontpage, personal information management systems, pims, Technologie en recht, zelfregulering


Article{nokey, title = {Personal Information Management Systems}, author = {Janssen, H. and Singh, J.}, doi = { }, year = {0616}, date = {2022-06-16}, journal = {Internet Policy Review}, volume = {11}, issue = {2}, pages = {}, abstract = {Personal Information Management Systems (PIMS) seek to empower users by equipping them with mechanisms for mediating, monitoring and controlling how their data is accessed, used, or shared.}, keywords = {frontpage, personal information management systems, pims, Technologie en recht, zelfregulering}, }

Annotatie bij Rb Noord-Holland 6 oktober 2021 (Kamerlid / LinkedIn Ierland & LinkedIn Nederland) external link

Computerrecht, iss. : 3, num: 97, pp: 228-230, 2022

Art. 10 EVRM, desinformatie, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij Rb Noord-Holland 6 oktober 2021 (Kamerlid / LinkedIn Ierland & LinkedIn Nederland)}, author = {Leerssen, P.}, url = {}, year = {0616}, date = {2022-06-16}, journal = {Computerrecht}, issue = {3}, number = {97}, keywords = {Art. 10 EVRM, desinformatie, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

A Matter of (Joint) control? Virtual assistants and the general data protection regulation external link

Computer Law & Security Review, vol. 45, 2022


This article provides an overview and critical examination of the rules for determining who qualifies as controller or joint controller under the General Data Protection Regulation. Using Google Assistant – an artificial intelligence-driven virtual assistant – as a case study, we argue that these rules are overreaching and difficult to apply in the present-day information society and Internet of Things environments. First, as a consequence of recent developments in case law and supervisory guidance, these rules lead to a complex and ambiguous test to determine (joint) control. Second, due to advances in technological applications and business models, it is increasingly challenging to apply such rules to contemporary processing operations. In particular, as illustrated by the Google Assistant, individuals will likely be qualified as joint controllers, together with Google and also third-party developers, for at least the collection and possible transmission of other individuals’ personal data via the virtual assistant. Third, we identify follow-on issues relating to the apportionment of responsibilities between joint controllers and the effective and complete protection of data subjects. We conclude by questioning whether the framework for determining who qualifies as controller or joint controller is future-proof and normatively desirable.

frontpage, GDPR, Privacy, Recht op gegevensbescherming


Article{nokey, title = {A Matter of (Joint) control? Virtual assistants and the general data protection regulation}, author = {Mil, J. van and Quintais, J.}, doi = {}, year = {0616}, date = {2022-06-16}, journal = {Computer Law & Security Review}, volume = {45}, pages = {}, abstract = {This article provides an overview and critical examination of the rules for determining who qualifies as controller or joint controller under the General Data Protection Regulation. Using Google Assistant – an artificial intelligence-driven virtual assistant – as a case study, we argue that these rules are overreaching and difficult to apply in the present-day information society and Internet of Things environments. First, as a consequence of recent developments in case law and supervisory guidance, these rules lead to a complex and ambiguous test to determine (joint) control. Second, due to advances in technological applications and business models, it is increasingly challenging to apply such rules to contemporary processing operations. In particular, as illustrated by the Google Assistant, individuals will likely be qualified as joint controllers, together with Google and also third-party developers, for at least the collection and possible transmission of other individuals’ personal data via the virtual assistant. Third, we identify follow-on issues relating to the apportionment of responsibilities between joint controllers and the effective and complete protection of data subjects. We conclude by questioning whether the framework for determining who qualifies as controller or joint controller is future-proof and normatively desirable.}, keywords = {frontpage, GDPR, Privacy, Recht op gegevensbescherming}, }

Inbreng Rondetafelgesprek over de Wet kansspelen op afstand external link


frontpage, kansspelen


Report{nokey, title = {Inbreng Rondetafelgesprek over de Wet kansspelen op afstand}, author = {Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0609}, date = {2022-06-09}, keywords = {frontpage, kansspelen}, }

Algorithmic propagation: do property rights in data increase bias in content moderation? – Part II external link

Margoni, T., Quintais, J. & Schwemer, S.
Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2022

Art. 17 CDSM Directive, Artificial intelligence, Auteursrecht, frontpage


Article{nokey, title = {Algorithmic propagation: do property rights in data increase bias in content moderation? – Part II}, author = {Margoni, T. and Quintais, J. and Schwemer, S.}, url = {}, year = {0609}, date = {2022-06-09}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {Art. 17 CDSM Directive, Artificial intelligence, Auteursrecht, frontpage}, }

Algorithmic propagation: do property rights in data increase bias in content moderation? Part I external link

Margoni, T., Quintais, J. & Schwemer, S.
Kluwer Copyright Blog, 2022

algoritmes, Art. 17 CDSM Directive, Artificial intelligence, Auteursrecht, Europees recht, frontpage


Article{nokey, title = {Algorithmic propagation: do property rights in data increase bias in content moderation? Part I}, author = {Margoni, T. and Quintais, J. and Schwemer, S.}, url = {}, year = {0608}, date = {2022-06-08}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, keywords = {algoritmes, Art. 17 CDSM Directive, Artificial intelligence, Auteursrecht, Europees recht, frontpage}, }

Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 12 december 2021 (SENA/Organisatoren Dance Events) external link

Auteursrecht, iss. : 2, num: 4, pp: 107-109, 2022


De zaak draait om de hoogte van de billijke vergoeding voor openbaarmaking van commerciële fonogrammen tijdens dance-evenementen. De Hoge Raad bekrachtigt het arrest van het gerechtshof Den Haag, dat tot uitgangspunt had genomen dat tussen de ‘ticketprijs’ en de ‘prijs per bezoeker’ geen recht evenredig verband bestaat.

Annotaties, Auteursrecht, billijke vergoeding, frontpage, muziek, openbaarmaking


Article{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 12 december 2021 (SENA/Organisatoren Dance Events)}, author = {Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0607}, date = {2022-06-07}, journal = {Auteursrecht}, issue = {2}, number = {4}, abstract = {De zaak draait om de hoogte van de billijke vergoeding voor openbaarmaking van commerciële fonogrammen tijdens dance-evenementen. De Hoge Raad bekrachtigt het arrest van het gerechtshof Den Haag, dat tot uitgangspunt had genomen dat tussen de ‘ticketprijs’ en de ‘prijs per bezoeker’ geen recht evenredig verband bestaat.}, keywords = {Annotaties, Auteursrecht, billijke vergoeding, frontpage, muziek, openbaarmaking}, }

De playlists van Spotify: Hoe ver reikt het nabuurrechtelijke vergoedingsrecht met betrekking tot audiostreamingdiensten? external link

Auteursrecht, iss. : 2, pp: 75-84, 2022


Op grond van art. 7 lid 1 WNR vallen onder het vergoedingsrecht voor ‘secundair gebruik’ alle mogelijke vormen van openbaarmaking van commercieel uitgebrachte fonogrammen, doch niet het online beschikbaar stellen. Algemeen wordt aangenomen dat het vergoedingsrecht niet geldt voor het streamen via Spotify en dergelijke diensten. Maar geldt dat ook voor de door Spotify aangeboden playlists en vergelijkbare omroepachtige diensten? In dit artikel wordt een poging gedaan criteria te formuleren aan de hand waarvan het ‘beschikbaar stellen’ van andere vormen van openbaarmaking kan worden onderscheiden.

Auteursrecht, frontpage, muziek, Naburige rechten, streamingdiensten


Article{nokey, title = {De playlists van Spotify: Hoe ver reikt het nabuurrechtelijke vergoedingsrecht met betrekking tot audiostreamingdiensten?}, author = {Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0607}, date = {2022-06-07}, journal = {Auteursrecht}, issue = {2}, abstract = {Op grond van art. 7 lid 1 WNR vallen onder het vergoedingsrecht voor ‘secundair gebruik’ alle mogelijke vormen van openbaarmaking van commercieel uitgebrachte fonogrammen, doch niet het online beschikbaar stellen. Algemeen wordt aangenomen dat het vergoedingsrecht niet geldt voor het streamen via Spotify en dergelijke diensten. Maar geldt dat ook voor de door Spotify aangeboden playlists en vergelijkbare omroepachtige diensten? In dit artikel wordt een poging gedaan criteria te formuleren aan de hand waarvan het ‘beschikbaar stellen’ van andere vormen van openbaarmaking kan worden onderscheiden.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, frontpage, muziek, Naburige rechten, streamingdiensten}, }