Annotatie bij Hof Amsterdam 5 juli 2011 (Maas / Armada) external link

AMI, num: 5, pp: 217-223., 2012


Het format van de Flodder-films is niet het afgeleide van de films maar het ligt integendeel daaraan ten grondslag. Dit format is een zelfstandig auteursrechtelijk beschermd werk. Scenarioschrijver is rechthebbende op het format van de filmserie. Uitleg van de verschillende overeenkomsten leidt niet tot de conclusie dat pp. beoogd hebben een volledige overdracht van de auteursrechten op het format te bewerkstelligen. Overdracht van de rechten op de films en de tv serie omvatten derhalve niet mede de rechten op het format.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Case note{nokey, title = {Annotatie bij Hof Amsterdam 5 juli 2011 (Maas / Armada)}, author = {Kabel, J.}, url = {}, year = {1101}, date = {2012-11-01}, journal = {AMI}, number = {5}, abstract = {Het format van de Flodder-films is niet het afgeleide van de films maar het ligt integendeel daaraan ten grondslag. Dit format is een zelfstandig auteursrechtelijk beschermd werk. Scenarioschrijver is rechthebbende op het format van de filmserie. Uitleg van de verschillende overeenkomsten leidt niet tot de conclusie dat pp. beoogd hebben een volledige overdracht van de auteursrechten op het format te bewerkstelligen. Overdracht van de rechten op de films en de tv serie omvatten derhalve niet mede de rechten op het format.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

De betekenis van het arrest Luksan / Van der Let voor het Nederlandse auteursrecht: Commentaar bij Hof van Justitie EU 9 februari 2012, C-277/10 external link

AMI, num: 5, pp: 195-201., 2012


De uitspraak van het Hof geeft aan dat de hoofdregisseur als originaire maker van een filmwerk moet worden aangewezen, dat wettelijke overdracht van zijn exploitatierechten alleen mogelijk is bij wijze van een weerlegbaar vermoeden van overdracht en dat de hoofdregisseur geen afstand kan doen, via die overdracht, van de vergoeding die hij of zij behoort te krijgen voor thuiskopieën van zijn werk. Het Hof harmoniseert dus als het ware het belangrijkste gedeelte van het filmrecht. In dit commentaar ga ik in op de achterliggende redenering van het Hof en probeer ik te onderzoeken wat op basis van die redenering de verdere consequenties kunnen zijn van deze uitspraak voor het Nederlandse bestaande en komende auteurs (contracten)recht, met name voor het fictieve makerschap van de artikelen 7 en 8 Aw en voor de vergoedingsrechten buiten die voor de thuiskopie.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Other{nokey, title = {De betekenis van het arrest Luksan / Van der Let voor het Nederlandse auteursrecht: Commentaar bij Hof van Justitie EU 9 februari 2012, C-277/10}, author = {Kabel, J.}, url = {}, year = {1101}, date = {2012-11-01}, journal = {AMI}, number = {5}, abstract = {De uitspraak van het Hof geeft aan dat de hoofdregisseur als originaire maker van een filmwerk moet worden aangewezen, dat wettelijke overdracht van zijn exploitatierechten alleen mogelijk is bij wijze van een weerlegbaar vermoeden van overdracht en dat de hoofdregisseur geen afstand kan doen, via die overdracht, van de vergoeding die hij of zij behoort te krijgen voor thuiskopieën van zijn werk. Het Hof harmoniseert dus als het ware het belangrijkste gedeelte van het filmrecht. In dit commentaar ga ik in op de achterliggende redenering van het Hof en probeer ik te onderzoeken wat op basis van die redenering de verdere consequenties kunnen zijn van deze uitspraak voor het Nederlandse bestaande en komende auteurs (contracten)recht, met name voor het fictieve makerschap van de artikelen 7 en 8 Aw en voor de vergoedingsrechten buiten die voor de thuiskopie.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

E-learning, corsi on-line e diritto d’autore external link

Diritto dell'Internet, num: 6, pp: 22, 2012

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {E-learning, corsi on-line e diritto d’autore}, author = {Margoni, T.}, url = {}, year = {0329}, date = {2012-03-29}, journal = {Diritto dell'Internet}, number = {6}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Remunerating creativity, freeing knowledge: File sharing and extended collective licenses external link

Ciurcina, M., Martin, J.C. de, Morando, F., Ricolfi, M. & Margoni, T.
pp: 9, 2012

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Presentation{nokey, title = {Remunerating creativity, freeing knowledge: File sharing and extended collective licenses}, author = {Ciurcina, M. and Martin, J.C. de and Morando, F. and Ricolfi, M. and Margoni, T.}, url = {}, year = {0330}, date = {2012-03-30}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Il Three-Step Test nel diritto d’autore: tra necessità di bilanciamento e mancanza di ragionevolezza external link

Diritto dell'informazione e dell'informatica, num: 1, pp: 14, 2012

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Il Three-Step Test nel diritto d’autore: tra necessità di bilanciamento e mancanza di ragionevolezza}, author = {Margoni, T.}, url = {}, year = {0331}, date = {2012-03-31}, journal = {Diritto dell'informazione e dell'informatica}, number = {1}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Interpreting ‘Network Discrimination’ in the CRTC and FCC external link

Digital Society, pp: 6, 2012


The issue of what discriminatory use of a network means has arisen in two recent decisions of the United States and Canadian federal communications commissions, the FCC and the CRTC respectively. The topic is a contemporary and hotly debated one, as when a course is fixed it will strongly influence the future of the Internet. It can be stated as the dichotomy of open and competitive or closed and oligopolistic. A study and comparison of the two different approaches is vital to clarify the debate, and hopefully guide Canadian policy in a direction that will benefit the whole community.



Article{nokey, title = {Interpreting ‘Network Discrimination’ in the CRTC and FCC}, author = {Margoni, T.}, url = {}, year = {0401}, date = {2012-04-01}, journal = {Digital Society}, abstract = {The issue of what discriminatory use of a network means has arisen in two recent decisions of the United States and Canadian federal communications commissions, the FCC and the CRTC respectively. The topic is a contemporary and hotly debated one, as when a course is fixed it will strongly influence the future of the Internet. It can be stated as the dichotomy of open and competitive or closed and oligopolistic. A study and comparison of the two different approaches is vital to clarify the debate, and hopefully guide Canadian policy in a direction that will benefit the whole community.}, keywords = {Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Free-Libre Open Source Software as a Public Policy Choice external link

International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology, num: 4, pp: 212-222, 2012


Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) is characterised by a specific programming and development paradigm. The availability and freedom of use of source code are at the core of this paradigm, and are the prerequisites for FLOSS features. Unfortunately, the fundamental role of code is often ignored among those who decide the software purchases for Canadian public agencies. Source code availability and the connected freedoms are often seen as unrelated and accidental aspects, and the only real advantage acknowledged, which is the absence of royalty fees, becomes paramount. In this paper we discuss some relevant legal issues and explain why public administrations should choose FLOSS for their technological infrastructure. We also present the results of a survey regarding the penetration and awareness of FLOSS usage into the Government of Canada. The data demonstrates that the Government of Canada shows no enforced policy regarding the implementation of a specific technological framework (which has legal, economic, business, and ethical repercussions) in their departments and agencies.

Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {Free-Libre Open Source Software as a Public Policy Choice}, author = {Margoni, T.}, url = {}, year = {0402}, date = {2012-04-02}, journal = {International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology}, number = {4}, abstract = {Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) is characterised by a specific programming and development paradigm. The availability and freedom of use of source code are at the core of this paradigm, and are the prerequisites for FLOSS features. Unfortunately, the fundamental role of code is often ignored among those who decide the software purchases for Canadian public agencies. Source code availability and the connected freedoms are often seen as unrelated and accidental aspects, and the only real advantage acknowledged, which is the absence of royalty fees, becomes paramount. In this paper we discuss some relevant legal issues and explain why public administrations should choose FLOSS for their technological infrastructure. We also present the results of a survey regarding the penetration and awareness of FLOSS usage into the Government of Canada. The data demonstrates that the Government of Canada shows no enforced policy regarding the implementation of a specific technological framework (which has legal, economic, business, and ethical repercussions) in their departments and agencies.}, keywords = {Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Legal consequences of packet inspection external link

pp: 18-21, 2012


Sophisticated network management is now very common. However, the legal consequences in terms of the liabilities, whether civil or criminal, of the Service Provider in connection with the type of management used have been poorly explored. In this work in progress, we identify the research questions, the methodology and work hypotheses of our future research.



Other{nokey, title = {Legal consequences of packet inspection}, author = {Margoni, T.}, url = {}, year = {0404}, date = {2012-04-04}, abstract = {Sophisticated network management is now very common. However, the legal consequences in terms of the liabilities, whether civil or criminal, of the Service Provider in connection with the type of management used have been poorly explored. In this work in progress, we identify the research questions, the methodology and work hypotheses of our future research.}, keywords = {Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Clarifying privacy in the Clouds external link

pp: 12-17., 2012


Concomitant with the increased market appeal of cloud-based services, there is growing concern over issues of privacy within the architecture. In this paper, we analyze what is meant by the term privacy from a legal perspective, and how the meaning of cloud computing and their operation may be affected in at least one jurisdiction. We also look at some possible solutions to addressing privacy in clouds.

Grondrechten, Privacy


Other{nokey, title = {Clarifying privacy in the Clouds}, author = {Margoni, T.}, url = {}, year = {0405}, date = {2012-04-05}, abstract = {Concomitant with the increased market appeal of cloud-based services, there is growing concern over issues of privacy within the architecture. In this paper, we analyze what is meant by the term privacy from a legal perspective, and how the meaning of cloud computing and their operation may be affected in at least one jurisdiction. We also look at some possible solutions to addressing privacy in clouds.}, keywords = {Grondrechten, Privacy}, }

From music tracks to Google maps: Who owns computer-generated works? external link

Computer Law & Security Review, num: 6, pp: 621-629, 2012


Increasingly the digital content used in everyday life has little or no human intervention in its creation. Typically, when such content is delivered to consumers it comes with attached claims of copyright. However, depending on the jurisdiction, approaches to ownership of computer-generated works vary from legislated to uncertain. In this paper we look at the various approaches taken by the common law, such as in Canada, and the legislative approach taken in the United Kingdom. The options for how computer-generated works may be treated and suggestions for their best placement in copyright are discussed.

Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom


Article{nokey, title = {From music tracks to Google maps: Who owns computer-generated works?}, author = {Margoni, T.}, url = {}, year = {0403}, date = {2012-04-03}, journal = {Computer Law & Security Review}, number = {6}, abstract = {Increasingly the digital content used in everyday life has little or no human intervention in its creation. Typically, when such content is delivered to consumers it comes with attached claims of copyright. However, depending on the jurisdiction, approaches to ownership of computer-generated works vary from legislated to uncertain. In this paper we look at the various approaches taken by the common law, such as in Canada, and the legislative approach taken in the United Kingdom. The options for how computer-generated works may be treated and suggestions for their best placement in copyright are discussed.}, keywords = {Auteursrecht, Intellectuele eigendom}, }