Monaco – Developments in the Audiovisual Sector external link

Legal Guide to the Audiovisual Media in Europe, pp: 192-193, 2000


De bijdrage aan de 'Legal Guide to the Audiovisual Media in Europe' van het European Audiovisual Observatory, geeft een introductie van de recente wetgeving over de audiovisuele sector van Monaco. In het artikel worden de bestaande wetgeving en recente ontwikkelingen in deze sector behandeld en worden relevante literatuur en adressen gegeven.



Other{nokey, title = {Monaco – Developments in the Audiovisual Sector}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0224}, date = {2000-02-24}, journal = {Legal Guide to the Audiovisual Media in Europe}, abstract = {De bijdrage aan de 'Legal Guide to the Audiovisual Media in Europe' van het European Audiovisual Observatory, geeft een introductie van de recente wetgeving over de audiovisuele sector van Monaco. In het artikel worden de bestaande wetgeving en recente ontwikkelingen in deze sector behandeld en worden relevante literatuur en adressen gegeven.}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Hacking BskyB: The legal protection of conditional access services under European law external link

Entertainment Law Review, num: 5, pp: 88, 2000


De bescherming van op voorwaardelijke toegang gebaseerde diensten (zoals betaaltelevisie) in Europa is niet zo volledig als de dienstenaanbieders wellicht hopen. Dit artikel onderzoekt in hoeverre de recent aangenomen Richtlijn Voorwaardelijke Toegang hierin verandering brengt.



Article{nokey, title = {Hacking BskyB: The legal protection of conditional access services under European law}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0224}, date = {2000-02-24}, journal = {Entertainment Law Review}, number = {5}, abstract = {De bescherming van op voorwaardelijke toegang gebaseerde diensten (zoals betaaltelevisie) in Europa is niet zo volledig als de dienstenaanbieders wellicht hopen. Dit artikel onderzoekt in hoeverre de recent aangenomen Richtlijn Voorwaardelijke Toegang hierin verandering brengt.}, keywords = {Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Report for the Council of Europe on the Neighbouring Rights Protection of Broadcasting Organisations: Current Problems and Possible Lines of Action external link


This report analyses to what extent the Rome Convention (1961) and relevant instruments of the Council of Europe in the intellectual property field provide for sufficient protection of broadcasters in Europe. Background to the report is the changing technological environment over the last 40 years, particularly as regards convergence of the telecommunications, media and information technologies, piracy and the development of new services such as digital broadcasting services. The situation will be compared to current legal developments at EC and WIPO level. The aim of the report was to examine eventual gaps in protection where existing regulations are applied in modern times and to investigate in further activities which could be undertaken within the framework of the Council of Europe to ensure the satisfactory protection of the rights of broadcasting organisations. The study was commissioned by the Council of Europe. Views expressed in the report are not those of the Organisation.

Intellectuele eigendom, Naburige rechten


Report{nokey, title = {Report for the Council of Europe on the Neighbouring Rights Protection of Broadcasting Organisations: Current Problems and Possible Lines of Action}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {1129}, date = {2000-11-29}, abstract = {This report analyses to what extent the Rome Convention (1961) and relevant instruments of the Council of Europe in the intellectual property field provide for sufficient protection of broadcasters in Europe. Background to the report is the changing technological environment over the last 40 years, particularly as regards convergence of the telecommunications, media and information technologies, piracy and the development of new services such as digital broadcasting services. The situation will be compared to current legal developments at EC and WIPO level. The aim of the report was to examine eventual gaps in protection where existing regulations are applied in modern times and to investigate in further activities which could be undertaken within the framework of the Council of Europe to ensure the satisfactory protection of the rights of broadcasting organisations. The study was commissioned by the Council of Europe. Views expressed in the report are not those of the Organisation.}, keywords = {Intellectuele eigendom, Naburige rechten}, }

Diskriminierungsfreier Zugang zu digitalen Zugangskontrolldiensten external link

Scheuer, A., Strothmann, P. & Helberger, N.
IRIS Plus, vol. 2001, num: 2, 2001

Technologie en recht


Article{nokey, title = {Diskriminierungsfreier Zugang zu digitalen Zugangskontrolldiensten}, author = {Scheuer, A. and Strothmann, P. and Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0501}, date = {2001-05-01}, journal = {IRIS Plus}, volume = {2001}, number = {2}, pages = {}, keywords = {Technologie en recht}, }

Study on the use of conditional access systems for reasons other than the protection of remuneration, to examine the legal and the economic implications within the Internal Market and the need of introducing specific legal protection external link


The study offers an analysis of the use of conditional access systems for other reasons than the protection of remuneration interests. The report also examines the need to provide for additional legal protection by means of a Community initiative, such as a possible extension of the Conditional Access Directive. The report will give a legal and economic analysis of the most important non-remuneration reasons to use conditional access (CA), examine whether services based on conditional access for these reasons are endangered by piracy activities, to what extent existing legislation in the Member States provides for sufficient protection, and what the possible impact of the use of conditional access is on the Internal Market. Furthermore, the study analysis the specific legislation outside the European Union, notably in Australia, Canada, Japan and the US, as well as the relevant international rules at the level of the EC, WIPO and the Council of Europe.

Intellectuele eigendom


Report{nokey, title = {Study on the use of conditional access systems for reasons other than the protection of remuneration, to examine the legal and the economic implications within the Internal Market and the need of introducing specific legal protection}, author = {Helberger, N. and van Eijk, N. and Hugenholtz, P.}, url = {}, year = {0806}, date = {2001-08-06}, abstract = {The study offers an analysis of the use of conditional access systems for other reasons than the protection of remuneration interests. The report also examines the need to provide for additional legal protection by means of a Community initiative, such as a possible extension of the Conditional Access Directive. The report will give a legal and economic analysis of the most important non-remuneration reasons to use conditional access (CA), examine whether services based on conditional access for these reasons are endangered by piracy activities, to what extent existing legislation in the Member States provides for sufficient protection, and what the possible impact of the use of conditional access is on the Internal Market. Furthermore, the study analysis the specific legislation outside the European Union, notably in Australia, Canada, Japan and the US, as well as the relevant international rules at the level of the EC, WIPO and the Council of Europe.}, keywords = {Intellectuele eigendom}, }

Brood en spelen – De implementatie van de evenementenlijst van artikel 3a van de Televisierichtlijn external link

Mediaforum, num: 3, pp: 78-84, 2002



Article{nokey, title = {Brood en spelen – De implementatie van de evenementenlijst van artikel 3a van de Televisierichtlijn}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0410}, date = {2002-04-10}, journal = {Mediaforum}, number = {3}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Access to technical bottleneck facilities: the new European approach external link

Communications & Strategies, num: 2, pp: 33, 2002



Article{nokey, title = {Access to technical bottleneck facilities: the new European approach}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0919}, date = {2002-09-19}, journal = {Communications & Strategies}, number = {2}, keywords = {Mediarecht}, }

Thou shalt not mislead thy customer! The pitfalls of labelling and transparency external link

INDICARE Monitor, vol. 1, num: 9, 2005



Article{nokey, title = {Thou shalt not mislead thy customer! The pitfalls of labelling and transparency}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0303}, date = {2005-03-03}, journal = {INDICARE Monitor}, volume = {1}, number = {9}, pages = {}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht}, }

Digital Rights Management and Consumer Acceptability: A Multi-Disciplinary Discussion of Consumer Concerns and Expectations external link

Dufft, N., Groenenboom, M., Kerényi, K., Orwat, C., Riehm, U. & Helberger, N.



Report{nokey, title = {Digital Rights Management and Consumer Acceptability: A Multi-Disciplinary Discussion of Consumer Concerns and Expectations}, author = {Dufft, N. and Groenenboom, M. and Kerényi, K. and Orwat, C. and Riehm, U. and Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0621}, date = {2005-06-21}, keywords = {Consumentenrecht}, }

Controlling Access to Content: Regulating Conditional Access in Digital Broadcasting external link

Kluwer Law International, 0630, Series: Information Law Series, ISBN: 9041123458


Control of access to content has become a vital aspect of many business models for modern broadcasting and online services. Using the example of digital broadcasting, the author reveals the resulting challenges for competition and public information policy and how they are addressed in European law governing competition, broadcasting, and telecommunications. Controlling Access to Content explores the relationship between electronic access control, freedom of expression and functioning competition. It scrutinizes the interplay between law and technique, and the ways in which broadcasting, telecommunications, and general competition law are inevitably interconnected.

Kluwer Information Law Series


Book{nokey, title = {Controlling Access to Content: Regulating Conditional Access in Digital Broadcasting}, author = {Helberger, N.}, url = {}, year = {0630}, date = {2005-06-30}, volume = {2005}, pages = {}, abstract = {Control of access to content has become a vital aspect of many business models for modern broadcasting and online services. Using the example of digital broadcasting, the author reveals the resulting challenges for competition and public information policy and how they are addressed in European law governing competition, broadcasting, and telecommunications. Controlling Access to Content explores the relationship between electronic access control, freedom of expression and functioning competition. It scrutinizes the interplay between law and technique, and the ways in which broadcasting, telecommunications, and general competition law are inevitably interconnected.}, keywords = {Kluwer Information Law Series}, }