Annotatie bij Hof Amsterdam 27 november 2018 (Nomenta / Nikki) external link

AMI, vol. 2019, num: 2, pp: 72, 2019

Annotaties, Auteursrecht, frontpage, inbreuk, namaak


Article{Kabel2019, title = {Annotatie bij Hof Amsterdam 27 november 2018 (Nomenta / Nikki)}, author = {Kabel, J.}, url = {}, year = {0524}, date = {2019-05-24}, journal = {AMI}, volume = {2019}, number = {2}, pages = {72}, keywords = {Annotaties, Auteursrecht, frontpage, inbreuk, namaak}, }

Overwegingen en advies vaccinatieproblematiek vanuit een antropologisch perspectief external link

0524, pp: 39-42

advies, antropologie, Informatierecht, vaccinatiebeleid


Chapter{Harambam2019, title = {Overwegingen en advies vaccinatieproblematiek vanuit een antropologisch perspectief}, author = {Harambam, J.}, url = {}, year = {0524}, date = {2019-05-24}, volume = {2019}, pages = {39-42}, keywords = {advies, antropologie, Informatierecht, vaccinatiebeleid}, }

Can Machines be Authors? external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, vol. 2019, 2019

Artificial intelligence, Copyright, frontpage


Article{Gervais2019b, title = {Can Machines be Authors?}, author = {Gervais, D.J.}, url = {}, year = {0523}, date = {2019-05-23}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, volume = {2019}, pages = {}, keywords = {Artificial intelligence, Copyright, frontpage}, }

Óók soft- en hardware die niet uit China komen zijn notoir onveilig. Hacken is het probleem, niet Huawei external link

China, encryptie, frontpage, Software, spionage


Article{vanDaalen2019, title = {Óók soft- en hardware die niet uit China komen zijn notoir onveilig. Hacken is het probleem, niet Huawei}, author = {van Daalen, O.}, url = {}, year = {0520}, date = {2019-05-20}, keywords = {China, encryptie, frontpage, Software, spionage}, }

Filterbubbels in Nederland external link

Möller, J., Helberger, N. & Makhortykh, M.


The introduction of algorithmic filtering and artificial intel­ligence in news dissemination has fundamentally changed the way news is consumed and distributed. While there is a clear benefit to the user, by making relevant stories accessi­ble and therefore providing a way forward to manage the information overload, many have expressed concerns that it also leads to atomized societies where citizens are locked in filter bubbles. In this report we set out to answer the ques­tion: Do filter bubbles exist in the Netherlands?

filter bubbles, frontpage, Mediarecht, nederland, nieuws


Report{Möller2019, title = {Filterbubbels in Nederland}, author = {Möller, J. and Helberger, N. and Makhortykh, M.}, url = {}, year = {0520}, date = {2019-05-20}, abstract = {The introduction of algorithmic filtering and artificial intel­ligence in news dissemination has fundamentally changed the way news is consumed and distributed. While there is a clear benefit to the user, by making relevant stories accessi­ble and therefore providing a way forward to manage the information overload, many have expressed concerns that it also leads to atomized societies where citizens are locked in filter bubbles. In this report we set out to answer the ques­tion: Do filter bubbles exist in the Netherlands?}, keywords = {filter bubbles, frontpage, Mediarecht, nederland, nieuws}, }

Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 14 februari 2019 (Buivids) external link

European Human Rights Cases, vol. 2019, num: 5, pp: 253-255, 2019

Annotaties, bescherming persoonsgegevens, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{McGonagle2019f, title = {Annotatie bij Hof van Justitie EU 14 februari 2019 (Buivids)}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0510}, date = {2019-05-10}, journal = {European Human Rights Cases}, volume = {2019}, number = {5}, pages = {253-255}, keywords = {Annotaties, bescherming persoonsgegevens, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Annotatie bij EHRM 10 januari 2019 (Khadija Ismayilova / Azerbeidzjan) external link

European Human Rights Cases, vol. 2019, num: 5, pp: 257-260, 2019

Annotaties, chilling effect, EHRM, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{McGonagle2019e, title = {Annotatie bij EHRM 10 januari 2019 (Khadija Ismayilova / Azerbeidzjan)}, author = {McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0510}, date = {2019-05-10}, journal = {European Human Rights Cases}, volume = {2019}, number = {5}, pages = {257-260}, keywords = {Annotaties, chilling effect, EHRM, frontpage, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Persvrijheidsmonitor 2018 external link

Volgenant, O. & McGonagle, T.

Mediarecht, monitor, nederland, persvrijheid


Article{Volgenant2019, title = {Persvrijheidsmonitor 2018}, author = {Volgenant, O. and McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0510}, date = {2019-05-10}, keywords = {Mediarecht, monitor, nederland, persvrijheid}, }

Advocate General Turns down the Music – Sampling Is Not a Fundamental Right under EU Copyright Law external link

Jütte, B. & Quintais, J.
European Intellectual Property Review , vol. 41, num: 10, pp: 654-657, 2019


In his Opinion in Pelham (C-467/17) Advocate General Szpunar suggests that the use of samples from sound recordings is not permitted under the European copyright rules. While applying an extensive interpretation of the scope of the rights of phonogram producers, he rejects an extensive interpretation of the quotation exception and limits the role of fundamental rights as external checks to copyright law. Despite its merits, there are key aspects of the Opinion that raise concerns: a too broad interpretation of the reproduction right; and an unduly strict view of copyright exceptions – especially quotation – and the role of fundamental rights in shaping the scope of copyright protection. On those points, we suggest that the Court does not follow the Opinion.

Copyright, EU law, Freedom of expression, frontpage, Fundamental rights, limitations and exceptions, music sampling


Article{Jütte2019, title = {Advocate General Turns down the Music – Sampling Is Not a Fundamental Right under EU Copyright Law}, author = {Jütte, B. and Quintais, J.}, url = {}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-05-09}, journal = {European Intellectual Property Review }, volume = {41}, number = {10}, pages = {654-657}, abstract = {In his Opinion in Pelham (C-467/17) Advocate General Szpunar suggests that the use of samples from sound recordings is not permitted under the European copyright rules. While applying an extensive interpretation of the scope of the rights of phonogram producers, he rejects an extensive interpretation of the quotation exception and limits the role of fundamental rights as external checks to copyright law. Despite its merits, there are key aspects of the Opinion that raise concerns: a too broad interpretation of the reproduction right; and an unduly strict view of copyright exceptions – especially quotation – and the role of fundamental rights in shaping the scope of copyright protection. On those points, we suggest that the Court does not follow the Opinion.}, keywords = {Copyright, EU law, Freedom of expression, frontpage, Fundamental rights, limitations and exceptions, music sampling}, }