Dream of Californication: welcome to the Californian Consumer Privacy Act external link

Williams, J. & Irion, K.
Internet Policy Review, vol. 2018, 2018


The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), slated to enter into force on 1 January 2020, borrows some cutting edge ideas from the EU and others’ privacy regimes while also experimenting with new approaches to data privacy. Importantly, the CCPA envisages an online advertisement market in which business are prevented from “getting high on information,” 1 breaches are promptly notified, and consumers are autonomous participants with the ability to sell their data at will. Where the CCPA breaks new ground is in protecting consumers from retaliation for opting out of the sale of their data. Thus, if it lives up to its potential, the CCPA could catalyse a permanent restructuring of the online data mining business. Our contribution will shed light on the new CCPA and offer some observations in comparing it with EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

California, Consumer Privacy, frontpage, General Data Protection Regulation, Internet


Article{Williams2018, title = {Dream of Californication: welcome to the Californian Consumer Privacy Act}, author = {Williams, J. and Irion, K.}, url = {https://policyreview.info/articles/news/dream-californication-welcome-californian-consumer-privacy-act/1351}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-10-16}, journal = {Internet Policy Review}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, abstract = {The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), slated to enter into force on 1 January 2020, borrows some cutting edge ideas from the EU and others’ privacy regimes while also experimenting with new approaches to data privacy. Importantly, the CCPA envisages an online advertisement market in which business are prevented from “getting high on information,” 1 breaches are promptly notified, and consumers are autonomous participants with the ability to sell their data at will. Where the CCPA breaks new ground is in protecting consumers from retaliation for opting out of the sale of their data. Thus, if it lives up to its potential, the CCPA could catalyse a permanent restructuring of the online data mining business. Our contribution will shed light on the new CCPA and offer some observations in comparing it with EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).}, keywords = {California, Consumer Privacy, frontpage, General Data Protection Regulation, Internet}, }

Het privacy-argument tegen de Dopamine Machine external link

Privacy & Informatierecht, vol. 2018, num: 2, pp: 39-41, 2018


De kinderen van Apple-baas Steve Jobs mochten geen iPad gebruiken. 1 Maar Jobs was niet de enige. Veel techies in Silicon Valley zijn zich bewust van de verslavende effecten van IT – ze hebben de producten namelijk zelf ontwikkeld. En nu steeds meer spijtoptanten oproepen tot regulering van onlinediensten zoals Facebook, vraag ik me af: welke rol kan het privacyrecht daarbij spelen?

onlinediensten, Privacy, Regulering


Article{vanDaalen2018b, title = {Het privacy-argument tegen de Dopamine Machine}, author = {van Daalen, O.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/PrivacyInformatie_2018_2.pdf}, year = {1012}, date = {2018-10-12}, journal = {Privacy & Informatierecht}, volume = {2018}, number = {2}, pages = {39-41}, abstract = {De kinderen van Apple-baas Steve Jobs mochten geen iPad gebruiken. 1 Maar Jobs was niet de enige. Veel techies in Silicon Valley zijn zich bewust van de verslavende effecten van IT – ze hebben de producten namelijk zelf ontwikkeld. En nu steeds meer spijtoptanten oproepen tot regulering van onlinediensten zoals Facebook, vraag ik me af: welke rol kan het privacyrecht daarbij spelen?}, keywords = {onlinediensten, Privacy, Regulering}, }

Draconische Europese censuurwetten geen oplossing voor onwenselijke informatie online external link

Het Financieele Dagblad, vol. 2018, 2018

censuur, frontpage, Mediarecht


Article{Arnbak2018l, title = {Draconische Europese censuurwetten geen oplossing voor onwenselijke informatie online}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {https://axelarnbak.nl/2018/10/04/53e-fd-column-draconische-europese-censuurwetten-geen-oplossing-voor-onwenselijke-informatie-online/}, year = {1004}, date = {2018-10-04}, journal = {Het Financieele Dagblad}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, keywords = {censuur, frontpage, Mediarecht}, }

Eerste Snowden-uitspraak van Europees Hof helpt tegenstanders Nederlandse sleepwet nauwelijks external link

Het Financieele Dagblad, vol. 2018, 2018

inlichtingenwet, sleepwet, Snowden, Telecommunicatierecht


Article{Arnbak2018k, title = {Eerste Snowden-uitspraak van Europees Hof helpt tegenstanders Nederlandse sleepwet nauwelijks}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {https://axelarnbak.nl/2018/09/21/52e-fd-column-eerste-snowden-uitspraak-van-europees-hof-helpt-tegenstanders-nederlandse-sleepwet-nauwelijks/}, year = {0920}, date = {2018-09-20}, journal = {Het Financieele Dagblad}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, keywords = {inlichtingenwet, sleepwet, Snowden, Telecommunicatierecht}, }

In China’s cyberwereld is niet vrijheid, maar gehoorzaamheid de norm external link

Het Financieele Dagblad, vol. 2018, 2018

China, cybersecurity, Informatierecht


Article{Arnbak2018j, title = {In China’s cyberwereld is niet vrijheid, maar gehoorzaamheid de norm}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {https://axelarnbak.nl/2018/09/06/51e-fd-column-in-chinas-cyberwereld-is-niet-vrijheid-maar-gehoorzaamheid-de-norm/}, year = {0906}, date = {2018-09-06}, journal = {Het Financieele Dagblad}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, keywords = {China, cybersecurity, Informatierecht}, }

Intensievere samenwerking met VS sluitstuk doordrukken inlichtingenwet external link

Het Financieele Dagblad, vol. 2018, 2018

inlichtingenwet, Telecommunicatierecht


Article{Arnbak2018i, title = {Intensievere samenwerking met VS sluitstuk doordrukken inlichtingenwet}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {https://axelarnbak.nl/2018/07/12/50e-fd-column-intensievere-samenwerking-met-vs-sluitstuk-doordrukken-inlichtingenwet/}, year = {0712}, date = {2018-07-12}, journal = {Het Financieele Dagblad}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, keywords = {inlichtingenwet, Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Maatschappelijk belang onderbelicht in nieuwe Europese privacyregels external link

Het Financieele Dagblad, vol. 2018, 2018



Article{Arnbak2018h, title = {Maatschappelijk belang onderbelicht in nieuwe Europese privacyregels}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {https://axelarnbak.nl/2018/06/18/49e-fd-column-maatschappelijk-belang-onderbelicht-in-nieuwe-europese-privacyregels/}, year = {0614}, date = {2018-06-14}, journal = {Het Financieele Dagblad}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, keywords = {Privacy}, }

Nieuwe privacregels AVG bieden kansen voor innovatieve data-analyse external link

Het Financieele Dagblad, vol. 2018, 2018

AVG, Privacy


Article{Arnbak2018g, title = {Nieuwe privacregels AVG bieden kansen voor innovatieve data-analyse}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {https://axelarnbak.nl/2018/05/17/48e-fd-column-nieuwe-privacyregels-avg-bieden-kansen-voor-innovatieve-data-analyse/}, year = {0517}, date = {2018-05-17}, journal = {Het Financieele Dagblad}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, keywords = {AVG, Privacy}, }

Veranker Europese waarden in technologie van de toekomst external link

Het Financieele Dagblad, vol. 2018, 2018

Informatierecht, technologie


Article{Arnbak2018f, title = {Veranker Europese waarden in technologie van de toekomst}, author = {Arnbak, A.}, url = {https://axelarnbak.nl/2018/04/23/47e-fd-column-veranker-europese-waarden-in-technologie-van-de-toekomst/}, year = {0419}, date = {2018-04-19}, journal = {Het Financieele Dagblad}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, keywords = {Informatierecht, technologie}, }

Automated Decision-Making Fairness in an AI-driven World: Public Perceptions, Hopes and Concerns external link

Araujo, T., Vreese, C.H. de, Helberger, N., Kruikemeier, S., Weert, J. van,, Bol, N., Oberski, D., Pechenizkiy, M., Schaap, G. & Taylor, L.


Ongoing advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly part of scientific efforts as well as the public debate and the media agenda, raising hopes and concerns about the impact of automated decision making across different sectors of our society. This topic is receiving increasing attention at both national and cross- national levels. The present report contributes to informing this public debate, providing the results of a survey with 958 participants recruited from high-quality sample of the Dutch population. It provides an overview of public knowledge, perceptions, hopes and concerns about the adoption of AI and ADM across different societal sectors in the Netherlands. This report is part of a research collaboration between the Universities of Amsterdam, Tilburg, Radboud, Utrecht and Eindhoven (TU/e) on automated decision making, and forms input to the groups’ research on fairness in automated decision making.

ai, algoritmes, Artificial intelligence, automated decision making, frontpage


Report{Araujo2018, title = {Automated Decision-Making Fairness in an AI-driven World: Public Perceptions, Hopes and Concerns}, author = {Araujo, T. and Vreese, C.H. de and Helberger, N. and Kruikemeier, S. and Weert, J. van, and Bol, N. and Oberski, D. and Pechenizkiy, M. and Schaap, G. and Taylor, L.}, url = {https://www.ivir.nl/publicaties/download/Automated_Decision_Making_Fairness.pdf}, year = {1005}, date = {2018-10-05}, abstract = {Ongoing advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly part of scientific efforts as well as the public debate and the media agenda, raising hopes and concerns about the impact of automated decision making across different sectors of our society. This topic is receiving increasing attention at both national and cross- national levels. The present report contributes to informing this public debate, providing the results of a survey with 958 participants recruited from high-quality sample of the Dutch population. It provides an overview of public knowledge, perceptions, hopes and concerns about the adoption of AI and ADM across different societal sectors in the Netherlands. This report is part of a research collaboration between the Universities of Amsterdam, Tilburg, Radboud, Utrecht and Eindhoven (TU/e) on automated decision making, and forms input to the groups’ research on fairness in automated decision making.}, keywords = {ai, algoritmes, Artificial intelligence, automated decision making, frontpage}, }