Challenging Diversity – Social Media Platforms and a New Conception of Media Diversity external link

Oxford University Press, 0823, pp: 153-175, ISBN: 9780190845117

diversity, Mediarecht, Platforms, Social media


Chapter{Helberger2018b, title = {Challenging Diversity – Social Media Platforms and a New Conception of Media Diversity}, author = {Helberger, N.}, year = {0823}, date = {2018-08-23}, keywords = {diversity, Mediarecht, Platforms, Social media}, }

Rechter gaat voorbij aan regels vertrouwelijkheid external link

De Volkskrant, vol. 2018, 2018


De uitspraak van de rechter dat journalisten stiekem een gesprek in de fractiekamer van Kamerlid Farid Azarkan mochten opnemen, is slecht nieuws voor de democratie en de journalistiek.

democratie, frontpage, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, vertrouwelijkheid


Article{vanEijk2018j, title = {Rechter gaat voorbij aan regels vertrouwelijkheid}, author = {van Eijk, N. and Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0821}, date = {2018-08-21}, journal = {De Volkskrant}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, abstract = {De uitspraak van de rechter dat journalisten stiekem een gesprek in de fractiekamer van Kamerlid Farid Azarkan mochten opnemen, is slecht nieuws voor de democratie en de journalistiek.}, keywords = {democratie, frontpage, Journalistiek, Mediarecht, vertrouwelijkheid}, }

Should We Regulate Digital Platforms? A New Framework for Evaluating Policy Options external link

Nooren, P., Gorp, N. van, van Eijk, N. & Fahy, R.
Policy & Internet, vol. 2018, pp: 264-301, 2018


The economic and societal impact of digital platforms raises a number of questions for policymakers, including whether existing regulatory approaches and instruments are sufficient to promote and safeguard public interests. This article develops a practical framework that provides structure and guidance to policymakers who design policies for the digital economy. The framework differs from other approaches in taking the digital business models of platforms as the starting point for the analysis. The framework consists of three pillars, namely determining a platform's characteristics, relating these to public interests, and formulating policy options. The framework then invokes a return‐path analysis for assessing how the interventions affect the business model, whether it has the desired effect on public interests, and ensuring it has no undesired side‐effects on public interests. The framework puts forward two key messages for current discussions on digital platforms. First, one should look at the underlying characteristics of platforms rather than trying to understand digital platforms as a single category. Second, policymakers should explore existing rules and policy options, as they seem fit to deal with several characteristics of digital platforms in a time frame that matches the rapid development of platform technologies and business models.

business model analysis, competition policy, consumer protection, digital platforms, frontpage, platform regulation, public interests, Technologie en recht


Article{Nooren2018, title = {Should We Regulate Digital Platforms? A New Framework for Evaluating Policy Options}, author = {Nooren, P. and Gorp, N. van and van Eijk, N. and Fahy, R.}, url = {}, doi = {}, year = {0911}, date = {2018-09-11}, journal = {Policy & Internet}, volume = {2018}, pages = {264-301}, abstract = {The economic and societal impact of digital platforms raises a number of questions for policymakers, including whether existing regulatory approaches and instruments are sufficient to promote and safeguard public interests. This article develops a practical framework that provides structure and guidance to policymakers who design policies for the digital economy. The framework differs from other approaches in taking the digital business models of platforms as the starting point for the analysis. The framework consists of three pillars, namely determining a platform\'s characteristics, relating these to public interests, and formulating policy options. The framework then invokes a return‐path analysis for assessing how the interventions affect the business model, whether it has the desired effect on public interests, and ensuring it has no undesired side‐effects on public interests. The framework puts forward two key messages for current discussions on digital platforms. First, one should look at the underlying characteristics of platforms rather than trying to understand digital platforms as a single category. Second, policymakers should explore existing rules and policy options, as they seem fit to deal with several characteristics of digital platforms in a time frame that matches the rapid development of platform technologies and business models.}, keywords = {business model analysis, competition policy, consumer protection, digital platforms, frontpage, platform regulation, public interests, Technologie en recht}, }

How Should Facebook and Other Companies Protect Privacy While Letting People Share Their Information Between Apps and Services? external link


Blogpost part of a series on data portability and interoperability.

data portability, Facebook, frontpage, interoperabiliteit, Privacy


Online publication{vanEijk2018i, title = {How Should Facebook and Other Companies Protect Privacy While Letting People Share Their Information Between Apps and Services?}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0807}, date = {2018-08-07}, abstract = {Blogpost part of a series on data portability and interoperability.}, keywords = {data portability, Facebook, frontpage, interoperabiliteit, Privacy}, }

Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 10 april 2018 (16/02932) en Hoge Raad 10 april 2018 (16/01810) external link

Nederlandse Jurisprudentie, vol. 2018, num: 30/31, pp: 4389-4390, 2018


Over de vrijheid van het openbare debat en het verschil tussen de rol van de politicus en niet-politicus.

Annotaties, frontpage, nederlandse jurisprudentie


Article{Dommering2018i, title = {Annotatie bij Hoge Raad 10 april 2018 (16/02932) en Hoge Raad 10 april 2018 (16/01810)}, author = {Dommering, E.}, url = {}, year = {0807}, date = {2018-08-07}, journal = {Nederlandse Jurisprudentie}, volume = {2018}, number = {30/31}, pages = {4389-4390}, abstract = {Over de vrijheid van het openbare debat en het verschil tussen de rol van de politicus en niet-politicus.}, keywords = {Annotaties, frontpage, nederlandse jurisprudentie}, }

Kroniek Telecommunicatierecht external link

KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi, vol. 2018, num: 147, pp: 8631-8632, 2018

Kronieken, Telecommunicatierecht


Article{Eijk2018i, title = {Kroniek Telecommunicatierecht}, author = {van Eijk, N.}, url = {}, year = {0803}, date = {2018-08-03}, journal = {KwartaalSignaal Ars Aequi}, volume = {2018}, number = {147}, pages = {8631-8632}, keywords = {Kronieken, Telecommunicatierecht}, }

Global Online Piracy Study external link

Kluwer Copyright Blog, vol. 2018, 2018


The percentage of Internet users in Europe that occasionally download or stream music, films, series, books or games illegally has decreased between 2014 and 2017. The decrease is greatest for music, films and series. Meanwhile, expenditure on legal content has increased since 2014. This follows from the Global Online Piracy Study that the Institute for Information Law (IViR) of the University of Amsterdam published today.

Copyright, downloading, Internet, piracy


Article{Quintais2018e, title = {Global Online Piracy Study}, author = {Quintais, J. and Poort, J.}, url = {}, year = {0803}, date = {2018-08-03}, journal = {Kluwer Copyright Blog}, volume = {2018}, pages = {}, abstract = {The percentage of Internet users in Europe that occasionally download or stream music, films, series, books or games illegally has decreased between 2014 and 2017. The decrease is greatest for music, films and series. Meanwhile, expenditure on legal content has increased since 2014. This follows from the Global Online Piracy Study that the Institute for Information Law (IViR) of the University of Amsterdam published today.}, keywords = {Copyright, downloading, Internet, piracy}, }

Annotatie bij EHRM 30 januari 2018 (Sekmadienis Ltd. / Litouwen) external link

Mediaforum, vol. 2018, num: 3, pp: 84-87, 2018

advertenties, Annotaties, EHRM, frontpage, reclame, Vrijheid van meningsuiting


Article{Kabel2018c, title = {Annotatie bij EHRM 30 januari 2018 (Sekmadienis Ltd. / Litouwen)}, author = {Kabel, J.}, url = {}, year = {0803}, date = {2018-08-03}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2018}, number = {3}, pages = {84-87}, keywords = {advertenties, Annotaties, EHRM, frontpage, reclame, Vrijheid van meningsuiting}, }

Kroniek Persrecht 2017 external link

Volgenant, O. & McGonagle, T.
Mediaforum, vol. 2018, num: 3, pp: 67-69, 2018


In 2017 stond de Nederlandse journalistiek onder druk. Veiligheid van journalisten is daarbij een belangrijk thema. Twee misdaadjournalisten worden zo ernstig bedreigd dat ze moeten worden beschermd. Een wet met nieuwe bevoegdheden voor de Nederlandse geheime diensten zet bronbescherming onder druk. Er werden in 2017 weer regelmatig rechtszaken tegen de media gevoerd, maar de rechter besliste in het merendeel van de gevallen in het voordeel van de media. Wel kunnen procedures tegen de media en individuele journalisten, waarbij steeds vaker een beroep op de privacyregelgeving wordt gedaan, een ‘chilling effect’ hebben.

bronbescherming, Journalistiek, Kronieken, Mediarecht, Persrecht


Article{Volgenant2018, title = {Kroniek Persrecht 2017}, author = {Volgenant, O. and McGonagle, T.}, url = {}, year = {0803}, date = {2018-08-03}, journal = {Mediaforum}, volume = {2018}, number = {3}, pages = {67-69}, abstract = {In 2017 stond de Nederlandse journalistiek onder druk. Veiligheid van journalisten is daarbij een belangrijk thema. Twee misdaadjournalisten worden zo ernstig bedreigd dat ze moeten worden beschermd. Een wet met nieuwe bevoegdheden voor de Nederlandse geheime diensten zet bronbescherming onder druk. Er werden in 2017 weer regelmatig rechtszaken tegen de media gevoerd, maar de rechter besliste in het merendeel van de gevallen in het voordeel van de media. Wel kunnen procedures tegen de media en individuele journalisten, waarbij steeds vaker een beroep op de privacyregelgeving wordt gedaan, een ‘chilling effect’ hebben.}, keywords = {bronbescherming, Journalistiek, Kronieken, Mediarecht, Persrecht}, }